Theological Journals, Part 3

Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal (1837): the Editor pays homage to a Rev. John Cannon, a loss to the Pittsburg Presbytery. Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 55,1 (Fall, 2021): in “Introduction to Church Holidays from Gereformeerd Kerkrecht,” Peter Vander Schaa notes that Rome itself cut back on holidays in 1512 and 1524. Zwingli, Calvin and Luther had cuts in the calendar. Reformed Theological Journal (Sept 2020), in “Christian Platonism” and Christological Interpretation: A Response to Craig A. Carter, Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition,” Daniel J. Treier of Wheaton College is outlining ontological and metaphysical assumption in modern criticism. He appears to go after Dr. Carter’s call for “participatory, metaphysical” reading of the Scriptures with the church fathers. Southwestern Theological Journal (Fall 2021), in “THE USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE EPISTLE TO THE JAMES, 1-2 PETER AND JUDE,” Dr. Mark Taylor presses forward, preliminarily, into 1 Peter. Concordia Theological Journal (January 2022), in “Hermann Sasse’s View of the Office of the Ministry Up to World War II,” the LCMS’s President, Matthew C. Harrison, discusses Sasse’s questions about the pastoral office and a congregational call. Princeton Theological Review (Vol.22, No.1, Spring 2007): “Cyril, Nestorius, and Schleiermacher on the Relation between the Incarnation and the Atonement:” Nathan Hieb is doing a fair historical job in discussing Cyril’s views on the Logos. Themelios (Dec 2021): in “Old Testament Hope: Psalm 2, the Psalter, and the Anointed One:” Dr S. D. Ellison comes back around to identifying the Anointed with the Davide. Hedgehog Review (Sprin 2017): in the “Strange Persistence of Guilt,” Dr. Wilfred M. McClay discusses corporate guilt in Germany over WW2 and national efforts at atonement. Seed and Harvest (Winter 2021, Trinity Episcopal School of Ministry): describes the alumni program—a notable success. Reformed Faith and Practice (May 2022): in “Evangelicalism After Fosdick: Macartney as a Case Study,” Dr. John Muether of Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, describes the successes of Rev. Dr. Clarence MacCartney. Apparent successes in 1924, but that would be undercut. “Theologians You Should Know: Apostolic Fathers to the 21st Century,” Dr. Michael Reeves discusses Papias of Hierapolis. Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies (5.2: 2020): “An Introduction to Catholicity: An Editorial Preface to this Special Issue: Ryan A. Brandt and Matthew Emerson discusses the complexities behind the term “catholicity.”


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