Theological Journals, Part 2: 11/10/2022
National Catholic Register (Nov 2022): in “Hispanic Base and Candidates Could Be the Key,” Edie Heipel assesses the shifting demographic of Hispanic voters for the Nov 2022 elections in the US. About 50% are not active Romanists, but Hispanics are increasingly Republican.
Anglican Journal (Oct 2022): “New Help for Churches with Energy Audits and Grants,” the journo writes about studies on Anglican churches emitting too many hydrocarbons. Studies are underway.
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Mar 2022): in “Societally Derived or Studiously Prosecuted? God, Revelation, Education and David Payne:” Dr. Christopher Sarver destroys Mays’ biography of Bishop Payne on this point: Payne was a Bible-man which is not recognized by Mays. Nice article and well argued.
Anglican Theological Review (May 2022): in “Reforming Tradition: Anglican Spirited Continuity,” Dr. Ross Kane works his way around and through the word “tradition,” or, “tradition” in its wide ramifications.
Anglican Theological Review (Aug 2022): “`Love is our Lord’s Meaning:’ Spiritual Formation in Julian of Norwich and Desmond Tutu,” Dr. Frank England does a detour on Wycliffe, Lollards, the black plague, economic upsets, and Conciliarism versus the Papacy splits.
Trinity Journal (TEDS, Spring 2022): in “The De-Creation of Genesis 1 in the Trumpets of Revelation 8-9,” Dr. Craig Robinson continues the long-talking.
Anglican and Episcopal History (Aug 2022): in in “Huguenot Anglican in Seventeenth Century Virginia,” Rev. Lonnie Lee explores Moises Amyraut, his support for the English settlement in 1662, his advocacy of the 1662 BCP and his petition to English Puritans and Presbyterians to support the settlement.
Table Talk (Oct 2022): in “Quick to Listen,” counselor Christina Foxe advocates for empathetic listening and slowness to speech, valuing the speaker.
Table Talk (Nov 2022): in “Of What Value of Miracles,” Dr. J. Fesko outlines the word-act-interpretation of God’s pattern with Self-disclosure. He also introduces the "nones” and their relationship to God’s Word.
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