27 March 2015 A.D. Can Christianity Survive the Sexual Revolution?
27 March 2015 A.D. Can Christianity Survive the Sexual Revolution?
Can Christianity Survive the Sexual Revolution?
Baskerville, Stephen. “Can Christianity Survive the
Sexual Revolution?” Crisis Magazine. 26
Mar 2015. http://www.crisismagazine.com/2015/can-christianity-survive-sexual-revolution#.VRV7_trVQWE.facebook. Acccessed 27 Mar 2015.
Can Christianity Survive the Sexual Revolution?
When was the last time anyone heard a sermon
that condemned the evils of fornication, or adultery, or cohabitation, or
divorce, or bearing children outside wedlock (let alone homosexuality)?
Controlling these sins is a core Christian value. At
one time a preacher could be expected to devote extended attention to these
sins. And he could be expected to condemn them unequivocally. Yet today, even as
the social and economic fallout from precisely these practices becomes ever
more glaring and serious, pastors and priests seem ever more determined to
avoid discussing them.
Of course, the dowdy old parson long ago became the
stuff of caricature, ranting on about unspecified “wickedness.” And since no
pastor wants to be seen as old-fashioned, and most want to be modern and appeal
to the ubiquitous cult of youth, one never hears much today about the sins of
illicit sex. Indeed, churches that consider themselves highly orthodox or
biblical or traditional or conservative or evangelical—those described by
themselves and others as “fundamentalist”—even these churches avoid the problem
of runaway sexual freedom. Most Christian magazines and newspapers do not publish
articles about it and gatherings of clergy do not discuss how to control it. No
church today would dream of admonishing or reproving, let alone excommunicating
a member because of sexual misconduct.
Yet ever more conspicuously, it is precisely these sins
that are wreaking havoc throughout our society.
All around us we can see—if we are willing to open
our eyes—the social consequences of uncontrolled sex. The sexual decadence of
popular culture—in music, television, and videos—is only the most obvious
manifestation, providing material for endless and often pointless moralizing.
But beyond the lamenting and bemoaning are
consequences that are concrete and serious. The vast proliferation of
single-parent homes is having devastating consequences on our society, economy,
and politics. The epidemics of cohabitation and runaway divorce have left
millions of fatherless children on the exploding welfare and foster care rolls
and spread crime and substance abuse and truancy throughout our communities.
These problems are now bankrupting taxpayers and future generations with a
“financial crisis” that is attributable almost in its entirety to welfare
spending and its multiplier effects in crime and social anomie, while driving
governments to ever more authoritarian measures to slake their insatiable
thirst for revenue.
Our universities and schools have become little more
than orgies, with a “hook-up” culture that dominates campus life almost to the
exclusion of learning. Indeed, it now dominates the learning too, with
indoctrination in not only sex education but sexual political ideology through
faux-disciplines like “women’s studies,” and “queer studies,” that recast all
knowledge as sexual-political grievances.
The tyrannical side of this orgiastic culture is now
becoming too glaring to ignore, despite years of denial. For the inevitable
corollary to licentious indulgence is authoritarianism. This is now plainly
manifested in a political agenda pushed by the same sexual radicals who promote
the hook-up culture: Young men are now routinely railroaded before campus
kangaroo courts on obviously fabricated accusations of “rape,” “sexual
assault,” “sexual harassment,” “sexual misconduct” (no clear distinctions
separate these vague terms), sexual this and sexual that. In the regular
courts, men are imprisoned for decades on rape accusations that are known to be
false. Parents regularly lose their children through spurious accusations of
“child abuse” that are never proven in any court. Fathers are incarcerated
without trial by divorce courts for patently trumped-up accusations of
“domestic violence,” or for simply trying to see their own children, or for criticizing judges.
The response of the churches to all this has been
Christians, by and large, do not know what to make
of this authoritarianism. They are afraid to question accusations of sex
crimes, but they also know that this agenda is not theirs. Terrified of being seen
to defend “rapists,” “child abusers,” “wife beaters,” and “deadbeat dads,” the
church sits mute in the face of what is claimed to be a vast epidemic of sex
crimes. Tempted to play it safe by perfunctorily endorsing the purveyors of the
new indulgence, the church sides with falsehood against truth.
Now in turn, Christians find themselves being accused
of “hatred” and “bigotry” and threatened with punishment for criticizing the
homosexual agenda by the same lobby of radicals. As Martin Niemoeller warned of
a similar ideology, no one
speaks out for us because we did not speak out for others.
Truly diabolical is how this neglect turns back on
us and corrupts us too. Because we fail to control the sin, the sin controls
us. By refusing to confront the sin on God’s terms, and instead relabeling it
with terms we find easier and safer to confront, we allow the sin to enlist us
as its agents. This takes the form of cheap moralizing and self-righteous
posturing: refusing to confront the guilty, we join witch hunts against the innocent.
For what the radicals have done is to redefine sin.
Rather than the biblical definition set forth in clear biblical language, we
now have ideologically redefined, government-approved definitions formulated in
politicized jargon. Sexual indulgence is no longer a sin against God; it is now
a crime against the leviathan state.
Pastors nowadays are much more likely to couch
sexual sins in the form that has been redefined and politicized by radical
secular ideology. To disguise their own irrelevance, they join the mob to
register their politically correct outrage at “sexual harassment” and “domestic
violence.” (I have never heard a pastor preach at any length against the
“hook-up” culture, but they will endorse the fabricated and discredited
feminist claims of a “rape culture,” only to leave themselves looking foolish
when the charges invariably prove false.)
Pastors who parrot this jargon cannot possibly know
what these terms mean, because no one knows what they mean. I have been
studying them for two decades and published articles on these topics in
refereed academic journals, and I do not know what they mean, because it is
precisely the purpose of these terms to be so vague as to mean anything. They
are devised intentionally to circumvent the clear language that the law uses to
define criminal assault and safeguard the innocent with vagaries whose only
possible purpose is to criminalize heterosexual men and Christians with
flexible accusations that no one really understands but everyone is terrified to
By contrast, pastors should know precisely what
constitutes fornication and adultery, because the Bible tells them. But it is
safer to preach about “sexual harassment” than about fornication, because
clergy are often more frightened of feminists and functionaries than they are
of God.
Thus Christian faith itself is gradually transformed
from theology and morality into political ideology. “Fornication” and
“adultery” were biblically defined sins committed by two people and punished by
God and the moral sanctions of the community. “Sexual harassment” and “sexual
abuse” are quasi-crimes committed only by the man and punished by the state
gendarmerie. The preachers know whom it is safe to criticize.
The effect is to transform them from preachers of
God’s Word into adjunct political prosecutors.
Christian scholars churn out pointless tracts on
ever more esoteric points of theology and philosophy. But the church’s crisis
today is not imprecise or unsound doctrine. The church’s failing now is lacking
the courage to apply its doctrine in the face of a defiant and politicized
sexual immorality.
Why do pastors now evade the basic sins that plague
every congregation and the most critical sins that threaten to overwhelm our
society? Why do they stand mute at the very suggestion that they should do so
or mumble unconvincing excuses and evasive weasel words, before nervously
changing the subject or walking away? (Try it.)
The answer is that they are frightened. No pastor or
priest wants to touch the subject of sexual sin, because it will anger the
liberal women who control most congregations. This is not meant as
condemnation; simply a recognition of reality. The same dynamic produces
similar silence from our other watchdogs and gadflies: journalists and university
faculty members.
Sexual freedom is the inevitable corollary to the feminization of the church
because radicals understand that sexual freedom transfers power to those who
can use a sexual identity as leverage: politicized women and homosexuals. “My
generation let all of this nonsense of sexual confusion, radical feminism, and
the breakdown of the family go on, not realizing that we … have gravely wounded
the current generations,” says Cardinal Leo Burke. “The Church has not
effectively reacted to these destructive cultural forces” and has instead
“become too influenced by radical feminism.”
And the first casualty of feminization is courage,
the courage that is demanded foremost of men, including clergy. This is why
Christian faith and radical sexual ideology are today on a direct collision
course, and why the radicals believe Christian faith must lose.
In The American
Conservative, Rod Dreher openly questions whether Western
Christianity itself can survive the revolution in sexuality, as does the former
Archbishop of Canterbury in the Daily Telegraph. The
question demands an answer one way or the other.
We need to ask what remains that is still Christian
not only about Western institutions—that seems clear—but about the rest of us.
If we have lost our will to enforce sexual morality
in our congregations, if pastors will not defend the very marriages that they
themselves have consecrated—and the rest of us the marriages we ourselves have
witnessed—against involuntary divorce or enforce the discipline on cohabiting
couples, then in what sense does Christian faith still have any practical
meaning in our common lives? We complain that Christianity is being “banished
from the public square,” but we can hardly be surprised when we ourselves have
lost the stomach to defend our own parishioners, congregations, and communities
against violations of God’s law, whether emanating from our ecclesiastical or
secular polities.
For the rest of us are no more courageous than the
clergy. Few of us will express moral disapproval when we find friends
cohabiting or committing adultery or inflicting unilateral, involuntary divorce
on their spouses and children. And therefore few of us speak out when the state
gendarmerie, filling the vacuum that we have left, imposes the order that we
refuse to enforce in its own way, by taking away our brothers and sisters in
“Religion is central to sexual regulation in almost
all societies,” writes homosexualist scholar Dennis Altman. “Indeed, it may
well be that the primary social function of religion is to control sexuality.”
Abdicating this responsibility to regulate it in the name of God leaves us
vulnerable not only to social anomie, but also to those who will step in and
regulate it for their own purposes, imposing criminal penalties and
rationalizing their measures by invoking various alternative, usually
politicized theologies. “Ironically, those countries which rejected religion in
the name of Communism tended to adopt their own version of sexual puritanism,
which often matched those of the religions they assailed.” Today’s sexual revolutionaries
are simply refining the Bolsheviks’ experiment.
Perhaps it is time that we have the courage to admit
that the dowdy old parson who preached against illicit sex was a wise and
sensible man all along and a more faithful Christian than those of us who made
endless fun of him. Perhaps we should start encouraging the self-control that
he demanded and the courage he displayed. Perhaps it is also time to regain
some respect for the wisdom of elders and forsake the Pinocchio world where
youth (along with its urges) is worshipped as an achievement in itself, while
elders, whom the Bible sets as authority figures, are expected to hold their
Perhaps it is also time to discard the politically
obligatory weasel words (“No one wants to return to the bad old days when…”)
and accept that open-ended sexual freedom puts us on a trajectory that will
only spread chaos, ruin more lives, destroy our freedom, and weaken our
civilization, until we summon the courage to speak the truth.
In short, perhaps it is time to accept that, here
too, the church does not have to change with the times and that it needs to be
the “rock” that Christ mandated it to be.
Editor’s note: The image above
depicts the March 23, 2015 press conference of the
Charlottesville police chief announcing that their investigation found no
evidence to support the allegation of a gang rape at
a University of Virginia fraternity house reported in the Rolling
Stone magazine last year.
Stephen Baskerville is
Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College and past president of the
American Coalition for Fathers and Children. He is a Fellow at the Howard
Center for Family, Religion, and Society and a Research Fellow at the
Independent Institute. He holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and
his second book, Taken Into Custody: The War against Fathers, Marriage, and
the Family, was published by Cumberland House Publishing in 2007.
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