Dr. Mark Zuckerberg, the 35-Year Old Theologian

Dr. Zuckerberg, we believe, has shut down (FB group) Reformed Prayer Book Churchmanship to the administrator until 22 Feb 2019. As an alternate, for the present, we are resorting to (FB pace) Reformed, BCP, Heavy-Lifters. Feel free to join us at https://www.facebook.com/pg/Reformed-BCP-Heavy-Lifters-105028404306588/posts/?ref=page_internal We have two theories. First, in reviewing the friends' list, several had duplicate and triplicate names. Those were removed. We believe this is/was/shall be some FB monitoring effort. This is the leading theory. Namely, we were not ambushed by friends but by technical chicanery, alogorithm invasions, and hate . The second theory is that we were reported by an insider--in essence, a hate-ambush. We have about 15 candidates in view and they have been removed. At the present, we lean towards the first theory. The administrator can do his admin-functions at Reformed Prayer Book Churchmanship , but cannot post to the page, fro...