15 July 1522 A.D. Luther’s Issues His Contra Henricum Regum Angliae—A Trumpet Blast Against Henry VIII; Luther: “…Nor is it much if I despise and bite this earthly King…”

15 July 1522 A.D. Luther’s Issues His Contra Henricum Regum Angliae— A Trumpet Blast Against Henry VIII; Luther: “… Nor is it much if I despise and bite this earthly King…” Be prepared for some good laughter here. Henry gets what he gave. Luther dispatched his Contra Henricum Regum Angliae on 15 July 1522. This humorous read can be found at: http://anglicanhistory.org/lutherania/against_henry.html Here it is: Project Canterbury Martinus Lutherus contra Henricum Regem Angliæ Martin Luther against Henry King of England translated by the Rev. E. S. Buchanan, M.A., B.Sc. New York: Charles A. Swift, 1928. Introductory Epistle TO the highborn and noble Sebastian Schlick, Count of Passum, Prince of Elbogen, etc., his superior in Christ, writeth Martin Luther of the Church of Wittenberg. Grace and peace in Christ. For more than three years (O noble Count) the furious people of the Pope pretend that I ha...