16 October 2015 A.D. Nigeria’s Archbishop Okoh: “Purpose of marriage fixed for Anglicans by the BCP”… “we’re not animals on the side of a road…”

16 October 2015 A.D. Nigeria’s Archbishop Okoh: “Purpose
of marriage fixed for Anglicans by the BCP”… “we’re not animals on the side of
a road…”
Conger, George. “Purpose of marriage fixed for Anglicans by
th BCP says Okoh.” Anglican Ink. 15
Oct 2015. http://www.anglicanink.com/article/purposes-marriage-fixed-anglicans-bcp-says-okoh.
15 Oct 2015.
Purposes of marriage fixed for Anglicans by the BCP says Okoh
Oct 2015
George Conger
The purposes and principles of marriage as given in the
Book of Common Prayer defines marriage, the Primate of All-Nigeria, the Most
Rev. Nicholas Okoh, told his diocese’s 16th Annual Women’s Conference last week
in Abuja. Attempts by some western churches and nations to redefine marriage to
include covenanted relationships between persons of the same gender were
theologically impossible and morally suspect, he said. “In our context,
marriage is the relationship between a man and a woman, any other thing is an
abomination. The purpose is for companionship and strength whereby the wife is
strength to her husband and so also the husband. It should not only be in their
youth but also as they grow older they begin to complement each other in a very
strong way so that they kill the boredom of loneliness," he said on 10 Oct
2015. Attempts to separate marriage from procreation were unnatural, he
observed. “The western world may want to adopt people's children but certainly
the child is not their own and in fact their influence on such children is not
going to be very healthy.” Christians were called to control their appetites,
he said, stating the only proper expression of genital sexual congress was
within male-female marriage. We are not animals that express their emotions and
sexual feelings on the road, so marriage is honourable and dignified as
described in the Bible,” the archbishop said.
- See more at: http://www.anglicanink.com/article/purposes-marriage-fixed-anglicans-bcp-says-okoh#sthash.wysnrbpp.dpuf
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