Culture Wars: James Davison Hunter (#12): "Anatomy of the Cultural Confl...
A most interesting set of comments are made about "elites" and "intellectuals" in the shaping of public culture--media, academics, politicians, law schools, seminaries and more. The average American doesn't get much of a say other than voting. He or she is busy running their private lives with little voice to shape the public discourse. Christian "elites" and "intellectuals," we would argue, in the media, academy, government, law schools and seminaries must give voice to God's Word to all spheres of life.
To his credit, Prof. Hunter does claim that every "system of thought" is religious at its root, irrespective of the name.
Yet, as an aside, was Prof. Hunter's editor, we continue to "x out by black ink" the terms he continues to use: "secularism," "progressivism" and "humanism," as if there are facts in the universe apart from God. Phewey on that crummy theology!
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