Evening Prayer (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
John Calvin on the Psalms. Keil & Delitzsch on Joshua. Matthew Henry on Jude. Dr. Robert Reymond on Systematic Theology. Dr. Philip Schaff on the Swiss Reformation, namely, Ulrich Zwingli. Westminster Shorter Catechism, 31-40.
Calvin gives an overview to Psalm 5. It's not just David's enemies, but all the enemies arrayed against the twelve tribes and God's people. As such, this Psalm is ever-appropriate regarding ENEMIES within and without.
Prof. Keil comments on Joshua 3.1-6: preliminary preparations to crossing the Jericho.
Matthew Henry begins the exposition on apostolic benediction. Blessed are those reading, hearing and keeping the Words of Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, who washed, cleansed and instituted His people as "kings and priests." More could be said and will be said on this attention-getting verses 3-7. Hey Henry VIII, we are "Kings" too.
Prof. Robert Reymond deals with Ex. 4.10-16 where Moses is scrolling down through his excuses to skate off from speaking for God. God puts a short end of that, citing various reasons. Aaron will be your spokesman, but both of you will be speaking for Me, the Covenant God. Are we clear, Moses and Aaron? Not your words, but Mine!
Prof. Schaff cites three poems written by Zwingli: one for the onset of an illness, the second poem for the midst of an illness, and the third poem after the illness has subsided. Zwingli's theology gets very practical here. It is telling. It may have been during an illness suffered in 1519.
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