Laud's Trial (#1): Speeches in Commons, pp.20ff.

9. Hee hath for the same trayterous, and wicked intent, chosen and imployed, such men to be his owne Domesticall Chaplaines, whom he knew to be notorious∣ly disaffected to the reformed Religion, grosly addicted to popish superstition, and erroneous, and unsound both in judgement and practise, and to them or some of them hath he committed the Licensing of Bookes to be printed, by which meanes divers false and superstitious bookes have beene published, to the great scandall of Religion, and to the seducing of many His Majesties Subjects.

10. Hee hath traiterously and wickedly endeavoured to reconcile the Church of England with the Church of Rome; and for the effecting thereof hath consorted, and confederated with diverse Popish Priests, and Jesuites; and hath kept secret in∣telligence with the Pope of Rome, and by himselfe his Agents and instruments, treated with such as have from thence received authoritie, and instruction, hee hath permitted, and countenanced a Popish Hierarchie, or Ecclesiasticall government to bee established in this Kingdome: by all which trayterous and malicious practises this Church and Kingdome hath beene exceedingly indangered, and like to fall un∣der the Tyrannie of the Roman See.

11. He in his owne person, and his Suffragans, Visitors, Surrogates, Chancellors and other Officers, by his command, have caused divers learned pious, and Orthodox Ministers of Gods Word to be silenced, suspended, deprived, degraded, excommu∣nicated, and otherwise grieved, without any just and lawfull cause: and by diverse other meanes he hath hindered the preaching of Gods Word, caused divers of His Majesties loyall Subjects to forsake the Kingdome, and increased, and cherished Ig∣norance, and profanenesse amongst the people, that so hee might the better facili∣tate the way to the effecting of his owne wicked and traiterous designe, of altering, and corrupting the true religion here established.


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