Cox's PS, 2: Dr. Cranmer's "Answer to a Crafty/Sophistical Cavillation b...
2. An Answer to a Crafty and Sophistical Cavillation devised by Stephen Gardiner. Dr. Cranmer in his prefatory rebuttal of Gardiner, noting the insufficiency of and the utter insult to Christ's Person and Work, states:
“O heinous blasphemy and most detestable injury against Christ! O wicked abomination in the temple of God! O pride intolerable of antichrist, and most manifest token of the son of perdition, extolling himself above God, and with Lucifer exalting his seat and power above the throne of God! For he that taketh upon him to supply that thing which he pretended to be unperfect in Christ, must needs make himself above Christ, and so very antichrist. For what be else, but to be against Christ, and to bring him in contempt, as one that either for lack of charity would not, or for lack of power he could not, with all his blood- shedding and death, clearly deliver his faithful, and give them full remission of their sins, but that the full perfection thereof must be had at the hands of antichrist of Rome and his ministers?”
And Dr. Cranmer seemed like such a moderate and grave man (he actually was, but saw to the bottom of Rome and Gardiner).
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