Book Review: Dr. Paul Zahl's "The Protestant Face of Anglicanism"

Zahl, Paul. The Protestant Face of Anglicanism. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing, 1998; paperback; 112 pages; approx. £2.3 to £6 as a used book via ; ISBN 0802845975.…/…/ref=sr_1_1… Is there any merit in this nearly 20-year old, brief paperback by Dr. Paul Zahl? Are there any drawbacks? What’s its value in 2017? First, what are the merits? Dr. Zahl does five commendable things. First, he defines the English Reformation as a “defining moment” for Anglicanism, rather than a detour. We understand the Laudian, Tractarian, ritualist and liberals’ efforts to define it as a detour. Dr. Zahl wants to go back to the English Reformers. He successfully convinces us of his intent. Secondly, he gives sober reasons for why the “Protestant and Reformed” face was defaced. Thirdly, he gives a fair and solid presentation of how the “Protestant and Reformed” face appears in the Church of England and the American Episcopal Church. Fift...