F. S. Rising (#:3) "Are There Romanizing Germs in the Prayer Book" (17ff.)

Mr. Rising is making the case that the BCP, Articles, and Ordinal contain coordinate authorities in seminal and germ form: ancient Fathers, canons, Apocrypha, and more. The ministry is discussed: 3 offices of Bishop, Priest, and Deacon. The deacon is a "probationary priest." The Bishop is a "promoted priest." Mr. Rising discusses the history of presbuteros, sacerdos, diaconos, episcopos and more. The ordinal talks about the Presbyter "taking authority" and "receiving" the Holy Spirit through the magic hands. God's sovereignty is channeled. For 12 centuries, this was always sought by prayer or precatorily, not through magic hands. Baptismal regeneration will be discussed later, but the same thing appears: magic hands and magic words by the potent Presbyter are available. The Reformed Episcopal Church made a good start but did not clean up the Ordinal. The "Ego te absolvo" appears in the Office for the Visition of the Sick. The same can be noted in the Absolution of Sins in Morning and Evening Prayer. We have noticed that as the high ecclesiology is asserted (called the "High Church" or "Proud Boys"), Christology and soteriology tend to recede. As Dr. D. Martyn-Lloyd Jones commented, "Power is of the essence in the Episcopal Church." Much more will be said, but Mr. Rising is making an excellent case of the "germs," which, if uncorrected, will bring forth their fruits according to the law of nature. This must be referred to the United Reformed Synod for discussion in the think tank. The Brothers and Sisters will have a larger sense of this. As Calvin noted, when the Church always talks about itself, it moves in the wrong direction. Proud Poohbahs love it to be said, hats and drapes included. Showboating.


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