F. S. Rising (#4) "Are There Romanizing Germs in the Prayer Book?" (22ff.)
Are there “Romanizing germs in the Prayer Book?” Yes. The Ordinal is embarrassingly replete with it. Ministers must be re-ordained if they lack the episcopal “juice.” ACNA’s Bob Duncan required reordination if from a Reformed background. However, the BCP does not require reordination if previously ordained as a Romanist or Greek cleric—they have the right juice. This change was made in 1662, but not in the Elizabethan period. Another Romanizing germ: “Receive the Holy Ghost…” It’s a command to the ordinand. The Power Bishop gives the “order.” The Power-Poohbah controls the Holy Spirit and sovereign grace. This is opus operatum with the magic words of the Bishop. The direct object of the imperative is the Holy Ghost, jumping at the powerful words of the Bishop. It also adds the magic words—“now committed unto thee by the Imposition of our hands…” The instrumental preposition “by” shows the Power-Proud-Boy (Bishop) throwing grace around. It is repeated shamelessly. This also occurs during the absolution of the BCP. Even Dean Goode, an “ultra-Protestant” to some, a BCP man, a CoE man, said, “The existence of such language in the Prayer Book leaves it open here (unfortunately, I think) to adopt a papistical interpretation” (23). In the Ordinal, Morning, and Evening Prayer, Romanizing germs are also seen in the sacraments, notably baptismal regeneration. After defining “regeneration” in its Biblical sense and supported by other BCP phrases, Mr. Rising notes (again) the Romanizing “opus operatum.” Euphemizing this as “charitable presumption” does not deal with the direct language in the baptismal and confirmation service, to wit, “Seeing this child is regenerate.” The germ fructifies with Arminianism of necessity. Reformed, Evangelical Anglicans try to skirt it. Anglo-Romanists go for it. The Romanizing germs have produced their fruits.
Regeneration is DECLARED TO BE GAINED. “Seeing this child is regenerate…” The Anglican divines writing the WCF handled this more carefully, but the 1662 reactionaries and hyper-Puritans tossed their wiser theologians, another profound error by the CoE. Also, the Presbyter prays, “Sanctify this water…,” another command of a power-Presbyter to His Majesty—Opus operatum. Jewel approves and cites Ambrose. Even Dr. Cranmer said, “The second birth is by the water of baptism, which Paul calls the bath of regeneration, because our sins be forgiven us in baptism, and the Holy Ghost is poured into us.” We would add that Cranmer limits this efficacy to the elect. The BCP must submit to Holy Scripture, not the reverse.
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