Morning Prayer and the Litany (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
John Calvin on the Psalms. Keil & Delitzsch on Joshua. Matthew Henry on Jude. Dr. Robert Reymond on Systematic Theology. Dr. Philip Schaff on the Swiss Reformation, namely, Ulrich Zwingli. Westminster Shorter Catechism, 31-40.
Psalms 3. David refuses to submit to the scoffings and taunts from those in the Devil's Dirty Tricks Department, railing against God's Word and promises to Israel--as enemies not just of David, but enemies of God.
Prof. Delitzsch continues the slapdown and smackdown on the irrationalists who malign God as a God of miracles and One who destroys the wicked. Eichorn, for example, while holding to the essential historicity of Joshua, yet irrationally and according to the distorted devices of his wicked heart, tries to redefine God according to his own wee lil' view of God. Same old story on these modern Marcionites.
Jude continues to expose the false and contumaceous professors of Christianity. Interestingly, he notes that they are gluttons--belly-servants. If Jude was on FB, the beta-boys would censor him for bullying. They just would. Cancel-culture is not new, at all.
Dr. Robert Reymond brings in the foul breath of Dr. Karl Barth of Basel with his neo (no)-orthodoxy. Dr. Barth ate crap-burgers all day every day and who is surprised that his teeth are brown when he talks. More could be said.
Prof. Schaff discusses Ulrich Zwingli while a priest at Einseideln. Zwingli copies out Erasmus's Greek NT--notably, Paul's Epistles--in a small, portable volume for ease of access. He affixes Latin marginal notes. Zwingli confesses later that he had relied too much on Jerome. Zwingli tells Bishop Schinner that Papacy has no foundation in the NT. Further, he is beginning to appreciate and preach justification by faith alone "without works" and "apart from works" in 1517, co-incident to Luther.
The WSC is the WSC and the catechetized will understand its plenary sufficiency. Google it and memorize it, like children used to do in richer days.
From the 1662 BCP's Litany:
O God, we have heard with our eares, and our fathers have declared unto us the noble works that thou didst in their dayes, and in the old time before them.
O Lord arise, help us, and deliver us for thine honor.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the holy Ghost.
Answer: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen.
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