History & Character of Calvinism: J.T. McNeill--Preface, Content, Chapter 1
Ooh boy! J.T. McNeill, Professor at Union Theological Seminary (back in the day), was "catechetizied" as a "10-year old boy" in the "Westminster Shorter Catechism." This scribe has only met a few men in whom the DNA of the WSC resides. Some Westminster Profs were not "catechetized" in it. They knew of it, but it didn't run in the veins. Of course, the Profs at Reformed Episcopal Seminary had no catechesis in the WSC either. Expect that from ALL Episcopalians and most Presbyterians these day. It just is. It is what it is. As a result, the church is weakened. This volume is going to be a fun-read (after the tediums of the likes of William Forbes, Billy Laud, and Jeremy Taylor). Alleluia right there!
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