Theological Journals, Part 3
Princeton Theological Review (Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2007): in “Justice, Mercy, and Forgiveness: Jesus’ Cross to Bare,” Sharon L. Baker promises to deliver us all from the violent God and the violent views of the substitutionary, penal, expiatory, and propitiatory satisfaction as, we would add, are in the foundational documents of the Reformation and Book of Common Prayer (e.g. Prayer of Humble Access). All of this after her bombastiloquent opening that blamed all evil and war on Christianity.
Reformed Faith and Practice (May 2022): in “For Machen, Fosdick was a Small Part of the Problem,” Dr. D. G. Hart comments on Dr. Van Dyke’s withdrawal from First Presbyterian Church, Princeton, over Dr. Machen’s sermons.
Concordia Theological Journal (January 2022), in “Confessional Loyalty or `Should I Let that Subscription Lapse?’,” Rev. Scott Murray makes his case for keeping his subscription up-to-date and not letting it lapse.
Journal of Theological Studies (Vol. 9, 1908): “Cephas and Christ” the Editor meanders around on Peter’s confession at Caesarea-Philippi.
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