Jerome Zanchius's "Absolute Predestination" (p. 65, #5)

Jerome Zanchius descants on God's omnipotence and providence over all things. He spends some time dealing with the problem of evil and God's control over evil agents, the unconverted, devils and Satan. God still operates as such over all without being the Author of Evil. Zanchius enlarges on the fruits of God's omnipotence: trust, dependence, humility, correct aims (God's glory), correct affections and volitions (to God's glory) and to correct prescriptions (by God's Word). Such produced trust, the fear of God, adoration, reverence, strength and comfort. Halve God or profane this doctrine produces havoc, pride and more. Zanchius writes clearly and accessibly. This could be used for high schoolers, collegians and all thoughtful Christians.


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