Theological Journals, Part 3: 8/26/2022
“The Fundamentals—A Testimony to the Truth, Vol. 4:” in “Modern Philosophy,” Attorney-at-Law, Philip Mauro explicates Paul’s warning about vain philosophy and worldly deceits vis a vis Col. 2.8-10. Very provocative in a good sense. PRACTICAL: Evaluate Coppleston’s 8-volume “History of Philosophy” was that warning in view.
“Theologians You Should Know: Apostolic Fathers to the 21st Century,” Dr. Michael Reeves discusses Irenaeus’s “recapitulation” view of Christ. PRACTICAL: not sure, but the Gnostics are driven off the field. Reminds one of the recurrence of doctrinal errors and vanities.
Reformed Faith and Practice (May 2022): in “Geerhardus Vos and the Interpretation of Romans 1:3-4,” Dr. J. V. Fesko, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, completes the historical tour of exegetes on the text. Then, with the panorama in view, he’ll turn to Vos. PRACTICAL: Dr. Fesko is a role model of careful exegetical work, done with clarity and accessibility. Cause for thanksgiving and praise.
Concordia Theological Journal (January 2022), in in “Scaer and Preuss on Justification,” outlines the conflicts in the 1960-1970s at Concordia Seminary including the Bultmannian, Barthian, and “classical liberal” views of the 20th century. Preuss faces off with all his colleagues on the faculty. Of note, he took his PhD under Dr. Torrance at Edinburgh and Dr. Torrance said that Preuss had the best background in original language that he had ever seen. Dr. Preuss lectured at Reformed Episcopal Seminary on the “doctrine of Scriptures.” PRACTICAL: Don’t let those subscriptions lapse. Dr. Preuss maintained such until Concordia Seminary was cleaned up in the 1970s-1980s (as memory serves).
Themelios (Dec 2021): in “Ben Sira’s Canon Conscious Interpretive Strategies: His Narrative History and Realization of the Jewish Scriptures,” Peter Beckman (PhD candidate, U. of Ottawa) notes that the “tripartite division” in the Hebrew canon was known to Ben Sira, his son and grandson. Very nice piece of historical retrieval.
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal (1837): the Editor is elucidating the subject of prayer along the lines of the WSC. Glorious expatiation.
Southwestern Theological Journal (Fall 2021): BOOK REVIEW: Demons: What the Bible Really Says about the Powers of Darkness. By Michael Heiser. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020, xviii+320pp., $19.99. Dr. Heiser postulates three rebellions: Genesis 3, 6 and 11. He believes Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 29 helps as collateral commentary with regional, institutional and individual instances of demonic governance. PRACTICAL: puts forward a subject that gets no publicity in the centers of religious commentary. Helpful.
The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (January 1837). The Editors review “Melancthon’s Letters:” opening comments. PRACTICAL: theological retrieval before conversation. Of note, we would add that Melancthon and Calvin maintained cordial and warm relations despite their differrences.
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