Lorraine Boettner's "Doctrine of Predestination" (p. 48, #6)

Boettner discusses the Arminian view of foreknowledge which, if consistent with God's omniscience, must imply foreordination. Boettner untangles the knot ably. He cites the two Hodges of Princeton as characterizing Arminianism as an "elastic system" that bends this way and that way. Further, he claims there are few-to-no systematic theologies by Methodists. Three systems exist--universalism, Arminianism and Calvinism. In the next chapter, he will evaluate these three systems by the Canon and with the Canon, putting rounds downrange. Arminianism flatters the human. It's origin is the human heart. Calvinism is harsher about sin but lifts the sinner to joyous reconciliation with the justified sinner adoring God annd His grace rather than adoring the merits of his own salvific choices. This book should be in Theology 101 for an undergraduate student. It is a must read for the average, thoughtful Christian Churchman. It is unacceptable that state and private universities do NOT require this or require basic Theology 101 in the curricula. Secular education is anti-God, is disrespectful, and defamatory. Hence, the need for Christian universities and colleges for children and grandchildren. We think every church should have a reading club, a list of solid books, and a SS program organized for that effect. Boettner could be used for high schoolers too. He writes clearly and accessibly.


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