12 September 2015 A.D. 7th of 39 Articles, “Of the Old Testament”—Bishop Hugh Latimer (Worcester) & Marian Martyr, 16 Oct 1555

12 September 2015 A.D. 7th of 39 Articles, “Of the Old Testament”—Bishop Hugh Latimer (Worcester) & Marian Martyr, 16 Oct 1555
Jones, Thomas R. “An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles.” NewScriptorium. N.d. http://newscriptorium.com/assets/docs/anglican/39-articles/jones39reformers.htm. Accessed 7 Jun 2015.
An Exposition of the Thirty Nine Articles, By the Reformers: Extracts carefully and fully selected from the Works of Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer, Hooper, Jewel, Philpot, Pilkington, Coverdale, Becon, Bradford, Sandys, Grindal, Whitgift, Etc. 
      Bishop Latimer – “Our Saviour Christ was revealed long before he came to suffer.  First in Paradise, when God spake of the woman’s seed.  ‘The seed of the woman shall break the serpent’s head.’  And this was a gospel, a glad tiding. ... Now there cometh God with his gospel, and promiseth that there shall be one born of a woman which shall quash the serpent’s head; and this was a gospel.  And no doubt, as many as did believe these words, and did put their hope in the seed of the woman, and believed to be delivered from their sins through that seed – as many I say as believed so, were saved; as Seth, Enoch, and other good and godly men, which were at that time.  Further this gospel was revealed unto Abraham, when God did promise him, saying, ‘In thy seed all nations shall be blessed;’ so that it appeared that without Christ we are under the curse of God; and again, by Christ we have the benediction of God.  Likewise this gospel was opened unto David and all the holy prophets.:—Sermon in Advent.
Article VII—Of the Old Testament.
      The Old Testament is not contrary to the New; for both in the Old and New Testament everlasting life is offered to Mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man, being both God and Man.  Wherefore they are not to be heard, which feign that the old Fathers did look only for transitory promises.  Although the Law given from God by Moses, as touching Ceremonies and Rites, do not bind Christian men, nor the civil precepts thereof ought of necessity to be received in any commonwealth; yet notwithstanding, no Christian man whatsoever is free from the obedience of the Commandments which are called Moral. 


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