Writing/Letters of Dr. Thomas Cranmer (#11): "Confutation of Unwritten V...
We choose an F-18 in an aerial attack on target because CDR Thomas Cranmer is laying his payload with accuracy on the target.
Sola Scriptura!
Jerome to a Christian brother: "I pray thee, dear brother, among these [ = canonical writings] live, muse upon these, know nothing else, seek for none other thing."
Dr. Cranmer has many more quotes like it, especially from St. Augustine.
"CDR Cranmer, fire at will!"
Sola Scriptura!
Jerome to a Christian brother: "I pray thee, dear brother, among these [ = canonical writings] live, muse upon these, know nothing else, seek for none other thing."
Dr. Cranmer has many more quotes like it, especially from St. Augustine.
"CDR Cranmer, fire at will!"
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