25 March 2015 A.D. Faith-Healer Benny Hinn Suffers Heart Attack; Unable to Heal Himself

25 March 2015 A.D. Faith-Healer Benny Hinn Suffers Heart Attack; Unable to Heal Himself

Blair, Leonardo. “Televangelist Benny Hinn Suffers Heart Attack After Trip to Brazil; Family Asks for Prayers as He Recovers in Hospital.” Christian Post. 24 Mar 2015. http://www.christianpost.com/news/televangelist-benny-hinn-suffers-heart-attack-after-trip-to-brazil-family-asks-for-prayers-as-he-recovers-in-hospital-136219/. Accessed 24 Mar 2015.

(Photo: Benny Hinn Ministries)

Evangelist and faith healer Benny Hinn is seen in this undated file photo provided by his ministry.
Popular miracle-working faith healer and televangelist, Benny Hinn, 62, is now recovering in a hospital after suffering a heart attack after an overseas trip and his family is asking for prayers.
Hinn's daughter, Jessica Hinn Koulianos, made the revelation in a message on the Benny Hinn Ministries website late Monday evening.
"Recently he (Hinn) returned to California after ministering to crowds of over 100,000 people in Brazil, including over 2,000 pastors and leaders from all over South America. It was truly a remarkable nation-shaking event. And while it was a rewarding journey, after he arrived home he suddenly began battling fatigue and shortness of breath. For those of you who know my Dad, you know that he never stops; so when he spent over a week in bed, we knew something was wrong. I flew to California to be with him and insisted that he see a doctor. On Friday, he consulted with his local physician and was admitted to the hospital, where he was treated for lack of oxygen in his cardiovascular system," wrote Koulianos.
(Photo: Screen Grab via bennyhinn.org)

Televangelist Benny Hinn, ministering recently in Brazil, places a hand over his heart.
According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Hinn's symptoms are indicative of a heart attack.
"A heart attack happens when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can't get oxygen. If blood flow isn't restored quickly, the section of heart muscle begins to die," the institute website explains.
"Heart attacks are a leading killer of both men and women in the United States," it adds.
Hinn's daughter explained that: "Once he got in the hospital he experienced almost immediate relief and has continued to grow stronger each day. At this moment, his physicians are conducting thorough tests, the results of which have been very positive. He is alert and in good spirits, and we expect he will be released later this week."
Already according to Koulianos, Hinn's family has been receiving an outpouring of support.
"My dad, Pastor Benny Hinn, asked me to send you a quick message from the family, so that you could hear it straight from me. He asked me to share, from the depths of his heart, how much he appreciates your outpouring of love and support, and for the best gift you can give: your prayers. He also asked me to convey to you how much he loves each of you and thanks you for all you're doing for the ministry and for the kingdom," she said.
“By God's grace and with the help of your prayers, we are told to expect a complete recovery. More importantly, his doctors are assuring him that within a very short time he will be on his feet ministering around the world again, just as he has for over 40 years," she said.
Hinn is considered a prosperity preacher who teaches "seed-faith giving" that people "reap" what they "sow." Last year, he asked his supporters to donate $1000 to his ministry suggesting that they would enter a "new dimension of favor and increase." His TV program This Is Your Day! is among the world's most-watched Christian programs, seen daily in 200 countries.
Contact: leonardo.blair@christianpost.com; follow me on Twitter @leoblair


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