25 April 2015 A.D. Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones: Rev. Mr. Norman Shepherd’s Teaching is “Another Gospel”

25 April 2015 A.D. Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones: Rev. Mr. Norman Shepherd’s Teaching is “Another Gospel”
Yours truly sat through a number of courses from the Rev. Mr. Norman Shepherd at Westminster, Philadelphia. We are indebt to the Rev. Dr. Prof. R. Scott Clark for eliciting and posting the comments below from the Rev. Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

Lloyd-Jones, Martyn. “Lloyd-Jones: Shepherd’s Teaching is `Another Gospel.’” Heidelblog.com. 24 Apr 2015. http://heidelblog.net/2015/04/lloyd-jones-shepherds-teaching-is-another-gospel/#comment-467502. Accessed 24 Apr 2015.

Lloyd-Jones: Shepherd’s Teaching Is “Another Gospel”

1. Shepherd removed the scandal from the preaching of justification and its inevitable subjection to the charge of antinomianism. His teaching is a subtle form of legalism and eventually is “another gospel”.

2. His teaching makes assurance virtually impossible as one is never satisfied with one’s works. Assurance is found in Rom. 5:1, 2 and Rom. 8:1 and I Cor. 1:30, “Who of God is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.” Christ is our only righteousness.

3. His teaching is contrary to that of the evangelicals of the last 400 years and he seems to rejoice in this! See Edwards, Whitefield, Spurgeon and all the great evangelists as well as the great theologians.

4. To teach this to students is tragically wrong.

—D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in O. Palmer Robertson and Paul G. Settle, “Minority Report to the Board of Trustees” (May 19, 1980), in the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees (Part II – Pages 57–98) (May 27, 1980), 17 (Board Minutes), 74.


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