15 October 2015 A.D. REPROBATE MIND: ATLANTA: Episcopal Bishop reprobatishly endorses pansexuality to children in gay pride parade

October 2015 A.D. REPROBATE MIND: ATLANTA: Episcopal Bishop reprobatishly endorses
pansexuality to children in gay pride parade
Virtue, David.
“ATLANTA: Episcopal Bishop Endorses Pansexuality to Children in Gay Pride
Parade.” Virtueonline.org. 14 Oct
2015. http://virtueonline.org/atlanta-episcopal-bishop-endorses-pansexuality-children-gay-pride-parade.
15 Oct 2015.
ATLANTA: Episcopal Bishop Endorses Pansexuality to Children in Gay Pride Parade
By David W. Virtue, DD
October 14, 2015
Episcopal participation in Gay Pride parades is not new. Episcopal bishops from New York to San Francisco have been regular habitues at such events, praising and supporting the LGBTQ community in all its pretentious colorful array and full precocious public acclamation of pansexuality.
However, until now we have not seen a bishop so overtly supportive of such events featuring bizarrely dressed men and women with the Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, Episcopal Bishop of Atlanta, participating in a Gay Pride parade IN THE PRESENCE OF CHILDREN.
This is not merely the support of a lifestyle condemned by Scripture, the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, the Southern Baptist Convention, numerous evangelical churches, 2000 years of church history, reason, and revelation. The gay lifestyle is now being eulogized and proclaimed as good and right in the eyes of God--because a revisionist Episcopal bishop says so.
And this behavior comes from a diocese that proudly hosts regular Safeguarding our Children programs on child sexual abuse awareness. A blurb on the diocesan website says the program provides participants with information they need to protect the children they know and care for in their personal lives and in their ministries.
And here is the bishop walking down Main Street, high-fiving children who are being publicly exposed to overt displays of queerly dressed men and women in a manner which can only contribute to the children's sexualization!
The problem is not just the dress (or undress) of the participants or their rather sexualized gesticulations during such events. It is also the countless stories of the effects these displays have on children later in life, many of whom become victims of sexual predators.
Scripture enjoins us to lead spiritually wholesome lives in Christ and certainly to refrain from any public displays or behavior that might suggest moral uncleanness. Yet these parades publicly flaunt numerous bizarre sexualities in front of children--and the bishop publicly endorses this behavior.
To legitimize this behavior is one thing. To expose children to such persons engaging in public sexual displays which can only be misunderstood and lead to harm is quite another.
St. Paul in I Corinthians 8:13 writes, "Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall." Exchange the word "meat" for "sexual misbehavior," and you get the drift immediately.
Jesus was more explicit in Matthew 18:6, where he says, "But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned . . ."
For a contrasting point of view on this terrible news story, read "A Pastor's Journey from Gay Pride Parades to the Pulpit: How Caleb Kaltenbach Shed His Anti-Christian Upbringing."
What follows is an excerpt from that article, previously published in Christianity Today:
When Caleb Kaltenbach was two years old, both his mother and father came out as gay, then got a divorce. Growing up, he absorbed their antagonism toward Christians, but went on to embrace Christianity as a teenager. In Messy Grace: How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction (WaterBrook Press), Kaltenbach, a pastor in Southern California, charts the path to reconciling with his parents, who are now both believers.
Where did [his] youthful hatred of Christians come from?
His mom and her partner were active in gay-rights organizations. They took him to gay clubs, parties, and campouts. He marched in gay pride parades and went to political events. That was just his life.
"I hated Christians because I saw how they treated gay people. At the end of one parade, I saw signs saying, 'God hates you.' Protesters were spraying water and urine on people. I asked my mom, 'Why are they acting that way?' She said, 'Caleb, they're Christians, and Christians hate gay people.'
"My dad and I sometimes attended an Episcopal Church [boldface added], but it didn't teach me much about God. I was an altar boy but fell asleep during most services. I learned that evangelicals were people who wouldn't like you if you weren't a white Republican."
Asked how he was able to repair the relationship with his parents, Caleb said this:
"After I came to Christ, my parents were irate. My dad grounded me. He told me I was basically disowning him. My mom wouldn't talk to me for months. When I told them I believed that God intended sexual intimacy only for one man and one woman that created more trauma.
"But I always told them that God loved them, not based on their sexuality but because of what his Son accomplished on the cross. I had to continually show them examples of people, including my friends, who were not like the Christians they had known before."
You can read the full story here: http://tinyurl.com/nlq35o3
What the Bishop of Atlanta did was evil. He should be called to account, but this will not happen because the Episcopal Church has embraced all manner of sexualities and sold out to the Father of Lies. This bishop is one of his best minions.
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