Theological Journals, Part 4: 8/30/2022
Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): in “The Perfectly Triune God,” Rev. Marco Barone gives a review of classical theism from Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas and others—God is relational in and outside the Trinitarian life.
Themelios (Dec 2021): in “Ben Sira’s Canon Conscious Interpretive Strategies: His Narrative History and Realization of the Jewish Scriptures,” Peter Beckman (PhD candidate, U. of Ottawa) continues to sustain the thesis on Ben Sira’s canonical consciousness—a Bible-man if we may.
Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies (5.2: 2020): in “The One Church, the Many Churches,” the Roman scholar, Eduardo Echeverria, turns to Vatican 2 and Lerinian hermeneutics.
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal (1837): the Editor is covering all Biblical characters who engaged in praying. A staggering and glorious review.
Southwestern Theological Journal (Fall 2021): BOOK REVIEW: Paul and the Language of Faith. By Nijay K. Gupta. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2020, 225pp., $34.99. Gupta is worried by trends about faith as “opinion,” trust without evidence, and as creedal only.
The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (January 1837). The Editors review “Melancthon’s Letters:” the beginning is made of Melancthon’s life, born in 1497, BA in 1511, and MA in 1514. He’s known to Reuchlin and will end up at the new University of Wittenberg.
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