Theological Journals

Westminster Theological Journal (Nov 2021, 251-266): “A Brief Rejoinder to Kevin DeYoung,” Dr. Shannon speaks of pseudo-wisdom, debased and bewildered judgment. It’s like a graceful house stuck by a heavy and violent blow in a single moment. The house was made beautiful beyond measure, but is now broken and ruined, and buried in a pile of pieces. Human nature was graceful, but has passed away and now is buried in the jumbled and disorganized mass of our viciousness.

Mid-America Journal of Theology (Fall 2021, 7-34): in “Mea Culpa: An Apology for Original Sin,” Dr. Hans Madueme notes that OS has broader theological warrants than Romans 5.12. Augustine beat this drum endlessly—to wit, original sin as imputed and transmitted guilt and corruption is a “Whole-Bible-Doctrine.”

Anglican & Episcopal History (Sept 2014), in “Ecclesiology of Prayer Book Illustrations,” Posey Krakowski comments on the illustration for the First Sunday in Advent, reminding all that Christ is present always—before, during and after: he is the Alpha and Omega.

Churchman (Winter 2018): “Editorial:” Dr. Gerald Bray comments on the intense pressure to compromise on sexual issues. Progressives pull the tactic of “lack of lack” and “exclusivism,” or, “lack of generous reciprocity” and other hat-tricks. We hold to heterosexual monogamy, despite its intolerable tolerance in some OT patriarchs. Homosexuality has never been allowed or accepted by Christians. Divorce has been tightly limited and tolerated, but not as the ideal. We are to uphold the supremacy of God’s Word.

Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): “In the Way of Obedience,” Rev. Joshua Englesma closes his article out.

Reformed Theological Journal (Sept 2021), in “From the Periphery to the Center: American Presbyterianism and Global Presbyterianism,” Dr. D. G. Hart wonders about the future of Presbyterianism. Is it in the ICU? Last gasp?

Southwestern Theological Journal (Fall 2021), in “Use of the OT in the Synoptics,” Craig Evans continues to expound convincingly the 5-fold structure of Matthew.

The Biblical Repertory/Princeton Review (Volume 9, Issue 1, 1837, pages 29ff.). James Waddel Archibald review Paul Henry’s “The Life of John Calvin, the Great Reformer” (Vol. 1, 1835). Rev. Archibald magnificently reviews the Preface (s) to Francis 1 in varied editions of the Institutes.

Concordia Theological Journal (Winter 2020), “Luther and Bonhoeffer on the Sermon on the Mount: Similar Tasks, Different Tools,” Dr. Theodore Hopkins discusses “Law and Gospel” in both men, yet, with different applications.

Princeton Theological Review (Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2019), in the “Militant and the Void: The Communist Christologies of Ernst Block, Alain Badiou, and Pier Paolo Pasolini, Mr. Casey Aldridge bafflegabs about Pasolinis’ cinematic Jesus and Paul in contrast to Block and Badiou. No church historians, confessions, or exegesis is to be found anywhere.


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