Evening Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
For Psalm 18, Prof. Calvin notes that God will show Himself gentle and good to the merciful and faithful, but will walk contrary to the obstinate and proud. ISBE on Exodus: Prof. R. K. Harrison is still piecing together internal scrolls in Exodus. Conjectural. For Genesis 1: Prof. Keil finished chapter 1 and broached 2.1-3, the conclusion of the Creation. For Joshua 22, Joshua talks about the presumption of the two and ½ tribes setting up their own altar without consultation of Joshua or the other tribes. For Isaiah 6.5-8, Prof. Henry stupefies the reader by discussing the impact of the heavenly vision on Isaiah. Recalibrative, humbling and energizing too. ISBE on Mark: Dr. R. P. Martin introducing “Marcan priority.” For Mathew 5.1ff., Prof. Jamiesson speaks of those hungering and thirsting for righteousness. For Romans, Prof. Hodge continues to encroach and take-down Jewish presumptiveness and sense of superiority. For Revelation 14.13-20, Prof. Henry finishes the disc...