14 October 1916 A.D. Birth: Dr. C. Everett Koop, U.S. Surgeon General and PCA Elder (Tenth Presbyterian for years)

14 October 1916
A.D. Birth:
Dr. C. Everett Koop, U.S. Surgeon General and PCA Elder (Tenth Presbyterian for
Myers, David T. “October 14: Dr. C. Everett Koop.” This Day in Presbyterian History. 14 Oct
2015. http://www.thisday.pcahistory.org/2015/10/october-14-3/. Accessed 14 Oct 2015.
October 14: Dr. C. Everett Koop
To Spare a Mother’s Life is a Myth
of Abortion
statement of the medical doctor blew the lid off of one of the more famous
grounds of abortion. He said, “protection of the life of the mother as an
exercise of abortion is a smoke screen. In my thirty-six years of pediatric
surgery, I have never known of one instances where the child had to be aborted
to save the mother’s life. If toward the end of the pregnancy complications
would arise that threaten the mother’s life, the doctor will induce labor or
perform a Caesarean section. His intention is to save the life of both
the mother and the baby. The baby’s life is never willfully destroyed because
the mother’s life is in danger. To spare a mother’s life is a myth of abortion.”
said this? None other than C. Everett Koop, who served for two
terms under President Ronald Reagan as Surgeon General of the United
States in the nineteen eighties (1982 – 1989). C. Everett Koop was
pro-life in his views of life in the womb.
in Brooklyn, New York on October 14, 1916, “Chick” Koop, as
he was known by his friends, certainly had the education to make him the
top doctor in the country. Educated at Dartmouth College in his
undergraduate years, he went on to receive degree after degree at the top
medical hospitals in the country. In addition, he received forty-one
honorary doctorates.
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he joined Tenth Presbyterian Church, serving as
a ruling elder of that P.C.A. congregation. He cooperated with Francis
Schaeffer in producing the “How Then Shall We Live” series, which informed
American Christians of their duty to be salt and light in the midst of a
corrupting and darksome culture.
of this writing, he lives up in New Hampshire.
Words to live by: If
you check on the world-wide web, you can find some other statements by Dr.
Koop dealing with the issues which define our world, such as euthanasia,
which he decries that medicine cannot be considered our healer and our killer
at the same time. We can thank God that he was raised up for such a time
and age as this, when sound biblical conclusions needed to be raised in a culture
which devalues life.
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