Morning Prayer--8/22/2022
Halley’s “Bible Handbook:” discusses the two major highways through Canaan: the road from Egypt along the Mediterranean and the highway—south to north—on the Transjordanian route.
For Psalm 29, Prof. Calvin comments on the sovereignty of God in nature and the omnipotence of His Word over nature.
Zondervan Pictorial Bible: “Isaiah:” Prof. O.T. Allis discusses the trito-Isaiah view of composition, commenting on Isaiah 7, 9, 11, 53 and the Cyrus prediction.
ISBE on “Leviticus:” sacrifices are on review.
For Genesis 24: Prof. Keil discusses Abraham’s servant to Haran and Laban’s house in search of a wife for Isaac.
For Judges 13, Prof. Keil comments on the visit of the Angel of the LORD to Samson’s mother.
For Isaiah 13, Prof. Henry comments on the doom of Babylon under divine judgment. Value: reminder that nations face the Judge despite widespread denials.
ISBE on Johannine Theology, Prof. I. Howard Marshall comments on the “Paraclete” passages.
For Mathew 11.1-19, Prof. Jamieson comments on questions of John the Baptist put to Jesus.
For Romans 7, Prof. Hodge further comments on verses 14-25 regarding justification and sanctification.
For Acts 2.1ff., Prof. Henry comments on tongues as miraculous.
Frederick Copleston’s “History of Philosophy: Greece and Rome (1.1):” discusses the Socratic dialectic and conversations in varied pieces.
EDT: “Last Judgment:” we would add this is little-noted in public spheres including churches.
For Systematic Theology (locus 2), Prof. Hodge discusses Epicureanism and materialism as an anti-theistic approach.
For Theology Proper (locus 2), Prof. Reymond comments on God’s common kindness and goodness to humans in divine providence.
For Theology Proper (locus 2), Prof. Berkhof comments on natural and supernatural revelation, all revealed by God Himself.
ODCC: “Genealogy of Christ:” a short blurb of little note.
For Apostolic Christianity, Vol. 1 (1-100) Prof. Schaff is still long-gabbing about the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15.
For Medieval Christianity, Vol. 4 (590-1073), Prof. Schaff discusses the saintly St. Nilus (c.950 AD) who fearlessly rebuked the Pope and Emperor Otho 3.
For the Swiss Reformation Vol. 8 (1519-1605), Prof. Schaff discusses Calvin’s enormous appetite for hard work.
For Dr. Cranmer, Prof. MacCulloch discusses Dr. Cranmer’s attempt to uphold the injunctions cutting down on holy days, but complains of the difficulty given the practices in Henry’s own orbit.
For the Creeds of Christendom, Vol. 1, Prof. Schaff discusses Bellarmine’s attack on Lutheranism’s Ubiquitarianism. Now that’s some fun stuff.
1994 CCC: our infallibilists in paragraphs #749-750 discusses credo in ecclesiam.
Westminster Confession of Faith 14.1:
Of Saving Faith
1. The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls, is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts, and is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word, by which also, and by the administration of the sacraments, and prayer, it is increased and strengthened.
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