Theological Journals, Part 2: 8/25/2022
Table Talk (August 2022): Exodus 21-23, the Covenant Code, dealing with laws for indentured servants/employees in ancient Israel. A compassionate system.
Table Talk (September 2022): “The Doctrine of Man:” offers a poetic approach of development from the cosmos to the creation of Adam and Eve. By poetic, one refers to the manner of development by Craig Troxel, not Moses.
Standard Bearer: (July 2022): in “Antinomian,” Prof. Camenga is about to reveal antimonianism in the RPC schism of recent vintage with the PRCs.
Standard Bearer (August 2022): in “Confessing our Sins,” Rev. Slopsema exposits 1 John 1.9 in a copious and clear way.
Bibliotheca Sacra (Jan-Mar 2021): in “A Chronology of the Life of Christ with Emphasis on the Nativity and Epiphany,” Kurt Simmons, J.D., is still arguing 25 Dec, 2 BC as the date for Christ’s nativity. Quite a piece of scholarship.
Modern Reformation (July/Aug 2022): in “Who Says? Solving Doctrinal Controversy,” Dr. Matthew Barrett addresses the necessity of good theological controversy. Not with a “butcher’s knife,” but the “surgeon’s scalpel” that cuts out doctrinal error, apostasy and heresy. He notes a native desire on the part of some to humble themselves, review their doctrines and make corrections.
Calvin Theological Journal (Spring 2022): “Theological Interpretation in Nigeran Prosperity Preachers:” Dr. Samuel Okanlewon notes that he will use the time-tested and honored interpretative rule: Scripture interprets Scripture, predicated on the unitive witness on the One God.
Westminster Theological Journal (Nov 2021, 355-381): BOOK REVIEW: “The Ancient Mediterranean Social World” by Zeba Crook (ed.): this is a collection of primary sources from the intertestamental period on varied dimensions of social life, minus religion which is an assumed predicate.
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