26 March 1843 A.D. Passing of Mr. (Bp.) Robert Richard Roberts—Methodist Circuit-Rider
26 March 1843 A.D. Passing of Mr. (Bp.) Robert Richard
Roberts—Methodist Circuit-Rider
Graves, Dan. “Robert
Richford Roberts, Frontier Bishop.” Christianity.com.
Jun 2007. http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1801-1900/robert-richford-roberts-frontier-bishop-11630466.html. Accessed 25 Mar 2015.
When Robert Richford Roberts was four, his mother taught him to read. By
seven, he was reading the Bible through. Later he had eight months of formal
education and one winter to learn numbers. The rest of his learning was through
personal reading. He was typical of Methodist circuit riders in the United
Robert's father was a staunch Episcopalian. Robert however converted to
Methodism along with some brothers and sisters. Eventually his father also
became Methodist.
As a young man Robert rode with his brothers to view some land in
Pennsylvania. Although the youngest of the party, he proved to have the
clearest-head-- and to be the best cook. Others were soon turning to him for
leadership. When his brothers gave up hope of finding suitable land, he
remained behind with a friend to explore and found a tract upon which he
eventually settled and where he built a mill. He became a good hunter. Later,
when he was a bishop, some soldiers thought to have some fun with him and
challenged him to a shooting match. He outshot them all.
While Robert was underage, his father would not let him move to
Pennsylvania. But when he did move there, his family followed. There he
experienced a spiritual crisis. His neighbors asked him to be their spiritual
leader and he resisted. However, he began preaching to trees for practice. By
then he was married. One day in distress he laid his head in his wife
Elizabeth's lap. She said to him, "It's no use, Robert. Don't delay any
longer. It's ruining your life. The Lord has called you and you must go."
They gave up everything to follow God's call. He was the first married circuit
rider accepted by the Methodists.
Eventually Franics Asbury appointed Roberts to the east coast where he
served for eight years. After he was elected bishop, Roberts moved to southern
Indiana which was centrally located to his circuit and he built a sawmill and
cleared a farm while carrying one his church duties. Altogether he endured the
hard life of a circuit rider for forty years, sometimes riding while sick or
doing without food for days at a time. He had to leave Elizabeth for months at
a time.
In 1842, the last full year of his life, he rode over 5,400 miles in
harsh conditions, visiting six states and four Indian nations. He returned home
seriously ill. Early in 1843, despite asthma, he rode ten miles to Bedford from
his home in Lawrenceport, Indiana to preach. Despite a storm the next day, he
insisted on riding back to Lawrenceport where he had promised to bring some
books for the opening of a school. Friends pleaded with him to wait for more
favorable weather, but his word was his bond and he would not. As a result, he
contracted a severe cold and his asthma flared up. He rallied to preach one
last sermon the following Sunday, taking as his theme "Blessed are the
pure in heart, for they shall see God." He told his listeners that he knew
he was soon to die. However, the end dragged on as he lay sick.
He died at home at 1 a.m. on the night of March 26, 1843, lifting his
hands as if giving a blessing before lapsing into unconsciousness. A storm
prevented his immediate burial, but a day later he was interred on his farm.
Soon afterward, Methodist leaders asked to move his body to Baltimore beside
Asbury's, but Indiana folk insisted on transferring it to Indiana Asbury University
(now DePauw) which he had helped found; and that is where it lies today.
"Roberts, Robert Richford." The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography.
New York: J.T. White, 1930-
"Roberts, Robert Richford." Dictionary of American Biography. New
York: Scribner, 1958-1964.
Tippy, Worth Marion. Frontier Bishop; the life and times of Robert
Richford Roberts. New York: Abingdon, 1963.
"Robert Richford Roberts." Virtual American Biographies. http://www.famousamericans.net/robertrichfordroberts/
Last updated June, 2007
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