Theological Journals
Theological Journal (Nov 2021, 275-297): “The Reformers and the Descendit Clause,”
Rev. Joe Mock discusses Aquinas, 1215 Lateran Council and Trent as affirming
Christ’s soul going to hell, the “harrowing of hell.” Zwingli deals with such
in article 35 of his 67 Articles (1523).
Journal of Theology (Fall 2021, 7-34): in “Mea Culpa: An Apology for Original
Sin,” Dr. Hans Madueme notes that original guilt reminds us that infants are
sinners needing substitutionary atonement. Election, infant baptism and
generation are well-known and well-worn intra-Reformed debates.
& Episcopal History (Sept 2014), in “Ecclesiology of Prayer Book
Illustrations,” Posey Krakowski discusses the illustrations from the 1681
edition of the 1662 BCP.
(Winter 2018): “Nature in the Thought of John Calvin,” Lik-Ping Ng notes that
Calvin has a high view of nature. Little birds singing to God, animals
acclaiming Him, mountains resounding with lakes and springs throwing Him their
glance. Yet, despite so great a manifestation, there is a great stupidity. The
article proposes to examine natural theology: its extent, limitations,
objectives, and functions.
Protestant Reformed Theological
Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): (Fall, 2021, pages 44-79): “’Committing the Truth to
Faith Men’: Centennial History of the Protestant Reformed Theological
Seminary,” Douglas Kuiper reviews the setup of the Seminary.
Reformed Theological Journal (Sept
2021), a book review of Edwin Van Driel’s “Rethinking Paul: Protestant Theology
and Pauline Exegesis,” Dr. Michael Allen notes Van Driel’s facile, if not
hilarious, complaint that justification is about ecclesiology, not soteriology.
Theological Journal (Fall 2021), in “Use of the OT in the Synoptics,” Craig
Evans finished his article.
The Biblical Repertory/Princeton
Review (Volume 9, Issue
1, 1837, pages 29ff.). James Waddel Archibald review Paul Henry’s
“The Life of John Calvin, the Great Reformer” (Vol. 1, 1835). Rev. Archibald
notes comments on Farel, Viret and Calvin. Apparently, an 1833 Biblical Repertory
deals with Farel’s life fully.
Theological Journal (Winter 2020), “Luther and Bonhoeffer on the Sermon on the
Mount: Similar Tasks, Different Tools,” Dr. Theodore Hopkins continues to
explore—uneventfully—Luther on the Sermon.
Princeton Theological Review
(Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2019), in the “Evangelicos y Argentina: A Case Study of
Evangelicals in the Political Sphere in Argentina 1990-2018,” Stephen DiTrolio
Coakley talks about the breakout of Pentecostals in the Catholic, hegemonic
country. Very well done article.
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