15 October 8th Century A.D. Thecla, An Aide-de-Camp to Boniface, Missionary to the Teutons

October 8th Century A.D. Thecla,
An Aide-de-Camp to Boniface, Missionary to the Teutons
Graves, Dan. “Thecla, a Woman to Tame the Teutons.” Christianity.com.
April 2007. http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/601-900/thecla-a-woman-to-tame-the-wild-teutons-11629749.html. Accessed 31 May 2014.
The savage Teutonic people of
Northern Europe were brought to Christ by missionaries in the eighth century.
The most famous of these gospel-bearers was Boniface. Among his helpers were
Christianity succeeds best where it reaches both sexes in a
double-pronged attack. The importance of mature Christian women as examples for
new converts and as educators of children was not lost on Boniface. He asked
Tetta, the abbess of Wimborne, Dorset, to send him assistants. Tetta sent Lioba
and Thecla to his aid.
Boniface appointed these women as
heads of monastic institutions observing the Benedictine rule. Their work
endured even after he had been butchered by pagans. Many a man has been able to
work on his feet because others supported him on their knees. Boniface relied
on his "daughters" as more than heads of abbeys. He called on them to
be his prayer partners.
In a famous letter to the
"...revered and dearly loved sisters Leobgith and Thecla, and to
Cynehild," he wrote: "I urge and direct you, beloved daughters, to
pray to our Lord frequently, as we trust you do constantly, and will continue
to do, as you have in the past ... and know that we praise God, and our heart's
yearning grows that God our Lord, refuge of the poor and hope of the lowly,
will free us from our straits and the trials of this evil age, that His word
may spread, and the wonderful Gospel of Christ be held in honor, that His grace
be not fruitless in me... And... pray that I may not die without some fruit for
that Gospel."
It seems that Thecla's character
was so noble that when she oversaw Kitzingen, she was simply called Heilga,
which means "The Saint." This day, October 15,
is her feast day in various church calendars.
A grisly story is associated with
the remains of St. Thecla. During the Peasant Wars in Germany, rebels
desecrated the graves of St. Thecla and St. Adelheid. One of the ruffians used
their heads to play a game of skittles. Their bodies were covered with rubbish
when a new church was built. Despite this outrage, the echoes of the good they
did cannot be muted and we are sure that they will rise again at the
Butler, Alban. Lives of the
Saints. Westminster, Maryland: Christian Classics, 1981, 1956.
Casanova, Gertrude. "St. Thecla."
Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
"Thecla, St." The Oxford
Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A.
Livingstone. Oxford, 1997.
Various internet articles.
Last updated April, 2007.
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