16 October 1555 A.D. Martyrdom of Bishops Latimer and Ridley

16 October 1555 A.D. Martyrdom of Bishops Latimer and Ridley
Ridgeway, Claire. “16 October 1555—The Martyrdom of
Bishops of Latimer and Ridley.” The Anne
Boleyn Files. 16 Oct 2015. http://www.theanneboleynfiles.com/16-october-1555-the-martyrdom-of-bishops-latimer-and-ridley/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheAnneBoleynFiles+%28The+Anne+Boleyn+Files%29.
Accessed 16 Oct 2015.
16 October 1555 – The Martyrdom of Bishops Latimer and Ridley
Posted By Claire
on October 16, 2015
On this day in history, 16th October 1555, during the reign of
Mary I, Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester, and Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of
London, were burnt at the stake for heresy in Oxford.
Ridley and Latimer, along with Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, who was
burnt at the stake on 21st March 1556, are known as the Oxford Martyrs. Their
lives and deaths are commemorated in Oxford by Martyrs’ Memorial, a stone
monument just outside Balliol College, and a cross of stones set into the road
in Broad Street which marks the site of their burnings.
here to read more about Bishops Latimer and Ridley, and
martyrologist John Foxe’s account of their deaths.
Also on this day in history, on 16th October 1532, while Anne
Boleyn and Henry VIII were lodged in Calais, the Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Derby
and a group of gentleman met with “the great mayster of Fraunce” and his men at
the English Pale, six miles outside of Calais. This meeting was to plan where
Henry VIII would meet Francis I. After the meeting, the two groups rode back to
Calais, where they dined with Henry VIII. The purpose of the trip to Calais was
for Henry and Anne to gain Francis I’s public recognition and approval of their
relationship. Henry wanted Francis to then meet with the Pope and push the case
for the annulment of Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
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