3 September 2015 A.D. 6th of 39 Articles—John Bradford

3 September 2015 A.D. 6th of 39 Articles—John Bradford
Jones, Thomas R. “An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles.” NewScriptorium. N.d. http://newscriptorium.com/assets/docs/anglican/39-articles/jones39reformers.htm. Accessed 7 Jun 2015.
An Exposition of the Thirty Nine Articles, By the Reformers: Extracts carefully and fully selected from the Works of Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer, Hooper, Jewel, Philpot, Pilkington, Coverdale, Becon, Bradford, Sandys, Grindal, Whitgift, Etc.
      John Bradford, M.A. – “Other word of God have we none than in the canon of the Bible; and all things written therein are written for our learning, (saith St. Paul) whereby he proveth, seeing that it is a learning, yea our learning, that we must learn it.  Therefore, woe be to all them which either persuade men that there is other doctrine of like authority, or that dissuade men from embracing this word, this word of God.” – Letters.
Article VI—Of the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation.
      Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation; so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation.  In the name of the Holy Scripture we do understand those canonical Books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church. 
Of the Names and Number of the Canonical Books.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, The First Book of Samuel, The Second Book of Samuel, The First Book of Kings, The Second Book of Kings, The First Book of Chronicles, The Second Book of Chronicles, The First Book of Esdras, The Second Book of Esdras, The Book of Esther, The Book of Job, The Psalms, The Proverbs, Ecclesiastes or Preacher, Cantica, or Songs of Solomon, Four Prophets the greater, Twelve Prophets the less.
      And the other Books (as Hierome saith) the Church doth read for example of life and instruction of manners; but yet doth it not apply them to establish any doctrine: such are these following: – The Third Book of Esdras, The Fourth Book of Esdras, The Book of Tobias, The Book of Judith, The rest of the Book of Esther, The Book of Wisdom, Jesus the Son of Sirach, Baruch the Prophet, The Song of the Three Children, The Story of Susanna, Of Bel and the Dragon, The Prayer of Manasses, The First Book of Maccabees, The Second Book of Maccabees.
      All the Books of the New Testament, as they are commonly received, we do receive, and account them Canonical.


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