
Showing posts from 2023

George Smeaton: "The Holy Spirit" (p. 73, #7)

Prof. Smeaton enumerates the extraordinary and ordinary gifts of the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Holy Spirit in the book of Acts and 1 Corinthians 12-14. He prepares to turn to the epistles of Paul, Peter, James and Jude in the next session. Prof. Smeaton is working diachronically from Genesis up to this point. Not a fact of general or redemptive providence is outside the minutest or grandest detail of history. History is the outworking of the eternal decrees of the Triune God. That's why the Greeks, Romanists, Anglo-Catholics and Arminians defame the Triune God with their hair-splitting obfuscations, defamations of God and the bowings to the idol of free will, while destroying the effectuality of divine grace.

Jerome Zanchius: "Absolute Predestination" (p. 72, #6)

Those that deny the power of God in doing as He wills with his creatures and who trumpet/exclaim against the against the unconditional decrees as cruel, tyranni cal, and unjust... Either they know not what they say....the vast majority including these American Anglican Bipsters in hats and drapes... Nor know what they affirm...being many are... Or, as for the leaders in the Roman, Greek, Anglo-Catholic, Wesleyan or Arminian orbits... are willful blasphemers of His name and are perverse rebels against his Absolute Sovereignty.... To such divine Sovereignty, they will, at last, however obstinately, be forced to submit. The heavenly Chorus will sing "Alleluias" when Babylon falls.

A. W. Pink's "Sovereignty of God" (p. 54. #5): The Father, Son and Holy ...


John Owen's "Display of Arminianism" (Vol. 10, p.55ff., #7)

ARMINIANS BELCH BLASPHEMIES AGAINST GOD AND TRUMPET THEIR PRAISES TO THEIR OWN WORKS. Dr. Owen exposes the corruption to the Trinity and His works by the Arminians. Election becomes God's post-election, following man's meritorious life of perseverence. Then God elects at the end of the dying man's life. It upends and inverts predestination. Episcopisu, Arminius and the Remonstrants clearly aver and affirm that God is often frustrated and fails of His designs. The more crafty and ingenioius ones, limiting the damage, refer only to salvation-issues allowing God to run the galaxies and nations. This resistibility to God's sovereign will is taught by Romanists, Greeks, Anglo-Catholics, ACNA and REC Bishops and others in the mainline and evangelical worlds, truth be told. NAPARC Churchmen are surrounded by doctrinal deficits between the ears of collars from seminaries. Time to fight back and exalt God. Slam the devilish profanations for what they are. Courage and clear think...

Augustus Toplady's "Doctrinal Calvinism in the Church of England" (p. 10...

Rev. Toplady retails the Papal execrations and anathemetizations of Janenism and his work on Augustine. The Romanistic anti-Jansenism was Europe-wide and ordered the withholding of last rites to any Jansenist (pro-Augustinian). Toplady briefly tours Aquinas showing his lucid moments, but then Acquinas's contradictions on the role of merit-mongery and the treasury of the saints' merits, that is, grace starts the regenerative process of infusa gratia, but election may be lost and perseverence is no guarantee, thus, aligning with anti-Jansenist forces and Tridentine theology., Rome likes to boast of Augustine, yet damns and excommunicates Jansenists. Many Jansenist propositions are Calvinist which, by inference, extends the condemnations to Calvinists and the Church of England (Calvinistic until it wasn't). Toplady also descants on the ignorance of Misters John Wesley and Walter Sellon, the latter being an ardent agent of Wesley. Toplady discourses on Aquinas's contradicti...

Lorraine Boettner's "Reformed Doctrine of Predestination" (p. 57ff, #7)

Prof. Boettner sets forth in plain talking the common sensical view of total inability.

Calvin's "Institutes" (3.22f, p. 185, #7): Predesination and Election

Calvin invokes Ephesians 1 and Romans 9 while rebutting the Arminian view of foreseen merits. The Arminians post-date Calvin, but the arguments come down through history with other names and similarities--of election based on man's meritorious and foreseen works, rather than originating from God's sovereign grace. Anglo-Catholics all embrace the Arminian heresy of works-salvation. BTW, Calvin's view of predestination has a long lineage of supporters before, during and after the Reformation. The old REC Church once embraced Reformed and Calvinistic thought, although now it's optional and should not be taught according to Sutton.

INTERVIEW: Bishop Don Lerow (ACC) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU): "A...


John Owen's "The Holy Spirit" (p. 42. #5)

Dr. John Owen concluds Chapter 1 on the general principles in the orientation to the subject. All good things come from Him, the Holy Spirit, along with the Father and the Son. Dr. Owen moves on to Chapter 2 on the names and titles of the Holy Spirit. Very enriching study.

Prof. George Smeaton's "The Holy Spirit" (p.66, #6)

Prof. Smeaton enumerates the extraordinary and ordinary gifts of the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Holy Spirit in the book of Acts and 1 Corinthians 12-14. He prepares to turn to the epistles of Paul, Peter, James and Jude in the next session. Prof. Smeaton is working diachronically from Genesis up to this point. Not a fact of general or redemptive providence is outside the minutest or grandest detail of history. History is the outworking of the eternal decrees of the Triune God. That's why the Greeks, Romanists, Anglo-Catholics and Arminians defame the Triune God with their hair-splitting obfuscations and defamations of God.

Bishop Gillin (REC) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU): "Bishop Sutton" ...

Video #1 on the same issues is found at:     • Bishop Gillin (RE...   We offer the 260 pictures from the heretical “Anglican Office Book.” This is a public matter. “English Churchman,” Editorial. . Installment #1: There are 260 such heretical Collects in Sutton's "Anglican Office Book." Here's installment 1. And Sutton "highly commended" this as an "immense" benefit, treasury and resource. . Installment #2 of the 260 heretical Collects: . Installment #3 of the 260 heretical Collects: . Installment #4 of the heretical Collects: . Sutton will not apologize or repent. “Dear Mr. Perez, your outrageous accusations have been passed along to me. For your information I only commended the Anglican Office Book as a "resource." That means...

Jerome Zanchius's "Absolute Predestination" (p. 65, #5)

Jerome Zanchius descants on God's omnipotence and providence over all things. He spends some time dealing with the problem of evil and God's control over evil agents, the unconverted, devils and Satan. God still operates as such over all without being the Author of Evil. Zanchius enlarges on the fruits of God's omnipotence: trust, dependence, humility, correct aims (God's glory), correct affections and volitions (to God's glory) and to correct prescriptions (by God's Word). Such produced trust, the fear of God, adoration, reverence, strength and comfort. Halve God or profane this doctrine produces havoc, pride and more. Zanchius writes clearly and accessibly. This could be used for high schoolers, collegians and all thoughtful Christians.

Bishop Gillin (REC) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU): "Bishop Sutton"


Arthur Pink's "The Sovereignty of God" (p.54, #5): Scriptures the Judge

Mr. Pink discusses the Canon as the Adjudicator on these issues. Plain, common-sense, cumulative and irrefragable evidence justifies Reformed Theology. The focus is God Himself rather than Calvin or other terms., TULIP is introduced with the caveat that the Westminster Confession gives the balanced and comprehensive system--TULIP is integral but put into a larger framework. Mr. Pink makes his beginning on total inability.

Dr. John Owen's "The Display of Arminianism" (po. 49, #6)

Dr. Owen exposes the corruption to the Trinity and His works by the Arminians. Election becomes God's post-election, following man's meritorious life of perseverence. Then God elects at the end of the dying man's life. It upends and inverts predestination. Episcopisu, Arminius and the Remonstrants clearly aver and affirm that God is often frustrated and fails of His designs. The more crafty and ingenioius ones, limiting the damage, refer only to salvation-issues allowing God to run the galaxies and nations. This resistibility to God's sovereign will is taught by Romanists, Greeks, Anglo-Catholics, ACNA and REC Bishops and others in the mainline and evangelical worlds, truth be told. NAPARC Churchmen are surrounded by doct rinal deficits between the ears of collars from seminaries. Time to fight back and exalt God. Slam the devilish profanations for what they are. Courage and clear thinking, with humility, with clear plain-talking, is the order of the day for collars and...

Augustus Toplady's "Doctrinal Calvinism in the Church of England" (p. 96...

Rev. Toplady retails the Papal execrations and anathemetizations of Janenism and his work on Augustine. Many Jansenist propositions are Calvinist which, by inference, extends the condemnations to Calvinists and the Church of England (Calvinistic until it wasn't). Toplady also descants on the ignorance of Misters John Wesley and Walter Sellon, the latter being an ardent agent of Wesley. Toplady discourses on Aquinas's contradictions, Semi-Pelagian propositions, free will and more, in contrast to St. Augustine the Greater. The Church of England has lost this as have the mainliners in the United States including the PCUSA. The Biblical call to elevate, discourse and teach the doctrine of God has never been more necessary than for the 21st century. Such is the foundation for all church services, individual lives, and for others inside and outside the church. Law and Gospel. So, here we are in 2023 with only 550,000 Calvinists in the USA with a population of 330 million. "We...

Lorraine Boettner's "Doctrine of Predestination" (p. 48, #6)

Boettner discusses the Arminian view of foreknowledge which, if consistent with God's omniscience, must imply foreordination. Boettner untangles the knot ably. He cites the two Hodges of Princeton as characterizing Arminianism as an "elastic system" that bends this way and that way. Further, he claims there are few-to-no systematic theologies by Methodists. Three systems exist--universalism, Arminianism and Calvinism. In the next chapter, he will evaluate these three systems by the Canon and with the Canon, putting rounds downrange. Arminianism flatters the human. It's origin is the human heart. Calvinism is harsher about sin but lifts the sinner to joyous reconciliation with the justified sinner adoring God annd His grace rather than adoring the merits of his own salvific choices. This book should be in Theology 101 for an undergraduate student. It is a must read for the average, thoughtful Christian Churchman. It is unacceptable that state and private universities d...

John Calvin's "Institutes" (Bk. 3.21, p. 186, #2): "Predestination"

Messieur Jean deals with the issue of "foreknowledge" as the purported predicate of "foreordaining," the well-known invention of Greeks, Romanists (espeically Jesuits) and all Arminians across the Protestant world. Calvin knocks the wheels off that Arminian tricycle with rhetorical and Biblical ease. Calvin notes the coordination of "foreknowledge" and the "determinate counsel" of God in Acts 2.23 and elsewhere. Calvin handily moves through Romans 9 with significant clarity and ease. We know only of Confessional NAPARC churches that follow the Reformed faith, the God of immutable sovereignty. This is not hard for an average, thoughtful laymen to digest. But, he will meet with proud obduracy from many, wishing to crow about their merits rather than God's salvific mercies. Or, they'll meet with shoulder-shrugging from so-called Christians who are cold to God's Word. Understanding of this produces humility, strength, and combat readiness...

Dr. John Owen's "The Holy Spirit" (Vol. 3, p. 36, #4)

Dr. Owen argues for the necessity of sound teaching on the Holy Spirit in light of Quakerism, Socinianism, and the uncharitable, puffy and persecutorial spirit of Restoration Anglicans against Congregationalists and Presbyterians. Thank God the WCF survived the attempted take-down. Not Anglicanism's finest century. 

Prof. George Smeaton's "The Holy Spirit" (p. 65, #6)

Prof. Smeaton works over the words of Jesus in the Upper Room Discourse (John 14-17), the Gift and role of the Paraclete, Comforter, Advocate, Superintendent and Author of the NT church. He sifts the relevant words leading up to the significant, public, and solemn day of empowerment in Pentecost. He leaves off there as he continues his diachronic review of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.

Jerome Zanchius's "Absolute Predestination" (p. 60, #5)

Jerome Zanchius reminds one of Lorraine Boettner when it comes to predestination: clarity, directness, Biblicality and sound thinking. Both men should be read and digested by the average, thoughtful Christian. Both men should be required reading in all seminaries and colleges, which, regrettably, is not reguired much less known. This is not Wonkyville from another planet, but straight-up Biblical thinking. Blind ingenuities, however, seek to blunt the edges and avoid this issue. This is theological malpractice and is criminal. Send the memo far and wide.

Arthur Pink's "The Sovereignty of God" (p. 45, #4)

Arthur Pink discusses God's sovereignty over angels, evil and good, and over all speech and actions of humans. He speaks of Pharoah, bad kings, Satan, and more. He then begins to broach the soteriological issue of predestination until eternal life. "As many as were ordained to eternal life, believed." Pink notes that many ingeniously strive against this, saying, "We will not have this Man to rule over us." It comes in all manner of denominational shades: Romanists, Greeks, Arminians of all stripes in the evangelical and Anglican world and is denied in the Pelagian world of the TEC. It is the pride of the human idol factory that disallows (tries to disallow) God's sovereignty. Many in collars and robes want the "bennies" without the foundation and sure anchor for mind and soul. They may even want a BCP but still try to blunt the edges off God's absolute sovereignty.

John Owen's "Display of Arminianism" (p.45, #5)

John Owens continues to explicate (and a few sentences "complicate") the issue of God's eternal and immutable will in relation to His revealed will. Believe and follow, as Moses directed Pharoah (Pharoah's duty), yet, the secret will involved Pharoah's obtuseness and obduracy. The same for Judas and other reprobates.

Augustus Toplady's "Doctrinal Calvinism in the Church of England" (p. 84...

"Doctrinal Calvinism in the Church of England," informing Prayer Book Anglicanism.  Augustus Toplady offers numerous vistas here. He retails the articles of anathemas from the Council of Trent (1545-1563) posed against Luther and Calvin, notably Calvin, on predestination, free will and grace. Trent opposed and anathematized Calvinism (Luther was as adamant about double-predestination as Calvin as were all Reformers). From Hence, Toplady moves on to study Janenius, a Romanist prelate, who adopted Augustine's views yet maintained that Calvin misrepresented Augustine. The larger point in the context of Toplady is that Arminianism is the cousin and relative of Arminianism (contra the "Doctrinal Calvinism of the Church of England"), Perhaps Toplady's memo can be sent to ACNA and REC Bishops as well as all Continuing Anglicans. It might help to dislodge their Arminian and Romewardizing doctrines.

INTERVIEW: AB Francisco Rodriguez (FCE-EC), Bp. Espinoza (FCE-EC), Renat...

Archbishop Francisco Rodriquez of Brazil (FCE-EC), Bishop Espinoza (FCE-EC) of Chile, Hermano Renato (our translator) and I chat. 2/13/2023. 6 PM (EST)/8 PM for South America. “Viva La Reforma! Sola Scriptura!” Sola Gratia! Solus Christus! Sola Fide! Sola Deo Gloria!” We heard of the Archbishop’s seminary education for 5 years in a Roman Catholic seminary, his tour through charismatic Episcopalianism and, after reading and learning, becoming a “Reformed Anglican,” old school “Reformed Episcopalian,” a “Calvinistic Anglican.” We laughed much and yours truly invited them all to come to North America. These men has spirit, energy, commitment and joy. So refreshing to hear. There were four of us. They were rejoicing in the Reformation and are Reformed. The Archbishop appealed to the blood of the Reformers, Cranmer and others. He referred to the letter between Calvin and Cranmer seeking a joint council. Again, can they send some of these men to North America? Same for Dr. Hammond from Fro...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Dr. Peter Hammond (Frontline Fellowship) & Rev. Donald V...

Dr. Peter Hammond: 2/13/2023: 10 AM EST 5 PM in Cape Town, SA We came with questions and hardly got started. This is a combat Chaplain on the frontlines. The winds of joy and power are with this Combat Brother in Jesus. I have nicknamed Dr. Hammond the “Combat Chaplain.” And this scribe does not say that lightly. A must-watch by all. He has the grit, determination, commitment and “theology of victory.” This "Combat Chaplain" is energizing and the inter-mutuality of the Holy Spirit, one on one, in talking with him is contagious, motivating and inspiring--even electrifying. We anticipate further interviews. The questions below were hardly touched. 1. Background 2. Education 3. Introduction to Frontline Fellowship 4. The “mission?” Missionaries? How many? Conversions? Testimonials? 5. Books? 6. Sudan, South Sudan, Zambia, Zimbawe? 7. Church affiliations? 8. Reformed in theology? 9. Worldview course? 10. Making disciples of all nations? 11. F...

INTERVIEW: Mark Van Der Molen (Attorney/URCNA Confessionalist) & Rev. Do...

Mark Van De Molen (Attorney, URCNA Elder, and Reformed Confessionalist) and I discussed the Ten Commandments, both tables, as applicable to all without exception or exemption, including the public, government, education, and other spheres. Mark worked with the Belgic Confession, Article 36, and the explanatory note on the historical background to its revision. He cited Dr. R. Scott Clark’s obfuscation of that historical remark. Mark rebutted Dr. Clark. It is noted that Dr. Clark has refused to debate Mark. That is a standing denial insofar as the scribe views it. As for the full table of the Law for all, Mark worked backwards from the 4 th to the 2 nd commandments vis a vis public arenas and the civil magistrate. As an aside, Mark spoke of his solid, cordial and unimpaired relationship with Dr. Cornelius Venema, Dr. Mark Vander Hart and Mid-American Theological Seminary. Having been defamed by a Professor of Theology, that record was rebutted here. Additionally, we spoke of Bret McAt...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Dr. Andy Underhile (Reformed) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-...

Rev. Dr. Andy Underhile and I discussed “common grace”—its origin, Augustine’s view of it, the medieval concept of nature and grace, the name and concept, its varied meanings, the relationship to Christ, general and special revelation and problems with that, election and reprobation, the lawlessness of the reprobate in God’s world, the Heidelberg Catechism and more. Of note, the promulgation of this has led to the weakening of the preaching of Law and Gospel, or, the Gospel ministry. Andy has done a diachronic analysis on hesed in the OT and xaris in the NT. Our plan is to revisit this issue of “common grace” in our next interview. Due diligence, due process, and due discovery of the Biblical text, listening to others in history as well as traveling partners in the communion of saints across the ages. God and the Bible are over all traveling partners and He is the Headman and King of the communion of the saints and Sovereign over all nations.

INTERVIEW: Rev. Ryan Underwood (Frontline Fellowship, South Africa) & Re...

Rev. Underwood speaks about the future with joy, super-widened vision, and with a positive ministry with Front Line Fellowship, Cape Town, South Africa. In the video before this, he spoke of his former seminary (REC and RES) with facts, truth, balance and decency. It was very popular and received wide thanks, although a few immoderate nut-jobs and ecclesiastical pariahs objected. We thank Ryan for his honest and eye-witness report. For that, our gratitude for his honesty, courage, plain-talking and his eye-ear witness reporting. But, this video is not that. Rather, this is about Ryan's future in South Africa, leaving behind an insular, half-confessional, American Anglican context (each fishing in each others ponds) for a ministry with vision, college work, frontline missions, and more. It's an healthy, positive and joyful outlook. A wonderful transition to leadership as an Assistant to Dr. Peter Hammond, a combat veteran turne...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Aaron Long (UECNA) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU)

Rev. Aaron Long (UECNA) and I chatted about Dr. Cranmer’s request for a Pan-Protestant Council in a letter to Calvin. I believe the letter was to Reformed participants to gather (possibly with the exception of Melancthon who had switched to Calvin’s view of Eucharistic Presence)—a letter seeking to gather learned and discreet divines to gather and respond to the Council of Trent (1545-1563).. The specific issue was Trent, a continuing Confession by Romanist leaders. It still is the controlling document in the Vatican. It still justifies the divorce of Rome with Canterbury, Geneva, and Zurich amongst others. Calvin answered Dr. Cranmer a month later in March 1553 (1552?...but memory is faltering here).The meeting never occurred although Cranmer was “willing to cross a 1000 seas” to join the effort. In 2023, we would add that the current theological climate, doctrinal non-Confessionalism, post-modernism, ecumenism and the “niceness police” have tossed St. Paul’s specific, bold and strong...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Dr. Wayne Pearce (Church of Scotland) & Rev. Donald Veit...

AN ORTHODOX, CALVINISTIC, REFORMED, SCOTS EPISCOPALIAN EMBRACING THE 1560 SCOTS CONFESSION. OH NO! VIVA LA REFORMA! Rev. Dr. Wayne Pearce (Church of Scotland) and I chatted. Refreshing in the communion of saints with Christ PRESENT (not ABSENT as New Oxfordians allege). Before we start, a side note: Dr. Pearce was born in Peebles, Scotland whence a certain Robert Veitch came from—a direct descendent of this Robert Veitch (CoS then CoE in Canada, Robert Veitch (1808-1891)). Back on point. Dr. Pearce discussed his undergraduate and doctoral work, Ph.D., on the Archbishop of St. Andrews, a Church of Scotland Episcopalian, John Spottiswood (1565-1639), buried in Westminster Abbey. The Archbishop’s father, another John Spottiswoode, was one of the six Johns who crafted the Scots Confession of 1560, itself, a close cousin to the French Huguenots’ Confession crafted by Calvin. Dr. Pearce reminded us all that all these men—Episcopalians included—were “orthodox Calvinists.” The Scots Confessi...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Grahame Wray (Free Church of England-Evangelical Connexi...

Rev. Grahame Wray (Free Church of England—Evangelical Connexion) and I chatted about “ecumenism” as a controlling force in the Free Church of England under Mr. Fenwick, the FCE’s Primate. Old Catholicism did not occur this morning, but some sort of ecumenical move with the Tridentistic Old Catholics? Removal of Reformed Theology? Baptismal regeneration and Real Presence in the Holy Communion are held by the FCEers including a stress on Apostolic Succession. Of note, it is reported that Mr. Fenwick puts tradition on par with Biblical supremacy. He stormed out of an interview with Bishop Arthur Bentley-Taylor in his doctrinal exam as switching from the CoE to the old FCE. Ex operate operato and opus operatum appear to be operative under priestly commands. The new FCE, like the Reformulated Episcopal Church (new REC), disdain the historic past and claim to “be the only voice” for their histories; that has an agenda. Those without the histories and theology of the Reformed past—the naïve—...

INTERVIEW: Bishop Jesus Espinoza (FCE-EC in South America) & Rev. Donald...

VIVA LA REFORMA! AMEN! Bishop Jesus Espinoza (Free Church of England—Evangelical Connection), Mariano Salguero (our translator) and I chatted. It was difficult at times, but a big picture emerged. The Bishop was in the Anglican Church in Chile and educated under its auspices but turned to the FCE-EC to obviate ecumenical, Anglo-Catholics and un-Reformed ideas. The FCE-EC has twenty parishes in South America. The Bishop has had communications with Rev. Grahame Wray (FCE-EC). He supports and uses the FCE-EC BCP including the “Declaration of Principles”—he views those as Protestant and Reformed. He embraces the Thirty-Articles also. When asked if he was a “Calvinist,” he said if I understood it aright, “Completemente” or “Completely.” He believes in unconditional election, predestination, and definite atonement. He’s a Cranmerian monergist. The Bishop understands that the Reformulated Episcopal Church (the correct name rather than the hi-jacked name) has turned against its history counte...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Zac Nuebauer (TEC/EFAC) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU)

The Rev. Zac Neubauer (TEC) and Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU) discuss the “Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion” (EFAC). Of note, ZAC is still in the TEC as is yours truly for the last 23 years. Zac discussed his background, heritage at Moody Bible Institute, his marriage, their 3-4 years in Kent, England in a CoE parish (that sounded like Reformed Anglicanism), his time at Trinity Evangelical School of Ministry, their associations with CoE Evangelicals and conferences, and their arrival at a parish in northern California. He speaks of an electric lecture, that is, a very motivating lecture, given by the Rev. Dr. Lee Gatiss at one conference. Also, a brief history of EFAC going back to the 1960s and the Rev. Dr. John Stott, EFAC's ups and downs after Robinson's consecration, and a future EFAC conference in October 2023 in an ACNA parish in Jacksonville, FL. A wonderful 35ish minutes in the communion of saints under the supervision of His Majesty, hearing of God’s...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Dr. Mark Winder (Ex-REC/OPC) & Rev. Donald Philip Veitch...

CRANMER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY (STOLEN IDENTITY, AGAIN) The Rev. Dr. Mark Winder (Ex-REC/now OPC) has discussed factual misrepresentations on the library, accreditation and the historical foundations of the REC (historic name). Also, he described a course on St. Mary and the saints which was more about the Cult of Mary without definition as historical retrieval or REC doctrine. The scholarship of some Professors was wanting. Bishop Sutton was teaching baptismal regeneration and baptismal justification. They were given large guidance for reservation of the elements at Holy Communion, preparation of the elements and surrounding pieties, including bowings to the Cross and the necessity of candles. Dr. Winder stressed his initial excitement to study at CTH initially, but 1 year was enough. False witness against Dr. Winder was by Bishop Sutton and Dr. Crenshaw, accompanied by threats, intimidated him as a 30-something looking to a future in the REC. “Huff and bluff” was the game. Of note, se...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Ryan Underwood (UECNA) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU)

Rev. Ryan Underwood (Ex-REC/UECNA) is a fellow and missionary with the Frontline Fellowship ( . Ryan is a graduate of the Reformulated Episcopal Seminary, formerly known as the Reformed Episcopal Seminary although the name has been stolen and its historical identity cancelled and marginalized. Cancel Bishop Cummins and Bishop Cheyney, wouldya? Get 'em outta here! The Bishops want 'em go, so "Obey the Bishop." We want Romanizing soteriology, ACNA liberalism (WO, half-hearts on the 39 Articles), baptismal justification, Jesus's Corporal Presence in bread, and Anglo-Romanism. Most interestingly, a senior Bishop told a senior Professor to never teach Dortrechtianism and TULIP. Very senior Bishop of the Reformulated Episcopal Church, shall we say. Hence, in truth and with honor, we’ve given this new outfit an honest name—Reformulated Episcopal Church and the Reformulated Episcopal Seminary. Ryan retails some stories from his sem...

INTERVIEW: Prof. David Engelsma (PRC) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU)

Professor Engelsman and I discussed “Federal Vision.” Prof. Engelsma, BA (Calvin), BD (Protestant Reformed Seminary), ThM (Calvin on “Trinity and the Covenant). Prof. Engelsma was a Pastor for 25 years and Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament at Protestant Reformed Seminary for 20 years. A total of 45 years in ministry. He’s written several books, including one on “Federal Vision: Heresy at the Root.” Our discussion dealt with the origins of “Federal Vision” in Professor Norman Shepherd’s view of the “conditional covenant” (Schilderian? Canadian Reformed?) resulting in the “Federal Vision Movement” in the wider Reformed world. Tyler, TX (including Mr. Sutton of the Reformulated Episcopal Church), Dr. Peter Leithart and others were noted. The “root cause,” which the Professor stressed, is the definition of the covenant of grace. Of note, the Westminster Standards side with Prof. Engelsma. The Westminster Standards and the Gorham Decision of 1850 (CoE) hold that the covenant is est...

INTERVIEW: Jess PG (Reformed, 3FU) & Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU)

AN REC/RES/SHREVEPORT STORY ON "SHIFTINGS" FROM THE THEOLOGICAL FORENSIC UNIT. Rev. Mark Winder (OPC Pastor) discusses numerous things. His entrance to the REC/RES via Emmanuel REC, Pipersville, his exposure to the Rev. Dr. Dale Krauthamel, Dr. Peter Toon, Mr. Ray Sutton and Mark’s entire time in Philadelphia. He then relocated to Shreveport, LA, for the new RES school called “Cranmer House.” Misnamed because the school was un-Cranmerian but, then again, what is some identity theft? Misrepresentations of fact were used to sell the school. Mark sold his home, gave up his business job (good wages) and move with wife and three children to Shreveport. Mr. Sutton was also telling prospective students that the Cranmer House was "accredited" when it was not. Also, this potent library was not what Pastor Winder had been sold (by Mr. Sutton). The students worked weekends at janitorial and lawn services atop—in addition to--working at the on-site pharmaceutical company during...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Mark Winder (OPC) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU)

AN REC/RES/SHREVEPORT STORY. Rev. Mark Winder (OPC Pastor) discusses numerous things. His entrance to the REC/RES via Emmanuel REC, Pipersville, his exposure to the Rev. Dr. Dale Krauthamel, Dr. Peter Toon, Mr. Ray Sutton and Mark’s entire time in Philadelphia. He then relocated to Shreveport, LA, for the new RES school called “Cranmer House.” Misrepresentations of fact were used to sell the school. Mark sold his home, gave up his business job (good wages) and move with wife and three children to Shreveport. The library was not what he had been sold (by Mr. Sutton). The students worked weekends at janitorial and lawn services atop—in addition to--working for the on-site pharmaceutical company. Pastor Winder tells of Mr. Sutton’s views and teachings on baptismal regeneration (head-for-heads and against the old REC’s “Declaration of Principles”), baptismal justification, the merit rosary beads, the bone-muncher-cruncher views of Jesus in the elements—same body as Jesus of Nazareth, praye...

INTERVIEW: Rev. Bret McAtee (Reformed) & Rev. Donald Veitch (WCF-BCP-TFU)

Rev. Bret McAtee is the Pastor of Christ the King Reformed Church. He and I discuss R2K, historic 2k, the Westminster Confession of Faith (with OT citations for the 10 commandments, Dr. Godfrey, Dr. Van Drunen, Dr. R. Scott Clark, Dr. Meredith Kline, the Mosaic covenant as a covenant of works, the Noahic covenant as a covenant with the natural realm, and the quick attachment of theonomy to 2K discussions and Federal Vision. We also discussed his new book: "Saved to be Warriors: Exposing the Errors of Radical Two Kingdom Theology" available here: This is a Reformed matter that is outside the Anglican orbit chasing their vestments, eucharistic, and women’s ordination. We look forward to discussing “Federal Vision” with Prof. David Engelsma of Protestant Reformed Seminary, Prof. emeritus and author of several books one being “Federal Vision.” Of public notice, Dr. R. Scott Clark decline an interview on “Federal Vision.” Rev. McAtee decl...

INTERVIEW: Rev. David Ould (Anglican Church of Sydney Australia) & Rev. ...

REV. DAVID OULD (ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA-DIOCESE OF SYDNEY & I discussed numerous things. His background coming from Sheffield, UK and move to Australia. The context of the Australian church was discussed—a different ethos, but clearly a “39 Articles man.” We touched high, low, and evangelical Churchmanship. GAFCON was briefly addressed. Of note, we discussed the doctrine of Scripture as controlling the environment. As a moderate joke, it was noted that Jesus likely didn’t wear a miter or chasuble at the Lord’s Supper. We discussed Rev. Ould’s rigorous 4 years of academic and pastoral theology at Moore College, Sydney. Notably, rigorous training in the original languages. While not noted in this discussion, we would add that TEC schools do NOT require original languages—Moore College does require that. Also, the issue was noted: the developing conflict in the Australia’s HOB over homosexual marriages (an apparent stand-off and split), yet, in a contrast, a tremendous support a...