19 April 1213 A.D. Innocent’s Bull that Leaders to Fourth Lateran Council—Opens 19 April 1213 & Closes 11 November 1215
19 April 1213
A.D. Innocent’s Bull that Leaders to Fourth
Lateran Council—Opens 19 April 1213 & Closes 11 November 1215
Editors. “Lateran Council.” Encyclopedia
Britannica. N.d. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/331538/Lateran-Council.
Accessed 8 Oct 2014.
Lateran Council, any of the five ecumenical councils of the Roman Catholic Church held
in the Lateran Palace in Rome.
The first Lateran
Council, the ninth ecumenical
council (1123), was held during the reign of Pope Calixtus II; no acts or contemporary
accounts survive. The council promulgated a number of canons (probably 22), many of which merely
reiterated decrees of earlier councils. Much of the discussion was occupied
with disciplinary or quasi-political decisions relating to the Investiture
Controversy settled the previous year by the Concordat of Worms; simony was condemned, laymen were prohibited from disposing of church property, clerics in major orders were forbidden to marry, and uncanonical
consecration of bishops was forbidden. There were no specific dogmatic decrees.
The second Lateran
Council, the 10th ecumenical council (1139), was convoked by Pope Innocent II to condemn as schismatics the
followers of Arnold of Brescia, a vigorous reformer and
opponent of the temporal power of the pope, and to end the schism created by
the election of Anacletus II, a rival pope. Supported by
St. Bernard of Clairvaux and later by Emperor Lothar II, Innocent was
eventually acknowledged as the legitimate pope. Besides reaffirming previous
conciliar decrees, the second Lateran Council declared invalid all marriages of
those in major orders and of professed monks, canons, lay brothers, and nuns.
The council repudiated the heresies of the 12th century concerning holy orders,
matrimony, infant Baptism, and the Eucharist.
The third Lateran
Council, the 11th ecumenical council, was convoked in 1179 by Pope Alexander III and attended by 291 bishops
who studied the Peace of Venice (1177), by which the Holy
Roman emperor, Frederick I Barbarossa, agreed to withdraw
support from his antipope and to restore the church property he had seized.
This council also established a two-thirds majority of the College of Cardinals as a requirement for
papal election and stipulated that candidates for bishop must be 30 years old
and of legitimate birth. The heretical Cathari (or Albigenses) were condemned,
and Christians were authorized to take up arms against vagabond robbers. The
council marked an important stage in the development of papal legislative
The fourth Lateran
Council, the 12th ecumenical council (1215), generally considered the greatest
council before Trent, was years in preparation. Pope Innocent III desired the widest possible
representation, and more than 400 bishops, 800 abbots and priors, envoys of
many European kings, and personal representatives of Frederick II (confirmed by
the council as emperor of the West) took part. The purpose of the council was
twofold: reform of the church and the recovery of the Holy Land. Many of the
conciliar decrees touching on church reform and organization remained in effect
for centuries. The council ruled on such vexing problems as the use of church
property, tithes, judicial procedures, and patriarchal precedence. It ordered Jews
and Saracens to wear distinctive dress and obliged Catholics to make a yearly
confession and to receive Communion during the Easter season. The council
sanctioned the word transubstantiation as a correct expression
of eucharistic doctrine. The teachings of the Cathari and Waldenses were
condemned. Innocent also ordered a four-year truce among Christian rulers so
that a new crusade could be launched.
The fifth Lateran Council,
the 18th ecumenical council (1512–17), was convoked by Pope Julius II in
response to a council summoned at Pisa by a group of cardinals who were hostile
to the Pope. The Pope’s council had reform as its chief concern. It restored
peace among warring Christian rulers and sanctioned a new concordat with France
to supersede the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges of 1438. In dogmatic decrees the
council affirmed the immortality of the soul and repudiated declarations of the
councils of Constance and Basel that made church councils superior to the pope. The Orthodox
churches do not accept these councils as truly ecumenical.
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