Cranmer Bibliography

Abray, Lorna Jane. The People’s Reformation: Magistrates, Clergy and Commons in Strasbourg, 1500-1598. Cornell University Press, 1985.

Allen, J.W. A History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century. No location: Methune, 1961. Smith uses for Catherine Howard.

Allen, William.  Defence of English Catholics.  No location: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2011.  The original was published in 1584 and the author took the title of “Cardinal,” another name in the ecclesiological complications akin to a cow’s digestive tract. Mr. Allen’s work is available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Allens-Defence-English-Catholics-1584/dp/1463527306/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374954535&sr=8-1&keywords=allen+defence+of+english+catholics  It may be read online at: http://books.google.com/books?id=s04uAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=allen+defense+of+english+catholics&hl=en&sa=X&ei=uyT0UZiuMo3i9gSe1YG4AQ&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=allen%20defense%20of%20english%20catholics&f=false

Ackroyd, P.R. The Cambridge History of the Bible. Cambridge University Press, 1975.

Ascham, Roger. The Scholemaster. No location: University of California Libraries, 1870. Used by Smith in Catherine Howard.

Aston, Margaret. England’s Iconoclasts: Volume 1: Laws Against Images. Clarendon Press, 1968.

----------The King’s Bedpost: Reformation and Iconography in a Tudor Group Portrait. Cambridge University Press, 1995. Available on amazon.com. Discussion about iconography and iconoclasm in the Edwardian Reformation.

Ayris, Paul. Cranmer, Primate of All England : Catalogue of a Quincentenary Exhibition at the British Library, 27 October 1989-21 January 1990. The British Library, 1989. http://www.amazon.com/Cranmer-Primate-All-England-Quincentenary/dp/B00DTSACDA/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1457456746&sr=1-5

Ayris, Paul and Selwyn, David. Thomas Cranmer: Churchman and Scholar. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press, 1999. http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Cranmer-Churchman-Paul-Ayris/dp/0851157408/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378244925&sr=8-1&keywords=ayris+cranmer This gets a good workout with MacCulloch.

Bailey, Henry Ives. The Liturgy Compared with the Bible. No location: Forgotten Books, 2012. Available on Amazon.com.

Bailey, Thomas. The life and death of the renowned John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, who was beheaded ... 22d of June, 1535, ... Carefully selected from several ... by Thomas Bailey, D.D. The third edition.  Farmington Hills, MI: Gale ECCO, Print Editions, 2010.  It is available in print a http://www.amazon.com/renowned-Rochester-beheaded-Carefully-selected/dp/1140716085/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376190152&sr=8-1&keywords=bailey+life+of+bishop+fishert:

Bishop Fisher’s “trial” for “high treason” is found online, entitled Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High, Volume 1.  It is available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=1GUoAAAAMAAJ&pg=PT252&dq=thomas+bailey+life+of+fisher&hl=en&sa=X&ei=iQAHUpCXEoG9yAHAtYHgAQ&ved=0CE0Q6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=thomas%20bailey%20life%20of%20fisher&f=false

Mr. Fisher opposed Henry’s divorce and separation from Rome.   

Bale, John.  Centuries.  We were unable to locate this work, allegedly written in 1548.  It contains the lives of 500 eminent Britons.  Mr. (bp.) Bale includes Mr. Cranmer.  Eight years after this volume was written, Mr. (bp.) Stephen Gardiner, Cranmer’s theological opponent, would receive a “state funeral” and would be buried in a “splendid tomb” in Winchester Cathedral.  Mr. Cranmer, to the flames in 1556, would have his ashes tossed into a ditch outside the walls of Oxford.  However, we have located Mr. Bale’s The Image of Two Churches edited by Ms. Gretchen E. Minton.  No location: Springer Publishing, 2013.  This hardcopy is available online at:   http://www.amazon.com/Churches-Studies-Religious-Tradition-Culture/dp/9400772955/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374956704&sr=1-1&keywords=john+bale+the+centuries . 

-------Bale, John.  Mr. Bale’s work is also in the Parker Edition and it contains the The Image of Two Churches. This work is entitled: Select Works of John Bale, D.D., Bishop of Ossory (Parker Society).  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1849. It is available online at: http://books.google.com/books?id=XlDzyD1BugEC&pg=PA305&dq=john+bale+the+centuries&hl=en&sa=X&ei=1yz0UZiwC4e49gTa2IGIBg&ved=0CFAQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=john%20bale%20the%20centuries&f=false

The Parker edition has a lovely biography on Mr. Bale.  Mr. Bale was a fellow student at Jesus College with Mr. Cranmer.  He says this of Mr. Cranmer’s tutelage and time in leadership:

In the midst of Babylon, he always acted as the upright leader of the people of Israel, and among the Papist tyrants he guided, with unheard of wisdom, the people of God to the truth of Christ, lest they should become the prey of the foxes.

Barnes, Robert. Critical Edition of Robert Barnes’s A Supplication unto the Most Gracyous Prince Henry the VIII.J 1534. University of Toronto Press, 2008.

-----------Reformation essays of Dr. Robert Barnes, chaplain to Henry VIII. Concordia Publishing House, 1963. Published by Concordia for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England.

Barry, Alfred. The Teacher’s Prayer Book. RareBooksClub.com, 2012.

Baskerville, Geoffrey. English Monks and the Suppression of the Monasteries. Weidenfeld & Nicholson History, 2002.

Becon, Thomas. Extracts from the Christmas banquet of Thomas Becon, with a memoir of his life. SPCK, 1839. https://www.amazon.com/Extracts-Christmas-banquet-Thomas-memoir/dp/B0008CZL90?ie=UTF8&qid=1467063994&ref_=la_B00LE1ORG2_1_2&s=books&sr=1-2

--------- Prayers and other pieces of Thomas Becon, S.T.P., chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer, predentary of Canterbury. (Parker Society, instituted M.DCCC.XL…early writers of the Reformed English Church). University Press 1844. https://www.amazon.com/Archbishop-predentary-Canterbury-instituted-M-DCCC-XL/dp/B00086WGEY?ie=UTF8&qid=1467063994&ref_=la_B00LE1ORG2_1_3&s=books&sr=1-3

Bede, The Venerable.  Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation  CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 19, 2012). On 22 Jun 287, Alban became the first reported Christian martyr in Britain.  This was in the county of Hertfordshire.  He was scourged and beheaded.  The Venerable Bede tells the story in Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation.  Mr. Bede says that Alban’s executioner begged to die for or with Alban.  Both were killed.  Venerable Bede tells the story in Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation.  Mr. Bede says that Alban’s executioner begged to die for or with Alban.  Both were killed.  Bede is available in hardcopy at:   http://www.amazon.com/Bedes-Ecclesiastical-History-England-Bede/dp/1481049100/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376004597&sr=8-1&keywords=venerable+bede Bede is available online at: http://books.google.com/books?id=UlY-AAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=the+venerable+bede&hl=en&sa=X&ei=KCoEUrmxO4e28wTIm4CoAw&ved=0CEEQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=the%20venerable%20bede&f=false

Benson, Pamela. Texts from the Querelle, 1521-1615: Essential Works for the Study of Early Modern Women: Series III, Part Two, Volume 1 (Early Modern Englishwoman: a Facsimile Library of Essential Works) New edition Edition. Routledge, 2008. Cited in Catherine Howard. Might be useful in studying Boleyn, Seymour, Cleves, Parr, and Howard. http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0754631125/ref=sr_1_1?p=S04O&keywords=gosynhyll+scholehouse+of+women&ie=UTF8&qid=1463929783

Bindoff, S.T. Tudor England (History of England Penguin). Penguin Books, 1950. Available of $0.01 on amazon.

Boland, Brdget. The Lisle Letters. University of Chicago Press, 1983. A family in the direct Plantagenet line that gave on-going trouble for Cranmer.

Bowker, Margaret. The Secular Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, 1495-1520.  Cambridge University Press, 2008. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Secular-Diocese-Lincoln-Cambridge-Medieval/dp/0521070147/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376620807&sr=1-1&keywords=Bowker+The+Secular+Clergy+of+the+Diocese+of+Lincoln

Borman, Tracy. Thomas Cromwell: The Untold Story of Henry VIII’s Most Faithful Servant. Atlantic Monthly Press, 2014. Available on amazon. Cromwell represented as intelligent and sympathetic supporter of Henry.

Bradford, John. The Writings of Rev. John Bradford. No location: Createspace Publications, 2011. https://www.amazon.com/Writings-Rev-John-Bradford/dp/1461011779/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467063365&sr=1-1&keywords=john+bradford.

Bradford, was born at Hereford in 1750, the son of a clothier, educated at Hereford grammar school, and at Wadham College, Oxford, where he took the degree of B.A. On leaving college he accepted a curacy at Frilsham in Berkshire,[1] where he married when twenty-eight years of age, and had a family of twelve children. About this time his religious opinions became decidedly Calvinistic, and he preached in several of Lady Huntingdon's chapels. On account of this irregularity the rector discharged him from his curacy. He then joined the Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, and, after spending some time in South Wales, removed to Birmingham, and preached with great popularity in the old playhouse, which the countess had purchased and made into a chapel for him. Subsequently he left the connection of the countess for a new chapel in Bartholomew Street, supplementing his small income by making watch-chains. Not being successful, he removed to London in 1797, and preached till his death in the City Chapel, Grub Street. He died 16 July 1805, and was buried in Bunhill Fields. Some account of his life is given in an octavo volume, chiefly controversial, by his successor, William Wales Home.

Bradshaw, Brendan.Humanism, Reform and the Reformation: The Career of Bishop John Fisher. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Brightman, F.E. The English Rite, Vol 1: Being a Synopsis of the Sources and Revisions, of the Book of Common Prayer, with an Introduction and an Appendix. Forgotten Books, 2015. E.C.S. Gibson notes this is nearwise exhaustive in treatment on the Prayer Books and revisions. https://www.amazon.com/English-Rite-Synopsis-Sources-Revisions/dp/1340823063/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471206148&sr=8-1&keywords=F.E.+Brightman  This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Bromiley, G.W. Thomas Cranmer: Archbishop and Martyr.  London: Church Book Room Press, 1956.

-----------Thomas Cranmer, Theologian. Oxford University Press, 1956.

Brooks, Peter Newman. Cranmer in Contest: Documents from the English Reformation. Fortress Press, 1989.

-----------Cranmer, Primate of All England: Catalogues of a Quincenttenary Exhibition at the British Library, 17 October 1989-21 January 1990. The British Library, 1989.

-----------Reformation Principle and Practice: Essays in Honour of Arthur Geoffrey Dickens. Scholar Press, 1980.

-----------Thomas Cranmer’s Doctrine of the Eucharist.  New York: Seabury Press, 1965.  Mr. Dickens believes that Cranmer approximated the Consensus Tigurnus of 1549. Available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Cranmers-Doctrine-Eucharist-Development/dp/B001O7HBC8/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376621037&sr=1-1&keywords=Peter+Brooks+Thomas+Cranmer%27s+Doctrine+of+the+Eucharist

Bucer, Martin. A review of the Book of common prayer, drawn up at the request of archbishop Cranmer. Leopold Classics, 2015.  

-----------Concerning The True Care of Souls Hardcover. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2009. https://www.amazon.com/Concerning-True-Souls-Martin-Bucer/dp/0851519849/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465916476&sr=8-1&keywords=martin+bucer

Buchanan, Colin. Eucharistic Liturgies of Edward VI: A Text for Students. No location: Grove Books, 1983. https://www.amazon.com/Eucharistic-Liturgies-Edward-VI-Liturgical/dp/0907536492/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467071389&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=liturgical+services+of+edward+VI

Buckwalter, Horst Irvin. The Radical Brethren: Anabaptism and the English Reformation to 1558. Brill, Hess and De Graaf, 1972. https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Brethren-Reformation-Bibliotheca-Reformatorica/dp/9060042921/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467071652&sr=8-1&keywords=horst+radical+brethren

Burbidge, Edward. Liturgies and Offices of the Church. No location: BiblioBizaar, 2011. https://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/111380582X/ref=sr_1_1?p=random&ie=UTF8&qid=1467064420

In 1679, Mr. Burnet says:  “…as eminent virtues, and as few faults in him as in any prelate, that has been in the Christian Church for many ages.”  In 1715, he nuances this with: “…if it had not been for Cranmer’s too feeble compliance in King Henry’s time, and the last inexcusable slip, he might well be proposed as one of the greatest patterns of history.”

Bray, Gerald, ed.  Documents of the English Reformation.  Minneapolis, MN:  Fortress Press, 1994.A 2005 edition is available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Documents-English-Reformation-Revd-Gerald/dp/0227172396/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374785087&sr=1-1&keywords=gerald+bray+english+reformation

----------The Faith We Confess: An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles. London: Latimer Trust, 2009. http://www.amazon.com/The-Faith-Confess-Exposition-Thirty-Nine/dp/0946307849

Brewer, J.S. and Gairdner, James. The Reign of Henry VIII. No location: BiblioBazaar, 2009. 532 pages. Mentioned by Arthur James Mason. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/The-Reign-Henry-VIII-Brewer/dp/1117582728/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378438985&sr=8-1&keywords=brewer+reign+of+henry+viii

Brigden, Susan. London and the Reformation. Faber Finds, 2014. Available in print and kindle on Amazon.

Brightman, F.E. The English Rite. University of Michigan Library, 1915.

Brooks, N.P. and S.E. Kelly. Charters of Christ Church Canterbury: Part 2 (Anglo-Saxon Charters) 1st Edition. Oxford: Oxford Univerity Press: British Academy, 2013. http://www.amazon.com/Charters-Christ-Church-Canterbury-Anglo-Saxon/dp/0197265367?ie=UTF8&ascsubtag=pfb-DPD-1-2-1447320430699V3&ref_=pfb_DPD_1_2_1447320430699V3&tag=hydfbook0e-20

Brooks, Peter Newman. Cranmer in Context: Documents from the English Reformation. Fortress Press, 1989.

-----------Reformation Principle and Practice: Essays in Honour of Arthur Geoffrey Dickens. Scholar Press, 1980.

-----------Seven-headed Luther: Essays in Commemoration of a Quincentenary, 1483-1983. Oxford University Press, 1983.

-----------Thomas Cranmer’s Doctrine of the Eucharist. Palgrave School Press, 1992.

Byrnes, M. St. Clare. The Letters of Henry VIII. No location: Cassell, 1968.

Burnet, Gilbert.  The History of the Reformation of the Church of England, Six Volumes. No location: Ulan Press, 2011. Bromiley indicates there are 7 volumes and notes for “specialized study.”

---------The Protestant's companion, or, An impartial survey and comparison of the Protestant religion as by law established, with the main doctrines of popery ... primitive fathers and councils (1685). EBBO Edition, 2013. https://www.amazon.com/Protestants-companion-comparison-Protestant-established/dp/1171251041/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1471283339&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sutcliff+survey+of+popery

Butterworth, Charles C. and Chester, Allan G.  George Joye, 1495? -1553: a Chapter in the History of the English Bible and the English Reformation. Philadelphia: University Press, 1962

----------The English Primers (1529-1545): Their Publication and Connection with the English Bible and the Reformation in England. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1952. http://www.amazon.com/English-Primers-1529-1545-Publication-Reformation/dp/B000JJWLNQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1457455394&sr=1-1&keywords=charles+butterworth+primers. Used much by MacCulloch. Sift for Henrician-Cranmerian developments.

Calendar Of Letters, Despatches, And State Papers Relating To The Negotiations Between England And Spain: Henry VIII. https://www.amazon.com/Calendar-Letters-Despatches-State-Papers/dp/B001Q4RC5A/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1471206680&sr=1-2&keywords=calendar+of+letter%2C+despatches+and+state+papers+relating+to+the+negotiations+between+england+and+spain. There are 13 volumes. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.

This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.

As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.


Calvin, John. Letters of John Calvin. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1980.

Cardwell, E. Synodalia. A Collection of Articles of Religion, Canons and Proceedings of Convocation, 1547-1717.  Oxford, 1842.  Reprinted in 1968. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00DP830RO/ref=dp_olp_used?ie=UTF8&condition=used.  It is also available online at:  http://books.google.com/books?id=p_9JAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=e.+cardwell+synodalia&hl=en&sa=X&ei=yovxUaKOA4XS9AShlYGoCA&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

-----  The Reformation Of The Ecclesiastical Laws As Attempted In The Reigns Of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI And Queen Elizabeth (1850).  White Fish, MT:  Kessinger Publishing, 2012. http://www.amazon.com/Reformation-Ecclesiastical-Attempted-Reigns-Elizabeth/dp/1165124645/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1378412603&sr=8-3&keywords=Cardwell+Edward+VI

Carlson, Eric Josef. Marriage and the English Reformation (Family, Sexuality and Social Relations in Past Times) 1st Edition. England: Wiley-Blackwell, 1994. https://www.amazon.com/Marriage-English-Reformation-Sexuality-Relations/dp/0631168648/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1466120747&sr=1-3&keywords=carlson+marriage+and+the+english+reformation

            From the Back. English break from Rome in 1529 was precipitated by the marital difficulties of the sovereign. A leading item in the Reform agenda in Europe had been and continued to be the reform of marriage laws. Yet Henry persisted in obtaining a sanction for his divorce and remarriage from the Church, and throughout the sixteenth century the people of England continued to defer to the ecclesiastical courts and to canon law in almost all matters relating to marriage.

            The difference between the Reformation in England and in Continental Europe has long been a matter of argument among historians. In exploring the reasons for the persistence of pre-Reformation marital conventions in England, Eric Carlson throws fresh light on the issue as well as on the nature of the relations between sovereign, church, state and people in Tudor England.

            Dr Carlson describes the medieval canon law of marriage and its application in England, and the changing relationship between the English Crown and church during the Middle Ages. In so doing he provides a solution to the key question of the English Reformation - whether it resulted from authoritative action from above or by popular demand from below. This is, then, a fundamental contribution to the understanding of the development of English society at a turning point in its history.

           About the Author

Eric Josef Carlson received his PhD in 1987 from Harvard University, where he worked with Wallace MacCaffrey and Steven Ozment. He is a life member of Clare Hall, Cambridge.

Casady, Edwin. Henry Howard: Early of Surrey. No location: Kessinger, 2010. Used by Smith in Catherine Howard. http://www.amazon.com/Henry-Howard-Surrey-Edwin-Casady/dp/1162991925/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462671230&sr=8-1&keywords=casady+henry+howard

Cavendish, George and William Roper. Two Early Tudor Lives: The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish; The Life of Sir Thomas More by William Roper. Yale University Press, 1962.

-----The Two Books of Common Prayer Set Forth By the Authority of Parliament in the Reign of Edward VI. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1838. Not found in hardcopy, but available online at:  https://archive.org/stream/thetwobooksofpra00carduoft#page/n5/mode/2up

Chamberlain, Jonathan. The Private Character of Henry the Eighth. London: No Press, 1932. Used by Smith in Catherine Howard. Only one left at amazon.  http://www.amazon.com/Private-Character-Henry-Eigth/dp/B000S67LFI/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462671410&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=chamberlain+private+character+of+henry+the+eighth

Clebsch, William.  England’s Earliest Protestants, 1520-1535.  New Haven, 1964.  Posted by Davies.

Cobbett, William. History of the English Reformation in England and Ireland.  Charlotte, NC: Tan Book and Publishers, 1999.  This is a virulent anti-Cranmer book published in 1829.  The reviewer says this:  “William Cobbett was born in 1763 at Surrey, England.  An author, farmer and journalist, he yearned for something more than his simple country life could afford, and became intimately familiar with the English language while enlisted with Nova Scotia.  Noted for his efforts which served as a preamble to the Reform Bill of 1832, as well as his aversion to authority and novelty, Mr. Cobbett is most famous for his `Rural Rides,’ which was printed in 1830.  He also composed `A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland,” which amounts to a thrilling and accurate portrayal of the untold disasters of the times during the Reform.  He died on the eighteenth of June, 1835, at the age of seventy-two.”  The hardcopy is available here:  http://www.amazon.com/History-Protestant-Reformation-England-Ireland/dp/0895553538/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375918535&sr=8-1&keywords=William+Cobbett+history+of+the+protestant+reformation   It is available online at:  http://books.google.com/books?id=klw0RBILtmAC&pg=PT257&dq=william+cobbett+history+of+the+protestant+reformation&hl=en&sa=X&ei=u9sCUtjZNMWw4AOuzID4Cg&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=william%20cobbett%20history%20of%20the%20protestant%20reformation&f=false

Cockayne, George. The complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom: extant, extinct, or dormant. Ulan, 2012. https://www.amazon.com/complete-peerage-England-Scotland-Ireland/dp/B009UD6V2O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1466120414&sr=8-1&keywords=cokayne+and+gibbs+complete+peerage

Collette, Charles Hastings. The Life, Times, and Writings of Thomas Cranmer, D.D.: The First Reforming Archbishop of Canterbury (1887) Paperback.  Cornell, NY: Cornell University Library (June 25, 2009).   http://www.amazon.com/Life-Times-Writings-Thomas-Cranmer/dp/1112088938/ref=sr_1_fkmr2_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1378516387&sr=8-3-fkmr2&keywords=hook+life+of+cranmer

Collinson, Patrick. From Cranmer to Sancroft. Bloomsbury, 2006.

-----------The Birthpangs of Protestant England: Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: The Third Anstey Memorial Lectures. Palgrave Macmillan, 1988.

------------The Reception of Continental Reformation in Britain (Proceedings of the British Academy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

-----------The Reformation (Modern Chronicles Library). Modern Library, 2006.

-----------The Reformation in English Towns, 1500-1640 (Themes in Focus). Palgrave Macmillan, 1998.

Collinson, P., Ramsay, N., and Sparks, M. (eds).  A History of the Canterbury CathedralOxford U.P., 1995.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/History-Canterbury-Cathedral-Patrick-Collinson/dp/019820051X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375848621&sr=8-1&keywords=Collinson+History+of+Canterbury+Cathedral

Cope, Alan. Bishop Cranmer’s Recantacyons. Cope is the suggested author. There may be a manuscript in Reginold Pole’s papers; Cope may have been working on a commission from Pole.  Nicholas Harpsfield attributes the work to Mr. Cope.  Cope’s intention, published within months of Cranmer’s death, was to blacken his name. 

Cox, William E. The Heart of the Prayer Book. Richmond, VA: The Dietz Press, 1945.

Cranmer, Thomas. “Cranmer’s Preface to the Great Bible.” Bible Research.  Accessed August 11, 2013.  http://www.bible-researcher.com/cranmer.html

-----------A Defence of The True and Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Our Saviour Christ: With a Confutation of Sundry Errors…Approved by the Consent of the Most Ancient. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2004. http://www.amazon.com/Defence-Catholic-Doctrine-Sacrament-Savior/dp/1592447775/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426809159&sr=8-1&keywords=thomas+cranmer+true+and+catholic+doctrine. Online edition at: http://www.archive.org/stream/defenceoftruecat1825cran/defenceoftruecat1825cran_djvu.txt.

-----------Homilies. Benediction Books, 2010.

-------------The Works of Thomas Cranmer, Vol. 1-3  (ed. Parker Society.  No location: Hardpress Publishing, 2012.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Cranmer-Edited-Parker-Society/dp/1407702041/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1376432605&sr=8-11&keywords=cranmer+parker+society  A few online resources are available at:  Cranmer, Thomas. Writings and Disputations, vol. 1 (1844) PDF Cranmer, Thomas. Writings and Disputations, vol. 2 (1844) PDF [Internet Archive]

Cross, Claire. The Puritan Earl: The Life of Henry Hastings (1536-1595).  New York: Macmillan, 1966. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Puritan-Earl-Henry-Hastings-1536-1595/dp/B00A3LJ99O/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376621641&sr=1-4&keywords=Claire+Cross+The+Puritan+Earl

Cuming, G.J. Godly Order (Alcuin Club Collection). SPCK Publishing, 1983.

Dallman William. Robert Barnes: English Lutheran Martyr. Repristination Press, 2012.

Dalton, Hermann. John a Lasco: His Earlier Life and Labours; a Contribution to the History of the Reformation in Poland, Germany and England. Cornell University, 2009. Originally published in 1886. Available on Amazon.

D’Aubigne, Merle.  The History of the Reformation in England, 2 Vols. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1963.  Volume 1 is available at: http://www.amazon.com/The-Reformation-England-Volume-1/dp/0851514863/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1375919662&sr=8-13&keywords=Merle+d%27Aubigne  Volume 2 is available at: http://www.amazon.com/The-Reformation-England-Volume-2/dp/0851514871/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375919662&sr=8-1&keywords=Merle+d%27Aubigne .  It appears to not be available online. 

Daniel, David. William Tyndale: A Biography.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.

Dawley, Powell M. John Whitgift and the English Reformation.  New York, 1954.

Deane, A.C. The Life of Thomas Cranmer.  New York: Macmillan, 1927.  Recommended by Mr. Bromiley.  Allegedly unsympathetic.  Available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Life-Thomas-Cranmer-Archbishop-Canterbury/dp/B00ED2IHFG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376355992&sr=8-1&keywords=a.c.+deane+life+of+cranmer

Demaus, Robert. Hugh Latimer: A Biography (Classic Reprint). Forgotten Books, 2012.

Dickens, A.G. The English Reformation, 2nd Ed. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1989. Available at:  http://www.amazon.com/English-Reformation-G-Dickens/dp/0271028688/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374783627&sr=1-1&keywords=a.g.+dickens

-------Age of Humanism and Reformation: Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th Centuries.  Saddle River, NJ: Prentiss Hall,  1972. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Age-Humanism-Reformation-Europe-Centuries/dp/0130186147/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376617902&sr=1-5

------Contemporary Historians of the German Reformation.  London: Institute of Germanic Studies, 1978. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Contemporary-Historians-Reformation-Memorial-Lectures/dp/0854570888/ref=sr_1_10?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376617902&sr=1-10

------East Riding of Yorkshire with Hull and York: A Portrait. Beverley, UK: Highgate Publications, 2002.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/East-Riding-Yorkshire-Hull-York/dp/1902645332/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376617902&sr=1-11

-------Erasmus the Reformer. London: Methuen Publishers, 1994. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Erasmus-Reformer-G-Dickens/dp/0413334805/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376617902&sr=1-6

-------The German Nation and Martin Luther. London: Edward Arnolds Publishing, 1974.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/German-nation-Martin-Luther/dp/0713157003/ref=la_B001HPXKYA_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376617464&sr=1-2

-------Lollards and Protestants in the Diocese of York, 1509-1558.    London: Hambledon Continuum; 2nd edition (November 1, 2003).  Reprint of the 1959 edition.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Lollards-Protestants-Diocese-History-Reprint/dp/B007K52056/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376617188&sr=8-1&keywords=A.G.+Dickens+Lollards

------The Reformation in Historical Thought. No location: iUniverse, 1999. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Reformation-Historical-Thought-G-Dickens/dp/1583484426/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376617902&sr=1-4

------Reformation in England to the Accession. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 1967. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Reformation-England-Accession-Documents-History/dp/0713152702/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376617902&sr=1-8

The First Volume contains the period from the Fall of Wolsey to the end of the Pilgrimage of Grace. It gives for the first time the whole history of the struggle between the King, aided by the Parliament, and the Clergy, which ended with the submission of the latter. It contains the various acts by which the Roman jurisdiction was ended: the fullest account of the troubles of More, Fisher, Houghton, and others under the new acts of Supreme Head and verbal treason. The examination of the evidence on which the religious houses are commonly believed to have been condemned, the first part of the Monastic Suppression, and the Pilgrimage of Grace, are among the chief contents of this volume: and of the whole work it is a principal feature to afford a sufficient treatment of the various visitations, injunctions, articles, and formularies that appeared in the course of the Reformation.”

“The Second Volume continues and concludes, from the former volume, the history of the Monastic Suppression, an event which has never before been treated in a consecutive manner. It exhibits fully, for the first time, the various negotiations between Henry and the Protestants; and for ihe first time divides by their years and assigns to their causes the religious persecutions of Henry's later years. It embraces the Irish Reformation, and the affairs of Scotland and of the Continent, as they affected England: it gives a full account of the compilation of the Third English Confession, which it compares with the Second: it traces the Liturgic Reformation to the point at which it arrived within the period. The volume is furnished with an Index to the two first volumes.

Doernberg, E.  Henry VIII and Luther:  An Account of Their Personal Relations. Barrie & Rockliff; First Edition edition, 1961.  This may go to the issue of Henry’s letter in Latin and the vernacular rebutting Luther’s letter rebutting the Assertio Septem Sacramentorum.  Luther blasted Henry VIII.  Henry’s response stimulating interest.  It also went to Continental princes.  Prof. Clebsch makes these points. http://www.amazon.com/Henry-VIII-Luther-Personal-Relations/dp/B0000CKZBO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1418432119&sr=8-2&keywords=Doernberg+Henry+VIII+and+Luther.

Du Boulay, F.R.H. The Lordship of Canterbury: an Essay on Medieval Society. Nelson, 1966.

Duffy, Eamy.The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1044-1580. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005.  http://www.amazon.com/The-Stripping-Altars-Traditional-1400-1580/dp/0300108281/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1386382388&sr=8-1&keywords=eamon+duffy . Available online at: http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/The_Stripping_of_the_Altars.html?id=K48k6JIcPrUC

Dyce, Alexander. Sir Thomas More Paperback. Bibliobazarre, 2010. Original of 1844 edition. http://www.amazon.com/Sir-Thomas-More-Alexander-Dyce/dp/114012496X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465246489&sr=8-1&keywords=Sir+Thomas+More%2C+A.+Dyce

by Alexander Dyce (Author)

Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. A Complete History of England: 1. The History of King Henry VIII. Nabu Press, 2011.

Edwards, Richard M. Scriptural Perspicuity in the Early English Reformation in Historical Theology (Studies in Biblical Literature). Peter Lang Publishing, 2009. Available on Amazon. Apparently, Presbyterian and Reformed, but traces perspicuity through the ages and into the English Reformation.

Edward VI. Literary Remains of King Edward the Sixth. No location: Andesite Press, 2015. Available on amazon.com. MacCulloch uses in his work The Boy King.

Ellis, H.  Original Letters Illustrative of English History, 4 Volumes. No location: Nabu Press, 2010.  http://www.amazon.com/Original-Letters-Illustrative-English-Illustr/dp/1144846765/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1418431823&sr=8-4&keywords=H.+Ellis+Original+Letters+Illustrative+of+English+History.  Vol. 3--A letter from Bishop Longland to Cardinal Wolsey citing Henry’s support for royal book-burning in London at St. Paul’s in 1526 with Bishop Fisher as the speaker. Cited by Prof. Clebsch with his thesis that Henry, Fisher, Wolsey and More were the principal voices of officialdom—crown and church.

Elton, G.R. A History of England: England Under the Tudors. The Folio Society, 1997.

-----------England Under the Tudors.  Oxford: Routledge, 1991.  If further research is done, one will find a rich stream of the volumes by Mr. Elton. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/England-Under-Tudors-G-Elton/dp/041506533X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376510713&sr=1-1

------------Policy and Police: The Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell. Cambridge University Press, 1972.

------------Reform and Renewal. Cambridge University Press, 1973.

-----------G.R. “Thomas Cranmer.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 26 Jan 2014. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/141839/Thomas-Cranmer/1606/Martyrdom.  Accessed 28 Mar 2015.

----------The Tudor Constitution: Documents and Commentary. Cambridge Press, 1982.  It is available at:  http://www.amazon.com/The-Tudor-Constitution-Documents-Commentary/dp/052128757X/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1374782952&sr=8-4&keywords=G.R.+Elton.  From the amazon.com website, the following commendation is made:  There is no alternative in sight which comes close to conveying the story of the English Reformation in narrative power and substantial information.”  Heiko A. Oberman, University of Arizona.

Elyot, Thomas. Four political treatises. Scholars Facsimiles and Reprints, 1967. Not available on amazon.com.

Emden, Alfred. A biographical register of the University of Oxford, A.D. 1501 to 1540. Clarendon Press, 1974. http://www.amazon.com/biographical-register-University-Oxford-1501/dp/B007ET51SQ/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1457456349&sr=1-4&keywords=emden+oxford+to+1540

Erasmus, Desiderius. New Testament Scholarship: Paraphrases on Romans and Galatians (Collected Works of Erasmus).  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, Volume 42 Edition, 1984. http://www.amazon.com/New-Testament-Scholarship-Paraphrases-Galatians/dp/0802025102/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1425852399&sr=1-1&keywords=erasmus+paraphrases.  These are pricey and there are several volumes. Udall’s edition of the Paraphrases, reissued we believe c. 1549, annoyed Stephen Gardiner.

Evans, Maurice. John a Lasco. Forgotten Books, 2012. Available on Amazon.

Fish, Simon. A Supplication for the Beggars. Forgotten Books, 2015.

Fisher, John. "The English Works of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester (1469–1535): Sermons and other Writings, 1520–1535," edited by Cecilia A. Hatt, Oxford University Press, 2002.  It’s a bit pricey, but we believe it will give insights.  Mr. Fisher was an international scholar.  He was vigorously combatting Luther and Oecolampadius in the 1520s.  Where was Cranmer? Available at:  http://www.amazon.com/English-Fisher-Bishop-Rochester-1469-1535/dp/0198270119/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376193120&sr=8-1&keywords=english+works+of+john+fisher  Another edition that Ms. Hatt’s is available online:  http://www.amazon.com/English-Fisher-Bishop-Rochester-1469-1535/dp/0198270119/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376193120&sr=8-1&keywords=english+works+of+john+fisher  Also, available online, an 1877 edition of Fisher’s works, at: http://books.google.com/books?id=qV4Yv8RxRkEC&printsec=frontcover&dq=bishop+john+fisher&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3GUmUtj0GtC4sASb4oCYBg&ved=0CE4Q6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=bishop%20john%20fisher&f=false

Fox, Alistair. Reassessing the Henrician Age: Humanism, Politics and Reform, 1500-1550.  No location: Blackwell Publishing, 1986. Available on Amazon. MacCulloch often uses. Cited by Dr. Peter Brooks in Paul Ayris’ Cranmer Primate of all England. http://www.amazon.com/Reassessing-Henrician-Age-Humanism-1500-1550/dp/0631146148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462643204&sr=1-1&keywords=Fox+reassessing+the+henrician+age

Frere, W.H. and W.P.M. Kennedy. Visitation Articles and Injunctions, Vol. 2: 1536-1558. Originally, London: Alcuin Club Collections, XV, 1910. Now, Classic Reprint, 2012. https://www.amazon.com/Visitation-Articles-Injunctions-Vol-1536-1558/dp/1331862248/ref=sr_1_6?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1471207997&sr=8-6&keywords=w.h.+frere

Friedemann, Paul.  Ann Boleyn. Forgotten Books, 2012. https://www.amazon.com/Anne-Boleyn-Chapter-English-1527-1536/dp/1440073821/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1471202833&sr=8-3-fkmr1&keywords=friedmann+ann+boleyn. https://www.amazon.com/Anne-Boleyn-Chapter-English-1527-1536/dp/1440073821/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1471202833&sr=8-3-fkmr1&keywords=friedmann+ann+boleyn . There are two volumes. Anne Boleyn, or an exhaustive history of her times. It contains merely a sketch of some events in the reign of Henry VIII with which the name of Anne Boleyn is intimately connected. Short and incomplete as my account of these events is, it will, I hope, draw attention to certain aspects of the period between 1527 and 1536 which have not hitherto been sufficiently explained. The sources from which I have derived my materials may be roughly divided into five great classes. First of all, there is the English correspondence of Henry, his ministers, and his subordinate agents, with sundry proclamations, accounts, treaties, and similar papers. Secondly, there is the correspondence of Charles V., of his aunt, sister, and brother, and of his ministers, a good deal of which relates to E. They did not finish the paragraph here.

Froude, James Anthony. History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. Vol. II. Amazon Digital Services. 2012.  There are Kindle and hardcopy editions. There are 12 volumes. Smith uses in Catherine Howard. https://www.amazon.com/History-England-Wolsey-Death-Elizabeth-ebook/dp/B0082UZI66?ie=UTF8&keywords=froude%20history%20of%20england&qid=1462671890&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1

Fuller, Thomas. Church History of Britain: From the Birth of Jesus Christ Until 1648.  No location: Ulan Press, 2012.  This is a multi-volume work. In this volume, Mr. Fuller defends Cranmer from Mr. Prynne’s charges.  Also, notably, Samuel Coleridge of the 19th century thought highly of Fuller’s history. A fuller account of Fuller is given at 16 Aug 1661, the date of his death. He was beloved by both sides in the English War, the Royalists as well as the Cavailiers. Fuller is available online at: http://www.amazon.com/Church-History-Britain-Birth-Christ/dp/B009JR7M06/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374969993&sr=1-4&keywords=thomas+fuller+church+history+of+britain  Various versions are available online at: http://books.google.com/books?id=yy8aAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=fuller+church+history+of+Britain&hl=en&sa=X&ei=1F_0Uf_CH4rQ8wSc7oHYCw&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=fuller%20church%20history%20of%20Britain&f=false

Gairdner, James. The English Church in the Sixteenth Century. 1902. From Davies.

Gardner, Stephen.  De Vera Obedientia 1553. Scolas Press, 1966.

----------Obedience in Church and State: Three Political Tracts. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Available on amazon. This may have warmed up Henry VIII in the summer progress of 1535 in which the Supremacy was played up, bishops ordered to preach it up, and Cranmer started stocking episcopal bench with Hilsey to Rochester, Edward Foxe to Hereford, and Latimer to Worcester. On 20 Dec 1535, in a deep insult to Stokesley, the Vice-regent gave Hilsey a commission to license all preachers in London. But, Wily’s work may have evinced a slight moderation re: Wily.

----------The Letters of Stephen Gardiner (ed. James Arthur Muller). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Letters-Stephen-Gardiner-Arthur-Muller/dp/1107623189/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1376441082&sr=8-2&keywords=the+letters+of+stephen+gardiner   A brief review on Gardiner:  Stephen Gardner (c.1483-1555) was secretary to Cardinal Wolsey during the reign of King Henry VIII and later Lord Chancellor under Queen Mary I. In this first role, he was responsible for advancing the cause of Henry's divorce with Pope Clement VII, and remained a Roman Catholic throughout the reformations led by Henry and his son, Edward VI. His surviving letters, including those to Henry from Rome and to friends on the outside during his period of imprisonment in the Tower of London, are collected in this volume, which was first published in 1933 and edited by James Arthur Muller. This book will be of value to any Tudor historian either amateur or professional.”

Gasquet, Francis Aidan. Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer: An examination into its origin and early history: with an appendix of unpublished documents.  No location: University of California Libraries, 2012. http://www.amazon.com/Edward-Book-common-prayer-examination/dp/B008NP1I3C/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1425602839&sr=8-2&keywords=gasquet+edward+VI+and+the+book+of+common+prayer.  This may describe Cranmer’s allegedly victorious and overwhelming debate in the House of Lords on the Reformed view of the Supper in autumn 1548. Peter Martyr, Traheron and even the Romish reactionaries were impressed with Cranmer’s theological command of the issue. Traheron carried the Reformed view into the debate in Commons.

----------Henry VIII and the English Monasteries, Two Volumes. Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2005.

Godwin, Francis.  De Praesulibus Angliae. London: Nortiana, 1616.

Gordon, Bruce. Architect of Reformation: An Introduction to Heinrich Bullinger, 1504-1575. Baker Academic Books, 2004.

Gorham, George Cornelius. Gleanings of a Few Scattered Ears During the Period of the Reformation in England [Microform]: And of the Times Immediately Succeeding : A.D. 1533 to the  Engraving of Eleven Seals of Cranmer.  No location: Sagwan Press, 2015. https://www.amazon.com/Gleanings-Scattered-Reformation-England-Microform/dp/1298893410/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467062548&sr=1-1&keywords=gorham+gleanings

Gunn, S.J. Cardinal Wolsey: Church, State and Art. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Guistinian, Sebastian.  Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII V1: Selection of Dispatches Written by Sebastian Giustinian, 1515-1519 (1854) (Paperback.). Kessinger Publishing, 2007. There are 2 volumes. http://www.amazon.com/Four-Years-Court-Henry-VIII/dp/B00FBBED2Y/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1463929569&sr=1-2-fkmr1&keywords=guistinian+translated+R.+Brown+four+years+at+the+court+of+henry+viii

Guth, Delloyd J. Tudor Rule and Revolution: Essays for G.R. Elton from his American Friends. Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Guy, J. Tudor England. (Oxford: University Press, 1988). Cited by Dr. Peter Brooks Ayris’ Cranmer Primate of all England. http://www.amazon.com/Tudor-England-John-Guy/dp/0192852132/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462643357&sr=1-1&keywords=guy+tudor+england

Ha, Polly and Patrick Collinson. The Reception of Continental Reformation in Britain (Proceedings of the British Academy) 1st Edition. No location: Proceedings of the British Academy (Book 164), 2011. http://www.amazon.com/Reception-Continental-Reformation-Britain-Proceedings/dp/0197264689/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443448717&sr=8-1&keywords=polly+ha+reformation .  Apparently, this draws rich and durable connections between the Continent and the English Reformation and dissevers the Tractarian-High Anglican notion that Anglicanism was a separate identity uninfluenced by Continental Churchmen. High praise offered by Dr. Lee Gatiss.

Hague, Dyson. Protestantism of the Prayer Book. No location: RareBooksClub.com, 2012. Look up and get several other volumes by Hague, e.g. Wycliff and Cranmer, Church of England Before the Reformation. Available at amazon.com.

----------The Story of the English Prayer Book. Longmans, 1930.

----------Through the Prayer Book. Church Book Room Press, 1948.

Hall, Joseph. The old religion a treatise wherein is laid down the true state of the difference betwixt the Reformed and Roman Church, and the blame of this schism ... for the vindication of our innocence (1686). EEBO, 2011. https://www.amazon.com/religion-treatise-difference-vindication-innocence/dp/1240821328/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471284047&sr=8-1&keywords=hall+treatise+of+the+old+religion

Haigh, Christopher. Elizabeth (Profiles in Power). Routledge, 2014.

----------English Reformations: Religion, Politics, and Society under the Tudors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. English Reformations takes a refreshing new approach to the study of the Reformation in England. Christopher Haigh's lively and readable study disproves any facile assumption that the triumph of Protestantism was inevitable, and goes beyond the surface of official political policy to explore the religious views and practices of ordinary English people. With the benefit of hindsight, other historians have traced the course of the Reformation as a series of events inescapably culminating in the creation of the English Protestant establishment. Haigh sets out to recreate the sixteenth century as a time of excitement and insecurity, with each new policy or ruler causing the reversal of earlier religious changes. This is a scholarly and stimulating book, which challenges traditional ideas about the Reformation and offers a powerful and convincing alternative analysis. http://www.amazon.com/English-Reformations-Religion-Politics-Society/dp/0198221622/ref=pd_cp_b_2

----------The English Reformation Revised. Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Hall, Basil. John a Lasco, 1499-1560: A Pole in Reformation England. No location: Friends of Dr. Williams's Library. Lectures. 1971. https://www.amazon.com/John-Lasco-1499-1560-Reformation-Williamss/dp/0852170033/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467064844&sr=1-2&keywords=hall+john+a+lasco

In 1827, Mr. Hallam said:

“If casting away all prejudice on either side, we weigh the character of this prelate in equal balance, he will appear far indeed removed from the turpitude imputed to him by his enemies, yet not entitled to any extraordinary veneration.  Though it is most eminently true of Cranmer that his faults were always the effect of circumstances, and not of intention, yet this palliating consideration is rather weakened when we recollect that he consented to place himself in a station where those circumstances occurred.

Harding, Thomas. A Confutation of a Booke Instituled An Apologie of the Church of England. Scolar Press, 1976. Not currently available on Amazon.com. This is dubbed “recusant literature.” Harding stressed that the Church of England was schismatic, heretical, divisive and immoral. Davies cites him, 29, in footnote 67: Anglicanism was leaking pittes, which holde no pure and holesome water, but myre and puddles, with the corruption whereof ye have pysoned many soules.”              

Harpsfield, Nicholas.  The Pretended Divorce Between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. No location: Hardpress Publishing, 2013.  It should be noted that Mr. Harpsfield was also a Marian and Papal apologist, who wrote several volumes.  He supervised 100s of criminal trials against Reformed Churchmen.  Foxes says he was “pitiless.”  He also replaced Mr. Cranmer’s brother as the Archdeacon of Canterbury.  He also wrote The Six Dialogues.  Mr. Harpsfield did brig time under Ms. (Queen) Elizabeth 1. The Pretended Divorce is available at: http://www.amazon.com/Treatise-Pretended-Divorce-Between-Catharine/dp/131452285X/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374952856&sr=1-2-fkmr0&keywords=nicholas+harpsfield+the+pretended+divorce+of+catherine+of+aragon It is also available online at:  http://books.google.com/books?id=z_gIAAAAIAAJ&dq=nicholas+harpsfield+the+pretended+divorce+of+catherine+of+aragon&source=gbs_book_similarbooks

Harrison, William. The Description of England: The Classic Contemporary Account of Tudor Social Life. Dover, 2011. Available on amazon.com. A contemporary account from Elizabethan England. MacCulloch notes that ignorant Londoners mocked Cranmer by putting bales of hay at his gate to symbolize his “ostler status.”

Henry VIII. A necessary doctrine and erudition for any christen man set furth by the kynges maiestye of Englande &c (1543). EEBP Editions, ProQuest, 2010.

-----------Assertio Septem Sacramentorum or, An assertion of the seven sacraments agasint Martin Luther by Henry VIII...to which is adjoye’d his epistle…and the pope’s answer.  Available online and at amazon at: https://archive.org/details/assertioseptem00henruoft

Heylin, Peter. Ecclesia Restaurata V1: Or The History Of The Reformation Of The Church Of England (1849).  Whitefish, Montana: Kellinger Publishing, 2009.  This is a reprint of Mr. Heylin’s 1661 work.  He was a Chaplain to Mr. (king) Charles 1.  http://www.amazon.com/Ecclesia-Restaurata-V1-History-Reformation/dp/1104412470/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374971852&sr=1-2&keywords=peter+heylyn+ecclesia+restaurata

Hillerbrand. The Reformation: A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and Participants. Baker Publication Group, 1978. Available on Amazon.

Hook.  Life of Cranmer.  We were unable to locate this.

Hooper, John. Early Writings of John Hooper. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1843.

Holinshed, Raphael. Holindshed’s Chronicles: The Historie of England, Bookes I-IV.  Benediction Classics, 2012. One notes there were 6 not 4 volumes.

Hopkins, John. The Whole Book of Psalms: collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and others. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all…and after morning and evening prayer (1675).  EEBO Editions ProQuest, 2011. Available on amazon.com.

Horst, Irvin Buckwalter. The Radical Brethren: Anabaptism and the English Reformation to 1558. Brill, Hes & De Graaf, 1971.

Hudson, Winthrop Still. Cambridge Connection and the Elizabethan Settlement of 1559. Duke University Press, 1982.

-----------John Ponet, Advocate of Limited Monarchy, (1516?-1556), Chicago, 1962.  John Ponet was an advocate of limited monarchy.  See Ponet’s Of Politick Power.

Hughes, Philip. Rome and the counter-reformation in England. Burns, Oates, 1942.

-----------The Reformation in England, Three Volumes. The Macmillan Company, 1956.

Hume, Martin A. Chronicle of King Henry VIII, of England: Being a Contemporary Record of Some of the Principal Events of the Reigns of Henry VIII, and Edward VI. http://www.amazon.com/Chronicle-King-Henry-VIII-England/dp/B01B2OU99E?ie=UTF8&keywords=hume%20chronicle%20of%20king%20henry%20viii&qid=1463930499&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1

Hunt, Earnest William. Dean Colet and his theology. London: Church Historical Society, 1956.

Hutchinson, F.E. Cranmer and the English Reformation.  London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1951.  G.W. Bromiley refers to it. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Cranmer-English-Reformation-F-HUTCHINSON/dp/B001810EBA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376356582&sr=8-1&keywords=F.E.+hutchinson+cranmer+and+the+english+reformation

Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. Chronicle of Henry VIII of England. Scholars Choice, 2015. Available on amazon.

-----------England under the Tudors. CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2014.

----------Ten Tudor Statesman. Hardpress Publishing, 2012.

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and Other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office: Prepared Under the Superintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Records (V.4 ). New York: Cornell, 2009. http://www.amazon.com/Calendar-Inquisitions-Analogous-Documents-Preserved/dp/1112529543/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465244921&sr=8-1&keywords=Inquisitions+Post+Mortem%3A+Calendar+of+Inquisitions+Post-Mortem

Ives, Eric. The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn. No location: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005. Available on amazon.com. MacCulloch uses much from this volume, including a description of Boleyn’s coronation, 215. http://www.amazon.com/Life-Death-Anne-Boleyn/dp/1405134631/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462643534&sr=1-1&keywords=ives+anne+boleyn

James, Frank A. Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination: The Augustinian Inheritance of an Italian Reformer. Clarendon Press, 1998. Available on amazon.com. Examine Cranmer-Vermigli axis. Came, we believe to England under Cranmer’s and Somerset’s protection as an exile.

Jeanes, Gordon P. Signs of God's Promise: Thomas Cranmer's Sacramental Theology and the Book of Common Prayer.  

Jenkyns, Henry. The Remains of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. No location: Ulan Press, 2011. http://www.amazon.com/Remains-Thomas-Cranmer-Archbishop-Canterbury/dp/B00A63QFCS/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1425861211&sr=1-6. Geoffrey Bromiley makes some use here. Also, in Cox’s Parker Society set: Cranmer’s Miscellanies and Letters, it appears there may be several volumes by Jenkyns. Dr. Paul Ayris indicates there are 4 volumes. https://www.amazon.com/Remains-Thomas-Cranmer-D-D-Vol/dp/1331769965/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1471208853&sr=1-1&keywords=henry+jenkyns+the+remains+of+thomas+cranmer

Jewel, John. An Apology of the Church of England.  Ed. J.E. Booty. Ithaca, NY. 1963.  Posted by Davies.

------The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury. Ed. J. Ayre. 4 vols. Cambridge: Parker Society, 1845-1850.

Johnson, Margot. Thomas Cranmer: Essays in Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of His Birth. Turnstone Ventures, 1990.

Jones, M.K. and Underwood, M.G. The King’s Mother:  Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1993.  Mr. MacCulloch refers to it.


Jones, Thomas R. “An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles.” NewScriptorium. N.d. http://newscriptorium.com/assets/docs/anglican/39-articles/jones39reformers.htm. Accessed 7 Jun 2015. An Elizabethan document, methinketh, that rounds up sayings of the English Reformers on the Thirty-nine Articles. An equivalent to Hughe’s Theology of the English Reformers.

Jordan, Wilbur Kitchener. Edward VI: The Threshold of Power: The Dominance of the Duke of Northumberland. No location: Allen and Unwin, 1971. Available on amazon.com.

Kaulek, Jean Baptiste Louis. Correspondemce politique de mm. de Castillon et de Marillac, ambassadeurs de France en Angleterre (1 French Edition). BiblioBazaar, 2009.

Kelly, Henry Ansgar. The Matrimonial Trials of Henry VIII.  Stanford University Press, 1976. Available on amazon.com. MacCulloch accesses.

Kenyon, J.P. The Stuart Constitution, 1603-1688: Documents and Commentary.  Cambridge Press, 1986.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Stuart-Constitution-1603-1688-Documents-Commentary/dp/0521313279/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374783489&sr=1-1&keywords=j.p.+kenyon

King, John N. English Reformation Literature: The Tudor Origins of the Protestant Tradition Paperback – Deluxe Edition, July 21, 1986. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. http://www.amazon.com/English-Reformation-Literature-Protestant-Tradition/dp/0691101876/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8  

-----------Tudor Royal Iconography: Literature and Art in an Age of Religious Crisis (Princeton Essays on the Arts). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989. http://www.amazon.com/Tudor-Royal-Iconography-Literature-Religious/dp/0691067600/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

Knowles, Dom David. The Religious Orders in England, Three Volumes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

Kreider, Alan. English Chantries: The Road to Dissolution (Harvard Historical Studies). Harvard University Press, 1979. http://www.amazon.com/English-Chantries-Dissolution-Harvard-Historical/dp/0674255607/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1457456510&sr=1-1&keywords=kreider+english+chantries

Lacy, T.A. The King’s Book; Or, a Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for Any Christian Man. London: Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 1932 (reprint). http://www.amazon.com/Kings-Necessary-Doctrine-Erudition-Christian/dp/B00144XLV6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1425142556&sr=8-1&keywords=A+Necessary+Erudition+for+Any+Christian+Man.  Apparently, according to Bromiley, passed by Parliament and Convocation, 1543. It was also called the Bishops Book. A standard recitation of transubstantiation, saints’ invocation, clerical celibacy and reduction of (an alleged) advance of the definition of faith and justification made by Cranmer with early Lutheran diplomats in London. Also, good doses of religious uniformity are dispensed. This much, Cranmer, despite Henry’s protection, is an object of enmity from a concert of pro-Papist reactionaries and sectaries. An introduction to the book by Lacy on the Creed can be had at: http://anglicanhistory.org/henry/book/6.html.  Also, on Lord’s Prayer, at http://anglicanhistory.org/henry/book/114.html.  King Henry’s introduction at: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/kingsbook.htm. 

Latimer, Hugh. Sermons and Remains of Hugh Latimer, Sometime Bishop of Worcester, Martyr, 155 (Parker Society). Wipf and Stock, 2009. https://www.amazon.com/Works-Hugh-Latimer-Sermons-Remains/dp/1175869783/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467071790&sr=8-1&keywords=latimer+remains

Law, Earnest Philip Alphonse. A Short History of Hampton Court. Ulan Press, 2012. http://www.amazon.com/short-history-Hampton-court/dp/B00AF7V7KA?ie=UTF8&keywords=law%20short%20history%20of%20hampton%20court&qid=1463930723&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1

Le Bas, Charles Webb. The Life of Archbishop Cranmer, Volume 1 and 2. No location: ULAN Press, 2012. Bromiley calls an “older biography.” http://www.amazon.com/Life-Archbishop-Cranmer-1/dp/B00ASN8HGS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1428549432&sr=8-4&keywords=Le+Bas+Cranmer.

Leland, J. Joannis Lelandi Antiquarii De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea. Ulan, 2012. Looks for 4 volumes. Smith’s Howard cites it. http://www.amazon.com/Joannis-Lelandi-Antiquarii-Britannicis-Collectanea/dp/B00A21K70A/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1465245452&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=Antiquarii+de+Rebus+Britannica+Collectanea

Lodge, Edmund. Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners, in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, & James I. University of Michigan, 2009. http://www.amazon.com/Illustrations-British-History-Biography-Elizabeth/dp/B002KKCDHQ?ie=UTF8&keywords=lodge%20illustrations%20of%20british%20history%2C%20biography%20and%20manners&qid=1463931557&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1. Mentioned in Smith’s Catherine Howard.

Legg, J. Wickham. Cranmer’s Liturgical Projects. Forgotten Books, 2015.

Lehmberg, Stanford E. The Later Parliaments of Henry VIII, 1536-1547. Cambridge University Press, 1977.

----------The Reformation Parliament, 1529-1536. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Available on amazon.com. MacCulloch uses extensively.

Le Huray, Peter. Music and Reformation in England 1549-1660. Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1967.

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII.  No location: Ulan Press, 2012. G.W. Bromiley recommends for specialized study. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Letters-Papers-Foreign-Domestic-Reign/dp/B009KY9H24/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376357566&sr=8-1&keywords=letters+and+papers%2C+foreign+and+domestic%2C+of+the+reign+of+henry+VII I

Levy, Leonard Williams. Treason Against God: a History of the Offense of Blasphemy. No location: Schocken Books, 1981. Available on amazon.com. MacCulloch calls attention to Luther’s views on executing men like Frith, 124-130.

Littledale, R.F. Innovations: a lecture delivered in the Assembly Rooms, Liverpool, April 23rd 1868. Oxford and London, 1868.  We could not locate this.  But Dublin Review contains this commentary at:  http://books.google.com/books?pg=PA561&dq=R.F.+Littledale+Innovations&ei=q-0CUrCmOta04APCnoCYCA&id=ayAYAQAAIAAJ&output=text

Innovations. A Lecture delivered at Liverpool by R. F. Littledale, LL.D., D.C.L. London : Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.

DR. LITTLEDALE is well known as a leading Ritualist, and this is a most lively and spirited brochure. The author indeed would hardly profess, we suppose, that he intends all his statements "au pied de la lettre": such, e. g., as that no Anglican clergyman is an honest man who does not recite the Prayer-Book service regularly twice a day (p. 23) ; or that C'ranmer is "the most infamous personage in English history, compared with whom John Plantagenet and Henry Tudor have light shades in their characters " (p. 36); or that to deny the communion of saints is no less malignant an error than to deny a future life (p. 35). Still it will be easy for his readers in each case to take off the necessary discount; and we have nowhere seen the misdeeds of the Anglican Reformers at once so briefly and so effectively exhibited as in Dr. Littledale's various notes.

We append a few spicy passages, to whet our reader's appetite for the whole.

"A Church which could produce in its highest ranks such a set of miscreants as the leading English and Scottish Reformers, must have been in a perfectly rotten state" (p. 15).

"Robespierre, Danton, Marat .... merit quite as much respect as Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer" (ib.).

"That young tiger-cub Edward VI." (p. 17).

"That frivolous old heathen Lord Palmerston " (p. 21).

"The Broad Church party, as a party, will nether believe anything nor do anything; .... it is about as useful for propagating Christianity as the Board of Trade is " (p. 20).

The Irish Establishment "does less work and inspires less affection than any religious body of its size in the world" (p. 28).

"We," the Ritualists, "don't mean to be quiet, and we don't mean to secede, and we don't mean to be put down" (ib.).

"Cranmer and his accomplices founded the Church of England just as William Lloyd made the Portland Vase: that is, they did not break and shatter it so completely as to prevent honest men from repairing it" (p. 62).

By the early 19th century, two biographers would cross swords—it would appear—in a rehash and a reworking of the old views, Romewardizing v. Protestantizing.  The disputants in this 19th century go-around would be Mr. John Lingard v. Mr. Henry John Todd.

Mr. Lingard, according to Mr. Ridley, reportedly rehashes the old Romanist attitudes and arguments put forward earlier by Misters Harpsfield and Sanders.  To wit: the consecration oath, Mr. John Lambert’s burning at the stake, the recantation and related issues. Mr. Ridley thinks Mr. Lingard is a mere rehash.  Further review is warranted.

Lingard, John.  A True Account of the Gunpowder-Plot, Extr. from Dr. Lingard's History of England, and Dodd'S Church History, with Notes by Vindicator. No location: Ulan Press, 2012.  There are several others as well.  The particular hardcopy volume is available at: http://www.amazon.com/Account-Gunpowder-Plot-LingardS-History-Vindicator/dp/B009JOPLUC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375125407&sr=8-1&keywords=john+lingard+history+of+the+church+of+england  There are several other volumes if one does a search at amazon.com; it would be recommended that all volumes by Mr. Lingard be purchased and reviewed. This is available online at:  http://books.google.com/books?id=PlIBAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA97&dq=lingard+history+of+the+church+of+england&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Q8_2Ua_mCZHC9gS37IHoBw&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=lingard%20history%20of%20the%20church%20of%20england&f=false

Lloyd, Charles (bp.). Formularies of Oxford. Oxford Press, 1825. Contains documents from Henry VIII’s time including Institution of a Christian Man and Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for a Christian Man.

Loades, D.M. The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Amberly, 2014. https://www.amazon.com/Six-Wives-Henry-VIII-ebook/dp/B00MNR73CQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471203289&sr=8-1&keywords=david+loades+the+six+wives+of+henry+viii#nav-subnav . The story of Henry VIII and his six wives has passed from history into legend taught in the cradle as a cautionary tale and remembered in adulthood as an object lesson in the dangers of marrying into royalty. The true story behind the legend, however, remains obscure to most people, whose knowledge of the affair begins and ends with the aide memoire 'Divorced, executed, died, divorced, executed, survive1d'. David Loades' masterly book recounts Henry's whole sorry tale in detail from his first marriage, to his brother s widow Catherine of Aragon, to his more or less contented old age in the care of the motherly Catherine Parr.

Luther, Martin.  The Babylonian Captivity of the Church: A prelude 1520.  N.d. http://www.lutherdansk.dk/Web-babylonian%20Captivitate/Martin%20Luther.htm#_Toc58730612

Maas, Korey D. The Reformation and Robert Barnes: History, Theology and Polemic in Early Modern England. Boydell Press, 2010. Church History Journal cites as a definitive study on Barnes.

-----------The Boy King: Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation, 1st Ed. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002.  Available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Boy-King-Edward-Protestant-Reformation/dp/0520234022/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374790262&sr=1-7&keywords=diarmaid+macculloch

--------- The Later Reformation in England, 1547-1603, 2nd Ed. Hants, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.   Available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Reformation-England-1547-1603-Perspective-Paperback/dp/0333921399/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374790701&sr=1-5&keywords=diarmaid+macculloch

-----------The Reign of Henry VIII: Politics, Policy and Piety. Palgrave, 1995.

------------Thomas Cranmer: A Life. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1996.

MacNalty, Arthur Salusbury. Henry VIII: A Difficult Patient (Medical Viewpoint Series) Hardcover – 1952. Medical Viewpoint, 1952. http://www.amazon.com/Henry-VIII-Difficult-Patient-Viewpoint/dp/B0006ATAK0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1463931911&sr=8-1&keywords=macnalty+henry+viii%2C+a+difficult+patient   

McNamara, Francis. Miscellaneous writings of Henry the Eighth, king of England, France & Ireland: in which are included Assertion of the seven sacraments; Love letters to Anne Boleyn; Songs; Letter to the emperor; two proclamations. Golden Cockerel Press, 1924. http://www.amazon.com/Miscellaneous-writings-Eighth-England-Ireland/dp/B00144ZKKG/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1463932085&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=miscellaneous+writings+of+henry+the+eighth+mcnamara . Mentioned in Smith’s Catherine Howard.

Markham, Gervase. The English Housewife.  McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994. http://www.amazon.com/English-Housewife-Gervase-Markham/dp/0773511032/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1463932379&sr=8-1&keywords=markham+the+english+house-wife. Mentioned by Smith in Catherine Howard.

Melancthon, Philipp. Commonplaces: Loci Communes, 1521. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00I3PEN84/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1. According to the Foxe edition here, this influenced Patrick Hamilton and three friends while studying at the University of Marburg. All four were persuaded to seek the reform of the Scottish Church. Hamilton was put to death by Cardinal Beaton. Question: did this get to Cambridge? Oxford? London? Fisher? More?

More, Thomas. The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More: Volume 4, Utopia Second Printing Edition, edit. Edward Surtz, SJ and J.H. Hexter. http://www.amazon.com/Yale-Complete-Works-Thomas-More/dp/0300009828/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1465245927&sr=8-6&keywords=Thomas+More+English+Works

Machyn, Henry. The Diary of Henry Machyn Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London (1550-1563). Edited by J G Nichols. This volume from the Camden Society series covers a period of rapid political and religious change in the reigns of Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth, as observed and recorded by a citizen of London. Camden Record Society Old Series. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848. Available at: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42 . This was already mined for 1553-period, but it covers a wider period and needs to be mined since this is eye-witness material.

Maitland, F.W. English Law and the Renaissance. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.

-----------The Constitutional History of England. Nabu Press, 2010.

-----------The History of English Law Before the Time of Edward I. Second Edition. 2 Volumes. The Lawbook Exchange, 2007.

-----------Roman Canon Law in the Church of England; Six Essays. The Classics.us., 2013.

Marcombe, David. Close Encounters: English Cathedrals and Society Since 1540 (Studies in local and regional history). University of Nottingham, 1991.        

Maxwell, William D. “An Outline of Christian Worship: Its Development and Forms.” Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1936. https://archive.org/stream/outlineofchristi011849mbp#page/n3/mode/2up. Gives indications on Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Western worship.

Melanchton, Philipp. Commonplaces: Loci Communes, 1521. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00I3PEN84/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

----------Melanchthon’s 1521 Loci Communes: The First Protestant Apology Churchman 85/3 1971  Antony C. Reed.  http://archive.churchsociety.org/churchman/documents/Cman_085_3_Reed.pdf

Merriman, Roger Bigelow. Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell, Vol. 1. Forgotten Books, 2012. There are two volumes. A.F. Pollard uses this work. Originally, Oxford, 1902. https://www.amazon.com/Letters-Thomas-Cromwell-Classic-Reprint/dp/B008WVVD5U/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1471209393&sr=1-1&keywords=merriman+life+and+letters+of+thomas+cromwell

More, Thomas. The Last Letters of Thomas More. Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2001.

-----------The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More: Volume 1, English Poems, Life of Pico, The Last Things. Yale University, 1997.

-----------The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More: Volume 7, Letter to Bugenhagen, Supplication of Souls, Letter against Faith. Yale University, 1990. Several volumes probably adding up to $1000-1500. May be worth this for a review of the period of the 1520s.

--------William Tyndale. London: Society for the Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1937.  http://www.amazon.com/William-Tyndale-J-F-Mozley/dp/B0010K2T4O/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1386640490&sr=1-4

Muller, James Arthur. Stephen Gardiner and the Tudor Reaction. Macmillan, 1926.

----------The Letters of Stephen Gardiner. Cambridge University Press, 2013. Gardiner (1483-1555) was the secretary to Cardinal Wolsey and Lord Chancellor under Mary. Contains letters to from Clement to Henry. Although he supported Henry’s annulment, he remained a Papist throughout Reformations led by Henry and Edward. Includes his letters from Rome and the imprisonment period in the Tower. Available on amazon.com.

Murray, Iain.  The Reformation of the Church: Collection of Reformation and Puritan Documents on Church Issues.  Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1965.  It is available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Reformation-Church-Iain-H-Murray/dp/085151118X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374783845&sr=1-1&keywords=iain+murray+the+reformation+of+the+church

Narratives of the Reformation (Camden Society).  No location: Ulan Press, 2012.  Recommended by G.W. Bromiley.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Narratives-Reformation-Camden-Society-Britain/dp/B00ARBTSV4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376357922&sr=8-1&keywords=narratives+of+the+reformation+%28camden+society%29

Neale, J.E. Queen Elizabeth I. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2005. http://www.amazon.com/Queen-Elizabeth-I-J-E-Neale/dp/0897333624/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1465247551&sr=1-1&keywords=Neale+queen+elizabeth+1. Reprint of a 1939 edition.

Neame, Alan. The Holy Maid of Kent. Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1971. Available on amazon.com. MacCulloch seems to rely on this volume heavily. (?)

Nicholas, Harris. The Literary Remains Of Lady Jane Grey: With A Memoir Of Her Life.  Kessinger, 2010. http://www.amazon.com/Literary-Remains-Lady-Jane-Grey/dp/1167208218/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1465247820&sr=1-1&keywords=literary+remains+of+lady+jane+grey+Nicholas. Reprint from 1825.

----------Narratives of the Days of the Reformation: Chiefly From the Manuscripts of John Foxe The Martyriologist; With Two Contemporary Biographies of Archbishop Cranmer. Whitefish, Montana: Kessinger Publishing, 2006.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Narratives-Days-Reformation-Martyrologist-Contemporary/dp/1425498442/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374788535&sr=1-1&keywords=1425498442

Two other biographers appear between 1556-1559:  Becon, Thomas or a certain Mr. Scory.  In the Narratives of the Reformation, it is either Becon or Scory who author the first of two anonymous biographies.  No one has ventured a guess on the second biography.  Some, like Foxe, thought Ralph Morice, Cranmer’s personal secretary, was the author of the second biography.  More to follow on this guess. See Nichols, John Gough, ed. Narratives of the Days of the Reformation: Chiefly From the Manuscripts of John Foxe The Martyriologist; With Two Contemporary Biographies of Archbishop Cranmer. Whitefish, Montana: Kessinger Publishing, 2006.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Narratives-Days-Reformation-Martyrologist-Contemporary/dp/1425498442/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374788535&sr=1-1&keywords=1425498442

Nicholson, William. The Remains of Edmund Grindal, D.D: Successively Bishop of London and Archbishop of York and Canterbury. No location: Forgotten Books, 2016. https://www.amazon.com/Remains-Edmund-Grindal-D-D-Successively/dp/1331831601/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467063132&sr=1-1&keywords=grindal+remains

Norton, Elizabeth. Ann Boleyn. Amberly, 2010. https://www.amazon.com/Anne-Boleyn-Elizabeth-Norton/dp/1848685149/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1471204614&sr=1-1&keywords=elizabeth+norton+anne+boleyn . Elizabeth Norton gained her first degree from the University of Cambridge, and her Masters from the University of Oxford. Her other books include Anne Boleyn: Henry VIII's Obsession, Jane Seymour: Henry VIII's True Love, Anne of Cleves: Henry VIII's Discarded Bride (all published by Amberley Publishing) and She Wolves: The Notorious Queens of England. She is currently writing England's Queens: The Biography, also for Amberley. She lives in Kingston Upon Thames.

----------Catherine Parr. Amazon Digital, 2011. https://www.amazon.com/Catherine-Parr-Elizabeth-Norton-ebook/dp/B0061NAJNI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471202437&sr=8-1&keywords=elizabeth+norton+catherine+parr#nav-subnav .Elizabeth Norton gained her first degree from the University of Cambridge, and her Masters from the University of Oxford. Her other books include Anne Boleyn: Henry VIII's Obsession, Jane Seymour: Henry VIII's True Love, Anne of Cleves: Henry VIII's Discarded Bride (all published by Amberley Publishing) and She Wolves: The Notorious Queens of England. She is currently writing England's Queens: The Biography, also for Amberley. She lives in Kingston Upon Thames.

----------England’s Queens. Amberly, . https://www.amazon.com/Englands-Queens-Elizabeth-Norton-ebook/dp/B00UG9RRSI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471203078&sr=8-1&keywords=norton+england%27s+queens#nav-subnav . Nearly eighty women have sat on the throne of England, either as queen regnant or queen consort and the voices of all of them survive through their own writings and those of their contemporaries. The primary role of the queen over the ages was to provide an heir. Catherine of Aragon found this to her cost, divorced by Henry VIII for failing to produce a healthy son. The birth of an heir was also a route to power for a queen and Eleanor of Aquitaine became the most powerful woman in Europe during the reigns of her sons.

Strong relationships could also develop between the queens and their husbands. Edward VIII even abandoned his throne when forced to choose between the crown and his lover, Wallis Simpson. Not all marriages were happy and queens such as Isabella of France and Catherine Howard took lovers to escape their marriages. The unhappy Sophia Dorothea of Celle was imprisoned for over thirty years by her husband George I when her affair was discovered. Her lover, Count von Konigsmarck was murdered. Most queens made arranged marriages and were used by their families to build alliances. Some queens were able to break away from this control. Queen Victoria spent her childhood secluded with her overprotective mother, even sharing the same bedroom until the day when
she was proclaimed queen and finally freed herself from her mother’s control.

Nott, George F. The works of Henry Howard earl of Surrey and of Sir Thomas Wyatt the elder. Nabu Press, 2010.  http://www.amazon.com/Howard-Surrey-Thomas-elder-Edited/dp/1172662568/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1465248211&sr=1-9&keywords=works+of+henry+howard+and+sir+thomas+wyatt

Null, Ashley. “Ridley Institute: the Rev. Dr. Ashley Null on `Sola Scriptura.’” https://vimeo.com/120516520 Boydmonster. “From the Ridley Institute: the Rev. Dr. Ashley Null on `Sola Scriptura.’” Prydain. 31 Jul 2015. https://prydain.wordpress.com/2015/07/31/from-the-ridley-institute-the-rev-dr-ashley-null-on-sola-scriptura/. Accessed 31 Jul 2015.  From the Ridley Institute in South Carolina, here is part one of a lecture series by Dr. Ashley Null on the “Five Solas” of the Reformation, and here he covers “Sola Scriptura“.  This is very much worth watching, to say the least.  The others in the series are: Sola Fide , Sola Gratia, Solo Christo,  Soli Deo Gloria.  Each of these links is to a Vimeo presentation on the subject.  The Ridley Institute is a most worthwhile idea and very deserving of support.

----------Thomas Cranmer's Doctrine of Repentance: Renewing the Power to Love. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Cranmers-Doctrine-Repentance-Renewing/dp/0199210004.  Although Thomas Cranmer was a key participant in the changes to English life brought about by the Reformation, his reticent nature and lack of extensive personal writings have left a vacuum that in the past has too often been filled by scholarly prejudice or presumption. This volume examines little used manuscript sources to reconstruct Cranmer's theological development on the crucial Protestant doctrine of justification. Ashley Null explores Cranmer's cultural heritage, why he would have been attracted to Luther's thought, and then provides convincing evidence for the Reformed Protestant Augustinianism which Cranmer enshrined in the formularies of the Church of England.

Editorial Reviews

`Review from previous edition There is no doubt that the book will be an excellent source for undergraduate students of the English reformations with a special interest in the development of the doctrine of repentance.' Dutch Review of Church History

`Scholars of all disciplines will find the book's review of early Tudor penitential theology both accurate and engaging ... Churchmen will be refreshed by a work that treats the themes of justification, election, and anthropology as serious, theological matters still worthy of discussion and debate today. Reformation scholars will welcome what may be Null's most significant contribution: an excellent scholarly description and analysis of Cranmer's commonplace books, among other manuscript sources.' Journal of Religious History

`Ashley Null with great industry has effected an impressive reconstruction of the development of Cranmer's doctrine of repentance ... Ashley Null's book is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of Thomas Cranmer's soteriology.' Journal of Ecclesiastical History

`This is a scholarly and learned work, fresh and original. Null has exhausted all source material, some unpublished, and makes a significant contribution to Cranmer studies. He displays an informed, critical judgement, and reaches sound conclusions. His scholarly and helpful footnotes, most of them translated into English, are a valuable feature of the work, lending it authority and colour ... helpful summaries at the end of each chapter, and a most informative concluding summary of the whole book.' ANVIL

`A most important work.' Expository Times

About the Author

Ashley Null was formerly Research Fellow and Chaplain at the London Goodenough Trust, London.

Null, Ashely J. Divine Allurement: Cranmer’s Comfortable Words The Latimer Trust, 2014.

-----------Thomas Cranmer’s Doctrine of Repentence: Renewing the Power to Love. Oxford University Press, 2007.

Ochino, Bernardino. Seven Dialogues (Renaissance and Reformation Texts in Translation 3). Doverhouse Editions, 1988. Available at amazon.com. MacCulloch (Cranmer, 150) cites a dialogue with three characters: Henry, Cranmer and a Papist with Cranmer issuing a “knock-down case” that the Pope is the Anti-Christ. Cranmer had begun a sermon series on 6 Feb 1536 during the Parliamentary session on the Pope as Anti-Christ. Lord Chancellor Audley and assembled clergy of Convocation attended. MacCulloch indicates that only Tyndale had put that into print and that Cranmer maintained this proposition “until his collapse” under Mary. Also, in MacCulloch’s Edward VI, he notes that Edward VI used in an argument against the Pope, that Antichrist.

Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation: Written During the Reigns of King Henry VIII., King Edward Vi;, And Queen Mary; Chiefly From the ... the Autographs. Edited by Hasting Robinson, Parker Society, Cambridge 1846-7. https://www.amazon.com/Original-Letters-Relative-English-Reformation/dp/1331246660/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467414243&sr=8-2&keywords=Original+Letters+relative+to+the+English+Reformation

O’Day, Rosemary. Princes and Paupers in the English Church, 1500-1800. Barnes and Noble, 1981.

Oxley, J.E. The Reformation in Essex to the Death of Mary. Manchester, 1965.  This is from Davies. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Reformation-Essex-Death-Mary/dp/0719000939/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1376622578&sr=1-1&keywords=Oxley+Reformation+in+Essex

Ozment, Steven. Protestants: The Birth of a Revolution. Image, 1993.

-----------The Age of Reform, 1250-1550: An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe. Yale University Press, 1981.

-----------The Reformation in the Cities: The Appeal of Protestantism to Sixteenth-Century Germany and Switzerland. Yale University Press, 1980.

Parker, Douglas. Critical Edition of Robert Barnes’s A Supplication unto the Most Gracyous Prince Kynge Henry The VIIJ 1534. University of Toronto Press, 2008.

Parker, Matthew. Matthaei Parker Cantuariensis archiepiscopi de antiquate Britannicae ecclesiae et privilegiis ecclesiae Cantuariensis cum archiepisopis ejusdem LXX (Latin edition). Gale ECCO Print Editions, 2010. Available on Amazon, but only in Latin.

In earlier communications, we have noted that Elizabeth 1 directed Cecil and Mr. (abc) Parker to gather up all correspondence and writings of Mr. Cranmer. She said, “Forasmuch as such a rare and precious treasure we think it not to be kept in secret oblivion, as a candle under a bush.”  See the Parker Society series:  Parker, Matthew. De Antiquitate Brittanica.   Mr. Ralph Morice spoke with Mr. Parker noting that he knew of many private and person situations with Mr. Cranmer.  Mr. Morice also spoke with Mr. Foxe about Cranmer and availed him of varied stories. We were unable to locate the De Antiquitate although Mr. Parker refers to his efforts in his letters.  One interesting discovery is an ancient Saxon manuscript of the Bible that was “well worn” from use.   Mr. Parker observes that the Bible was in the Saxon tongue and in use before the Vulgate’s dominion. Mr. John Strype alludes to De Antiquitate as well. He includes a favorable review of Mr. Cranmer.

Parrish, Geoffrey. The forgotten primate: Archbishop Warham. Hastings and Bexhill Branch of the Historical Assocation, 1971. 51 pages. Unavailable.

Parsons, Robert. Treatise of Three Conversions of England from Paganisme to Christian Religion, Vols. 1-3. No location: RareBookClub.com, 2012.  It was originally published in 1603.  Mr. Parsons was a Jesuit akin to varied Tractarian tribes in our time.  The three volumes can be purchased at: http://www.amazon.com/treatise-conversions-paganisme-Christian-religion/dp/1231048964/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374955230&sr=1-2&keywords=Robert+Parson+three+conversions+of+england .  Volume 2 may be accessed online at: http://books.google.com/books?id=yi4CAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=robert+parsons+three+conversions+of+england&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8Sj0UabMIpT-9gSh0IDYBg&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=robert%20parsons%20three%20conversions%20of%20england&f=false

Mr. Parson’s will follow the Sander-Roman-line attack of Cranmer’s mutability, Vol. 11, 373:  “…it was his nature, then and ever after, to run after the times.”

Other arguments were: (1) Mr. Cranmer famously and repeatedly insinuated, as the Chaplain to Ann Boleyn, that Mr. (king Henry) Tudor was never lawfully married to Catherine of Aragon, (2) Mr. Cranmer had perjuried himself in his consecration oath, (3) Mr. Cranmer was a “moral lecher” being married twice and supporting clerical marriages, (4) Mr. Cranmer was guilty of high treason to the lawful Queen by his support of Lady Jane Grey, and (5) Mr. Cranmer was guilty of doctrinal permutations or mutations as indexed to royal impulses as an opportunist, time-server and proto-Vicar of Bray (the last being our term).

Pilkington, James. The Works of James Pilkington B.D., Lord Bishop of Durham (Parker Society). Wipf & Stock, 2009.

Pollard, Albert Frederick. England Under Protector Somerset. Hardpress Publishing, 2014.

-----------Henry VIII. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.

-----------The History of England. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.

----------Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation, 1489-1556. London: G.P. Putnam’s Son, 1906. Used very heavily by Bromiley.

-----------Tudor Tracts, 1532-1588. Forgotten Books, 2015. Pollard notes that he describes Anne’s coronation at Westminster Abbey on 1 June 1533, crowned by Cranmer.

Ponet, John. A Short Treatise of Politic Power (1556). Scholar Press, 1970.

Porter, Stephen. Shakespeare’s London: Everyday Life in London 1580-1616. Amberly, 2011. https://www.amazon.com/Shakespeares-London-Everyday-Life-1580-1616/dp/184868200X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471202641&sr=8-1&keywords=stephen+porter+shakespeare%27s+london. Stephen Porter, until his recent retirement, worked for over seventeen years for the Survey of London, a century-old project devoted to the history of London's built environment. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, has held research posts at the University of Oxford and lectured on London's history at the Museum of London. His other books include PEPYS'S LONDON: EVERYDAY LIFE IN LONDON 1650-1703 ('A fast-paced narrative with a real sense of history unfolding' GILLIAN TINDALL, author of THE HOUSE BY THE THAMES & THE PEOPLE WHO LIVED THERE); THE BATTLE FOR LONDON ('One of the decisive confrontations of English history. A gem of a book' RICHARD HOLMES), THE LONDON CHARTERHOUSE ('A model history' THE DAILY TELEGRAPH); THE GREAT PLAGUE ('An excellent introduction for the general reader' THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH), THE GREAT FIRE OF LONDON and THE PLAGUES OF LONDON ('Breathes new life into the story of the plague in London' STEPHEN INWOOD, author of A HISTORY OF LONDON. After 25 years living in the capital he now lives in Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Potter, G.R. The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. 1: The Renaissance, 1493-1520. Cambridge University Press, 1957. Apparently, this gives a good summary of the forces affecting the Church-State relationship as state churches emerged across Europe with the loss of power and prestige for the once-sovereign-Papal role.

Powicke, F. M. The Reformation in England. 1941.  This is all that was listed in Davies’s work.

Proctor, Walter Howard and Francis Frere. The Book of Common Prayer with A Rationale of its Offices. Macmillan, 1958. https://www.amazon.com/Book-Common-Prayer-Rationale-Offices/dp/B00VYYVX2K/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467063761&sr=1-1&keywords=proctor+and+frere+book+of+common+prayer

Prynne, William. The antipathie of the English lordly Prelacie, both to regall monarchy and civill unity; or, an historicall collection of the severall execrable ... brittish, french, scottish and irish Lordly. This is a reprint of the 1641 version. No location: Rarebooksclub.com, 2012.  Mr. Prynne uses the stock Roman charges:  perjury at the consecration, complicity in the Lambert death, treason to the and Queen by support of Lady Jane Grey.  Available at:  http://www.amazon.com/antipathie-Prelacie-historicall-collection-execrable/dp/1130648206/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374970407&sr=1-2-fkmr0&keywords=prynne+antipathy+of+the+english+lordly+prelacy

A side digression to Mr. Lambert. Mr. Lambert was educated at Queens' College, Cambridge, the home to Mr. Erasmus. He was made a fellow upon the nomination of Catherine of Aragon. After theological disputes he changed his name, went to Antwerp, and served as priest to an English factory. He became friends with John Frith and William Tyndale, proto-Reformers. There are reported, but as of yet, unverified, contacts with the White Horse Inn.  Upon return in 1531, Lambert came under Mr. (archbishop) William Warham’s scrutiny, but he died in 1532. Lambert then earned his living teaching Greek and Latin near the Stock markets. In 1536 he was accused of heresy by the Duke of Norfolk. He escaped until 1538.  Then he was caught and and put on trial for denying the real presence of Christ, or, transubstantiation, in the bread and wine of the Mass.  Mr. Thomas Cranmer condemned these views although he later adopted them himself.  1556 will be Mr. Cranmer’s turn at the stake.

Quignon, Francisco. The Second Recension of the Quignon Breviary: Following an Edition Printed at Antwerp in 1537 and Collated with Twelve Other Editions. No location: Nabu Press, 2012. http://www.amazon.com/Second-Recension-Quignon-Breviary-Following/dp/1276560036/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1425603935&sr=8-1&keywords=quignon+breviary.  According to Bromiley, this and several Lutheran orders of service informed Cranmer’s 1549 BCP.

Ratramnus, Monk of Corbie (Taylor, W.E., ed.). The Book of Bertram, Monk of Corbie, A.D. 840: On the Body and Blood of the Lord. Kessinger Publishing, 2010. Available on amazon.

Redworth, Glyn. In Defence of the Church Catholic: The Life of Stephen Gardiner. Blackwell Publishing, 1990.

Rex, Richard. Elizabeth 1: Fortune’s Bastard? Kindle. https://www.amazon.com/Elizabeth-Fortunes-Bastard-Richard-Rex-ebook/dp/B007BEDUXW/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8#nav-subnav. Richard Rex lectures in Church History at the Cambridge University Faculty of Divinity, and is Director of Studies in History at Queens' College, Cambridge.

----------Henry VIII and the English Reformation, Second Edition (British History in Perspective). Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. https://www.amazon.com/English-Reformation-British-History-Perspective/dp/1403992738/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

----------The Lollards. Palgrave MacMillan, 2002. https://www.amazon.com/Lollards-Richard-Rex/dp/0333597524/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8.

----------The Theology of John Fisher.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.  Available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Theology-John-Fisher-Richard-Rex/dp/0521541158/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374792400&sr=1-1&keywords=rex+john+fisher

----------The Tudors. Amberly, 2015. https://www.amazon.com/Tudors-Richard-Rex/dp/144560700X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471203485&sr=8-1&keywords=richard+rex+the+tudors . Richard Rex is Director of Studies in History at Queens A| College, Cambridge. He has written and researched extensively on Tudor England and his other books include Henry VIII: The Tudor Tyrant, Elizabeth I: Fortune’s Bastard?, Henry VIII & the English Reformation and The Lollards. He lives in Cambridge with his wife and five sons.

---------The Life and Times of Mary Tudor. Weidenfeld Nicolson Illustrated (January 17, 1974). https://www.amazon.com/Life-Times-Mary-Tudor-ILLUSTRATED/dp/0297765884?ie=UTF8&qid=1467061928&ref_=la_B0034PBN90_1_8&s=books&sr=1-8

---------The Statesman and the Fanatic: Thomas Wolsey and Thomas More. No location: Constable, 1982. https://www.amazon.com/statesman-fanatic-Thomas-Wolsey-More/dp/009463470X?ie=UTF8&qid=1467062172&ref_=la_B0034PBN90_1_6&s=books&sr=1-6

Robinson, Hastings. Original Letters Relative To The English Reformation Written During The Reign Of King Henry Viii., King Edward Vi., And Queen Mary: Chiefly From The Archives Of Zurich, Volume II.  No location: Nabu Press, 2011. http://www.amazon.com/Original-Letters-Relative-English-Reformation/dp/127176296X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1426804683&sr=8-3&keywords=original+letters+parker+society  Pages 469-470 apparently contains a letter from Martyr to Bucer jubilantly noting Cranmer’s triumph in debates in House of Lords regarding the Prayer Book.

Rowse, A.L. The England of Elizabeth.  Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/The-England-Elizabeth-A-L-Rowse/dp/0299188140/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1374786615&sr=8-3&keywords=a.l.rowse 

Rupp, E. Gordon. Six Makers of English Religion, 1500-1700.  1957. This is all that is given by Davies.  Ordered. http://www.amazon.com/Six-makers-English-religion-1500-1700/dp/B0007DMI5A/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1378165702&sr=8-6&keywords=gordon+rupp

----------The English Protestant Tradition. Cambridge University Press, 1966.

 --------Studies in the Making of the English Protestant Tradition. Cambridge, 1949.  Again, this is all from Davies.  Cambridge, 1966.  http://www.amazon.com/Studies-Making-English-Protestant-Tradition/dp/B006PEXWJG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1418431375&sr=8-2&keywords=E.G.+Rupp+Studies+in+the+Making+of+the+English+Protestant+Tradition

Rupp, E. Gordon. Patterns of Reformation. Epworth Press, 1969.

----------Six Makers of English Religion, 1500-1700.  1957. This is all that is given by Davies.  Ordered. http://www.amazon.com/Six-makers-English-religion-1500-1700/dp/B0007DMI5A/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1378165702&sr=8-6&keywords=gordon+rupp

 --------Studies in the Making of the English Protestant Tradition. Cambridge, 1949.  Again, this is all from Davies.  Cambridge, 1966.  http://www.amazon.com/Studies-Making-English-Protestant-Tradition/dp/B006PEXWJG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1418431375&sr=8-2&keywords=E.G.+Rupp+Studies+in+the+Making+of+the+English+Protestant+Tradition

----------The English Protestant Tradition. Cambridge University Press, 1966.

Mr. Sander’s point, 180-182, is as follows:

Cranmer himself had been a Henrician, that is a follower of Henry VIII, from whose instructions he never dared to depart even a hair’s breadth in anything…But when the King died, Cranmer ceased to be a Henrician and became wholly a Lutheran, knowing at the same time that Henry had been a most earnest opponent of Luther…But a few month had hardly gone by when the miserable man found out that the Protector of the King, the Duke of Somerset, was a Calvinist, not a Lutheran.  What was he to do? He recasts the catechism, changes his language, and he who was a Henrician, then a Lutheran, becomes a Calvinist.”

Sarum Missal. No location: Forgotten Books. http://www.amazon.com/Sarum-Missal-English-Classic-Reprint/dp/B008R3TVY8/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1425852220&sr=1-2&keywords=sarum+missal.  There are two volumes here. Also, this is dated 1526.

----------The Reformation and the English People. Wiley-Blackwell, 1991.  http://www.amazon.com/Reformation-English-People-JJ-Scarisbrick/dp/0631147551/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

Schofield, John. The Rise & Fall of Thomas Cromwell: Henry VIII’s Most Faithful Servant. The History Press, 2011. Schofield wrote Philip Melanchthon and the English Reformation.

Secker, Thomas. Five sermons against popery. By Thomas Secker, LL.D. To which is added, A brief survey of popery; by the Rev. Doctor Jortin. Gale EECO, 2010. https://www.amazon.com/sermons-against-popery-Thomas-Secker/dp/1171118821/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471283339&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=sutcliff+survey+of+popery

Selwyn, David. The Library of Thomas Cranmer. Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1996.

Shakespeare, William. Sir Thomas More. No location: Read How You Want; EasyRead Edition (October 1, 2006). http://www.amazon.com/Sir-Thomas-More-William-Shakespeare/dp/1425002722/ref=pd_sim_sbs_14_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=41wnhYHwcGL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR107%2C160_&refRID=1AATXZE4ZHQ6GBVN51B2

Skeeters, Martha C. Community and Clergy: Bristol and the Reformation c. 1530—c.1570. No location: Clarendon Press, 1993. Carried on amazon.com at $210. MacCulloch notes that Latimer was inhibited by Stokesley in autumn, 1533. Cf. pp.38-40.

Smith, A. Hassell. The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey, Vol. 1: 1556-1577 (Norfolk Record Society, Vol. 46). Norfolk, UK: Norfolk Historical Society, 1978. Not currently available. https://www.amazon.com/Papers-Nathaniel-Bacon-Stiffkey-Vol/dp/0950137057/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1466120077&sr=8-6&keywords=stiffkey+papers

Smith, Lacey Baldwin. Anne Boleyn. Amberley, 2013.

-----------A Tudor Tragedy. Reprint Society London, 1961. MacCulloch notes that Catherine Howard’s story is well told here.

----------Catherine Howard. Stroud, Glouciester, UK: Amberley, 2010. DPV—racy and alive with some vivid turns of phrases too.

----------English History Made Brief, Irreverent and Pleasurable. Chicago Review Press, 2006.

----------Henry VIII. No location. Stroud, Gloucester, UK: Amberly, 2015. 2013.

----------The Elizabethan World. No location, New World City, Inc., 2015.

They are Mr. (rev) John Strype (1694) and Mr. (bp) Gilbert Burnet (1679).  Mr. Burnet’s view of Cranmer is, allegedly, not as laudatory as Mr. Strype’s.  Mr. Burnet wrote shortly after the “excitements of revolutionary politics.”  Mr. Strype did as well.

In 1694, Mr. John Strype speaks of “the first Protestant Archbishop of this Kingdom and the greatest instrument under God of the happy Reformation of the Church of England.”  Repeatedly, Mr. Strype calls Mr. Cranmer “the good Archbishop.”  Of note, acclamations of “Protestant,” “Archbishop”, and the “Happy Reformation” are connected to the Church of England.

Starkey, David. Henry VIII: A European Court. Abbeville Press, 1991.

-----------Reign of Henry VIII: The Personalities and Politics. Vintage/Ebury, 2002. http://www.amazon.com/Reign-Henry-VIII-Personalities-Politics/dp/0099445107/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1457456175&sr=1-1&keywords=starkey+Henry+VIII%3A+Personalities+and+Politics

----------The Queens of Henry VIII. Harper Perennial, 2004.

Statutes of the Realm. Nabu Press, 2010. There are several volumes. Not sure this is the edition edited by A. Luders. Apparently, there are 11 volumes. https://www.amazon.com/Statutes-Realm-Great-Britain-Laws/dp/1146782462/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467416044&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=statutes+of+the+realm+Luders

Stow, John. Annales, or, a generall chronicle of England. Begun by Iohn Stow: continued and augmented with matters forraigne and domestique, ancient and moderne, vnto the end of this present yeere, 1631. By Edmund Howes, Gen Hardcover – 1631. London: Londini impensis Richardi Meighen (1631). https://www.amazon.com/Annales-generall-chronicle-England-Begun/dp/B00J64FOAM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1467416230&sr=8-5&keywords=stow+annales

----------A Survey of London: Written in the Year 1598 (History/16th/17th Century History) A Survey of London: Written in the Year 1598 (History/16th/17th Century History). Sutton Publishing, 1994. https://www.amazon.com/Survey-London-Written-History-Century/dp/0750908270/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467416661&sr=8-1&keywords=the+survey+of+london

Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England: From the Norman Conquest ; Now First Published From Official Records and Other Authentic Documents, Private as Well as Public Volume 3. HardPress Publishing, 2012. There are 8 volumes of this reproduction from 1852. https://www.amazon.com/Lives-Queens-England-Published-Authentic/dp/1290072159/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467416896&sr=8-1&keywords=the+lives+of+the+queens+of+england+strickland

Strype, John. Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer: Sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Wherein the History of the Church, and the ... Greatly Illustrated; and Many Singular Matter. No location: Ulan Press, 2012.  Bromiley indicates there are 3 volumes in the 1848 version. In hardcopy, it is available at:  http://www.amazon.com/Memorials-Reverend-Father-Thomas-Cranmer/dp/B009PU77G6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375124947&sr=8-1&keywords=John+strype+cranmer .  It is available online at:  http://books.google.com/books?id=eA5IYYMsOA8C&pg=PA533&dq=john+strype+cranmer&hl=en&sa=X&ei=t9P2UYv4B4ma9gTLm4CQAg&ved=0CFIQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=john%20strype%20cranmer&f=false

---------The Life of the Learned Sir John Cheke, Kt., First Instructor, Afterwards Secretary of State, to King Edward VI. Nabu Press, 2010. https://www.amazon.com/Learned-Instructor-Afterwards-Secretary-Edward/dp/1141441039/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1466119116&sr=8-1&keywords=sir+john+cheke

Swanton, Michael J. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Routledge, 1998.

Taylor, John. The St. Alban Chronicles: The Chronica maiora of Thomas Walsingham. Clarendon Press, 2011.

Thompson, W. D. J. Cargill. Studies in the Reformation: Luther to Hooker. Humanities Press, 1980.

Thorpe, Malcomb and Arthur Slavin. Politics, Religion and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of Delamar Jensen. Truman State University Press, 1994.

Tjernagel, N.S. Henry VIII and the Lutherans: a Study in Anglo-Lutheran Relations from 1521 to 1547. Concordia Publishing House, 1965.

Mr. Henry John Todd, in the other corning for the boxing match and representing the Protestant cause, wrote a number of volumes.

-----------A Vindication of the Most Reverend Thomas Cranmer, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: And Therewith of the Reformation in England, Against Some of the ... the Rev. Dr. Milner, and Charles Butler.  Ulan, 2010.  Available in hardcopy at:  http://www.amazon.com/Vindication-Reverend-Cranmer-Archbishop-Canterbury/dp/B009P5NHS8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1375125644&sr=8-3&keywords=todd+archbishop+cranmer  It is available online at: http://books.google.com/books?id=JVALAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=john+henry+todd+archbishop+cranmer&hl=en&sa=X&ei=vdD2UZ6IF4OE8gSB-ICYBQ&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=john%20henry%20todd%20archbishop%20cranmer&f=false

-----------Some Account of the Deans of Canterbury: From the New Foundation of That Church, by Henry the Eighth, to the Present Time. Forgotten Books, 2015.

Visitations of Cornwall, 1530, 1573, 1620, ed. J.L. Vivian, Exeter, 1887. Used in Smith’s Katherine Howard. https://www.amazon.com/Visitations-Cornwall-Comprising-Heralds-1530/dp/1231162449/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1470500266&sr=8-2&keywords=visitation+of+cornwall

The visitation of Kent: taken in the years 1619-1621, Vol XLII. London: Harleian Society, 1898. https://www.amazon.com/visitation-Kent-taken-years-1619-1621/dp/B003TQM9BA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470503686&sr=8-1&keywords=visitation+of+kent

The Visitation of Norfolk in the Year 1563. Rarebooks, 2012. Lumped them here alphabetically by title rather than author. By William Harvey. https://www.amazon.com/Visitation-Norfolk-Year-1563/dp/1236250222/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1470503923&sr=8-2&keywords=visitation+of+norfolk

The visitations of Suffolk made by Hervey, Clarenceux, 1561, Cooke, Clarenceux, 1577, and Raven, Richmond herald, 1612, with notes and an appendix of additional Suffolk pedigrees. Nabu Press, 2012.  Lumped them here alphabetically by title rather than author. By William Harvey and Walter Charles Metcalfe. https://www.amazon.com/visitations-Clarenceux-Richmond-additional-pedigrees/dp/1177698730/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1470504207&sr=8-2&keywords=visitation+of+suffolk

Wendel, Francois. Calvin: Origins and Development of His Religious Thought. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic; 1st Labyrinth Press Ed edition (May 1, 1995). https://www.amazon.com/Calvin-Origins-Development-Religious-Thought/dp/080102062X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467062888&sr=1-1&keywords=wendel+calvin
Whiston William. An enquiry into the evidence of Archbishop Cranmer’s recantation: or reasons for suspicion that the pretened copy of it is not genuine. Gale ECCO Print, 2010.
Whitaker, E.C. Martin Bucer and the Book of Common Prayer. No location: Mayhew-McCrimmon [for the] Alcuin Club (1974). https://www.amazon.com/Martin-Bucer-Book-common-prayer/dp/B007ES8DHI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467061566&sr=8-2&keywords=bucer+whitaker
Whittingham, William. A Brief Discourse of the Troubles at Frankfort, 1554-1558. Forgotten Books, 2015.
Whythorne, Thomas. The Autobiography of Thomas Whythorne. Clarendon Press, 1962. Sounds like a contemporary of Cranmer?
Williams, C.H. English Historical Documents, 1485-1558. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1967.
Williams, George Huntston. The Radical Reformation (3rd Ed.) Truman State University Press, 2000.

Wilkinson, Josephine. Anne Boleyn: A Young Queen to Be. Amberly, 2011. https://www.amazon.com/ANNE-BOLEYN-Young-Queen-Be/dp/1445603950/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1471203986&sr=1-1&keywords=josephine+wilkinson . Although Anne Boleyn is perhaps the most engaging of Henry VIII's Queens, but biographies usually concentrate on the period after she became a lady in waiting at Henry VIII's court. This is the only book to tell the forgotten side of Anne early life and loves, written by the author of the best-selling Mary Boleyn: Henry VIII's Favourite Mistress. For her he would divorce his wife of some twenty years standing, he would take on the might of the Roman Church and the Holy Roman Empire; he would even alienate his own people in order to win her favor and, eventually, her hand. But before Henry came into her life Anne Boleyn had already wandered down love's winding path. She had learned its twists and turns during her youth spent at the courts of the Low Countries and France, where she had been sent as a result of her scandalous behavior with her father's butler and chaplain. Here her education had been directed by two of the strongest women of the age - and one of the weakest. A well-loved area of English history, the Tudors have grown further in popularity due to the BBC TV show The Tudors whose the final 4th series has just run early in the spring reaching audiences of 3 million viewers in the UK and more in the USA.

            Josephine Wilkinson is an author and historian. She received a First from the University of Newcastle where she also read for her PhD. She has received British Academy research funding and has been scholar-in-residence at St Deiniol's Library, Britain's only residential library founded by the great Victorian statesman, William Gladstone. Her other books include MARY BOLEYN: HENRY VIII'S FAVOURITE MISTRESS, RICHARD III: THE YOUNG KING TO BE and ANNE BOLEYN - as editor of Paul Friedmann's original edition - ('Friedmann has an unparalleled mastery of the detail of his subject, which he weaves into a compelling and lively narrative. A meticulously researched and supremely readable classic of Tudor biography' DR RICHARD REX, 'The first scholarly biography' JENNY UGLOW, THE FINANCIAL TIMES) all published by Amberley. She lives in York.

Willet, Andrew. Synopsis Papismi, Or, a General View of the Papacy (Volume 5 ); With General Confutations of Romish Errors from the Scriptures, Fathers, Councils, Etc. General Books, 2012. https://www.amazon.com/Synopsis-Papismi-Confutations-Scriptures-Councils/dp/1235677869/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1471284344&sr=8-3-fkmr0&keywords=willet+synopsis+of+popery

---------- Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, ... this day by the Synagogue of Rome (1592). EEBO, 2010. https://www.amazon.com/Synopsis-generall-iniquitie-antichristian-Synagogue/dp/1140670263/ref=sr_1_10?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1471284543&sr=1-10

Wilson, Derek. “Thomas Cranmer’s Close Shave.” History Today. 6 Jun 2015. http://www.historytoday.com/derek-wilson/thomas-cranmers-close-shave. Accessed 13 Jun 2015. Exploration of the Prebendaries Plot.
Wilson, J.D. Life in Shakespeare’s England, A Book of Elizabethan Prose. Hesperides Press, 2006. Originally printed in 1926. https://www.amazon.com/Life-Shakespeares-England-Dover-Wilson/dp/1406703397/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470504455&sr=8-1&keywords=wilson+life+in+shakespeare%27s+england
Woolton, John. The Christian Manual; Or, Of the Life and Manners of True Christians. Leopold Classic Library, 2015. Available on amazon.com. Also, a nephew of Alexander Nowell. An Elizabethan theologian and, later, a bishop of Exeter. A good epi-exegetical work with comments about Thomas Cranmer’s Homilies.
Writings of Edward the Sixth, William Hugh, Queen Catherine Parr, Anne Askew, Lady Jane Grey, Hamilton and Balnaves. No publisher or date given at amazon.com.
Wright, D.F. Martin Bucer: Reforming Church and Community. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Wright, Louis B. Middle-class Culture in Elizabethan England. Cornell University Press, 1965.
Wright, Thomas. Three Chapters of Letters Relating to the Suppression of Monasteries. Kessinger Publishing, 2007. Available on amazon. Mentioned by MacCulloch.
Wriothesley, Charles. A Chronicle of England during the Reigns of the Tudors, from A.D. 1485 to 1559, Vol. 1. Leopold Classic Library, 2015. Appears to be two volumes. https://www.amazon.com/Chronicle-England-During-Reigns-Tudors/dp/B01CJDKBCW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1466119547&sr=8-2&keywords=wriothesley+chronicle
Zahl, Paul.  The Protestant Face of Anglicanism.  Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1997.

Amazon.com says this about Mr. Zahl's volume.  "This volume tells a story that is virtually unknown today: The Protestant background and history of Anglican Christianity. Through a fascinating exploration of the development of Anglicanism and its wider Protestant context, Paul Zahl attempts to show-contrary to the opinion of many present-day "Anglican writers"-that Anglicanism is not just a via media (between Rome and Geneva, for example) but has been stamped decisively by classic Protestant insights and concerns. He also discusses the implications of Anglicanism's Protestant history for our own age, suggesting that this dimension has an important contribution to make to the worldwide Christian community in the new millennium."

http://www.amazon.com/Protestant-Face-Anglicanism-Paul-Zahl/dp/0802845975/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1377887919&sr=8-5&keywords=paul+zahl        ------The Collects of Thomas Cranmer. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2006.  Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Collects-Thomas-Cranmer-Paul-Zahl/dp/0802817599/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1377887919&sr=8-4&keywords=paul+zahl


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