19 April 1529 A.D. Diet of Speyer, Germany Convened. Reformers called “Protestants” for the first time
April 1529 A.D. Diet of
Speyer, Germany Convened. Reformers
called “Protestants” for the first time.
The story is told at: http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1501-1600/protestants-1st-called-protestants-11629946.html
someone asks what religion you are, what do you answer? There are a lot of
different labels to describe the varieties of Christian followers, and the word
"Protestant" is one. It was on this day, April 19,
1529, that the designation "Protestant" might be said to have
come into existence.
Luther had been declared a heretic by both the pope and the emperor, but his
followers continued to multiply rapidly. Emperor Charles V could not suppress
the reformers as he wished, because the Turks were threatening his empire from
the east, and the pope and he were quarreling with each other. In 1521, at
Worms, Germany, Charles signed a document which outlawed Luther. Five years
later at another imperial council, Charles agreed to postpone any settlement of
religious issues. He agreed that until an official policy could be established,
every State within his territories would be governed as the ruler thought most
pleasing to God. In practice, this meant that throughout Germany's many independent
cities, principalities and electorates, the religion of each prince or local
ruler became the religion of his subjects.
1529 a Diet (Congress) met at Speyer, Germany to consider action against the
Turks and attempt again to come to terms with the Reformation. The Diet forbade
any extension of the Reformation until a German council could meet the
following year. Charles V declared he would wipe out the Lutheran
"heresy." Five reforming princes and fourteen cities drafted a
protest, a formal legal appeal, for themselves, their subjects and all who then
or in the future should believe in the Word of God. (It was not formally
published until July.)
years before, Martin Luther was a lone monk standing for the Word of God and
liberty of conscience at the Diet of Worms. But by 1529, the world had changed:
there was an organized party of government leaders with consciences bound by
the Word of God against tyrannical authority. Not every protester was a
Lutheran. The whole party of the reformers needed a name. From the protest and
appeal at the Diet of Speyer, these breakaways from the Roman Church began to
be called Protestants.
Protestants are one of three major branches of Christianity.
While all three hold the same fundamental creed, other differences are many.
Perhaps the key difference is that while the Eastern Orthodox and Roman
traditions combine the Scripture with the authority of church tradition or of a
pope, Protestants claim to find the sole authority for their faith in the
Bible, the Word of God. Many can also be identified because they accept the
priesthood of all believers and the doctrine of justification by faith alone.
Friedrich von. Geschichte der Deutschen Reformation. Berlin:
Derlagsbuchhandlung, 1890. Source of the image.
in The
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, edited by F. L Cross and
E. A. Livingstone.
Phillip. The History of the Christian Church, Volume VII. Grand
Rapids, Michigan: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1910.
updated June, 2007.
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