Character Sketches (#12): "Responsibility:" Eli's Failures (1 Sam.4.1-18)

Eli fails to discipline and remove his two sons from the priesthood. Hophni and Phinehas, the sons, had other gods, belly-gods or their bellies, eating the proscribed portions of sacrificial animals. A certain portion was granted to priests, but they were not happy with God's Word and took what they liked as "belly worshipers" and gluttons. They took God's name and Word in a vain, irreverent and disrespectful manner. They either didn't know or didn't care about the historical precedent of Nadab and Abihu, Aaron's sons (Lev.10) who similarly were casual and insolent priests (whom the LORD killed). Eli's sons disrespected their father and, most importantly, YAHWEH. They had, themselves, killed their relationship with Yahweh with the stupidity. They were fornicators and adulterers, permitting and being involved with "sacred prostitution" in and about the tabernacle at Shiloh. These matters were known by others. They were liars too. They thought nothing bad would happen. WRONG.

Eli failed to discipline the leadership in the holy precincts. Plus, he failed God and was disloyal. He was irresponsible. Further, he permitted the Israelites and his two boys to take the Ark of the Covenant to the battlefield with the Philistines--or, turning the Ark into a talisman and magical tool, thinking, wrongly again, that they controlled the God of Israel. NOT.


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